Sunday, 25 November 2012

Known as unknown

Known as unknown
Creators often hide their privacy by not appearing in public. They do not give interviews, and show indifference to the media. These people are hard to reach but we know them a little biography or even the name. But there is also a narrow group of artists, known only from their work or from that of which they want to be famous. In conjunction with the art that is psychologically interesting that gives food for thought, there is the phenomenon of Banksy.

Who is Banksy?
Banksy is a pseudonymous England-based graffiti artist, political activist, film director, and painter. – Wikipedia
What does he do?
He is a street artist, creating surprising satirical paintings, combine dark humour with graffiti done in a distinctive stencilling technique. It is known from the fact that no one really knows his real name. His personality remains a mystery. In the network over the years there have been many rumors about the supposedly his real name, most of them were denials on the official Banksy’s website.
The cover of Banksy's 2005 compilation

Is it just a clever marketing exercise with intrigue or the phenomenon of the artist in the mask by an unknown author, or it is the result of personality disorders, psychological blockades against fame and recognition? Or maybe you just need a normal family life, the need to blend into the crowd, stress-free walking the streets and shopping without the constant stares from curious?

His identity is hidden under the cover of night, to protect it through cleverness and cunning. Field activities are streets. The game is to paint the walls without permission of the owners, deceiving police, and thousands of city monitoring. Banksy remains elusive, although his image is searched by dozens of photographers.

The phenomenon of Banksy, distinguishing it from thousands of fellow spray is some important detail:
  • -   Bravado of his art
  • -   He put his work in a place seemingly inaccessible, controlled, commonly frequented
  • -   Primarily provide no small content

Most of the work in terms of the transfer of Banks an idea. Oscillates around alter globalism, sometimes - the mechanisms governing the mass media, criticism of the consumer lifestyle, and sometimes normal everyday customs. He made even anti-war graffiti on a wall that separates Israel from Palestine.

Despite the serious content, generally refers to the mood, the grotesque, paradox and people love it.

The longer he remains anonymous, the more it becomes famous. The less you know about him, the more money acquires his work.

He Became famous thanks to the work of the anti-market, clearly and sharply criticizing consumerism, large corporations, capitalism, then, after he has become part of the global market and - with full premeditation - draws large profits from the myth surrounding the romantic fighter and artist. Mocks the media, but is aware that only a success because of it. Demonstrates his anarchism, but does not protest when it turns into the international art world system

"I can not believe that you, idiots, you buy this shit" - he wrote on his website.

1.     The real surprise, or is it another marketing gimmick?
2.     First introduced to the world of graffiti great art, but is retained ideological virginity?
3.     Is his anonymity did not become value-added of his work?



  1. Banksys work is amazing manifest against current state of popculture. Its so clever it fails to reach its target, and I'm not even surprised. The fact that people would buy his art is just against whole idea. Its like buying big slogan saying 'FUCK YOU' and pretending to be aware what it means. Paying others for insulting is like listening to music where you're being called names and made fun of just because you like that tune or dont understand the language, oh wait...

    And this thing of surprise or anonimity - isn't it what street art is all about?

  2. Awesome work, i am really amazed how really good his art is. These "images" shows us a little messages. There is something intriguing in his works. I personally love art, but i hate the word itself because it is really too material, too literal and i can feel that little vibe in his works, that he or their wants to show us that, the art is something more than just the result of the work and selling it. Nope it is the whole envelope of this artistry, the conditions under which the work was created. His anonimity of course is the value-added for his works, because this is the whole envelope! I have a friend, who is a musician and he create music under the nickname Suffering Astrid. His music genre is Shoegaze, i guess he is one of not many (you can count on one hand) who creates this type of music in Poland, and he is also anonymous but famous in the world of indie music and his artistry also depends on the whole envelope, he is not a hipster, not at all, he just likes this pure art and i guess he is the guy who is the real artist. So i guess or even i hope this is what's behind Banksy's artistry.

  3. I don't like graffiti and people who make it. But there are some exceptions. When it has some art in it and it's not a simple and ugly inscription then I really like it.

    I like Banksy's work. If I had some of empty wall outside building I'd hire someone to paint it in some funny way.

    About Banksy, if he woulnd't be anonymous he would have less fame. The mystery aroud him makes it more interesting.

  4. 1.Banksy-is he real? I believe that Banksy is a real person who loves art and doesn't care about the fame.Being mysterious is part of his success. As many artists,his personality is seen through his art. He is devoted to what he does. Doing is secretly allows him to be so unique and amazing.
    2.There is a big difference between graffiti as a street art and vandalism.Looking at Banks' work, this is pure art. Every picture has a meaning,wants to tell a story. On the other hand,street graffiti is pure vandalism. Bored kids with nothing to do are destroying someone' s property. Hence,one needs to understand the difference in order to appreciate it.
    3. It goes without saying that people always value things that are forbidden or mysterious. The same goes for Banks'art. I don't see it as a negative factor though. I think he is very talented and deserves his fame.

  5. I think it's not hard to understand why artist, who is trying to fight with whole present global depravation needs to stay anonymous. Please, try to do every of this graffiti being well known person, with known name and look. Try to reach these countries and these places. Anonymity gives him security, freedom and some more famous too.

    In my opinion his art is very brave and show his thinking out of the box. It shows how usual weak men can fight against 'indestructible' world companies, powers and his own weakness. With much of irony he's showing us many situation, which we cannot want to see because of our laziness and mind full of own problems.

    If you try to be not 'as everybody', it'll be hard for you, because you will be attack from every side, which you didn't accept. Anonymity is the best shield. They don't know you, cannot see you, so they cannot target you and hurt you. Of course it's more honor to fight with known name, but I think it's smarter to be not arrested or killed.

    Being anonymous you can travel everywhere and get every place on the Earth. Isn't it tempting? He is not a pop start, who need to get attention whole the time and to be rich.

    Why is he getting famous? Maybe because world needs an unknown comic 'heroes'. When they are unknown, we can imagine them similar to us. Banksy's name isn't in advertisement, on TV. You cannot buy it. His arts are getting more popular, because people wants them to be more popular. They are trying to make noise about, not he. Of course he needn't to by shy and closed in himself, he can has his own website etc.


  6. I like this form of art – its not just signing the wall with your name or meaningless drawings, it shows something nice and make a place look nicer or more interesting. The one who did it wants to say his opinions on the world and everyone to see it. Is Banksy one person, maybe a group, but for sure that’s what make people curious make it more valuable.

  7. I think that this kind of art is very valuable as people who do that do not want to be famous and well-known but just to express their thoughts. Usually these people are born and raised in dangerous or weird environment and no one knows about their painting skills. They are true artists and make some places just more beautiful- they can even encourage tourists to come to see some places as the one mentioned in the presentation. Moreover, I do not think that it should be punished when people do something really enriching our surroundings. It cannot be a marketing gimmick, as it appears to me, because if it was, the name of Banksy would be widely recognized. I strongly believe that his anonymity is just the opposite of marketing gimmick. Taking into consideration that everything mysterious draws people’s attention I think that yes, the fact that we do not know his name makes his works more attractive but in my opinion it is not the reason why he does not decide to expose it to us. The works of Banksy shown in the presentation really impress me since both the ideology and the art itself are very worth-noticing.

  8. What can I say, he's a legend! Banksy is the one who mede street art more acceptable. This is the art of connecting people with art. I love his works. He knows how to use cleaver irony and dark humor well. I think Banksy is a normal guy who likes money as much as anyone else, but that's not why he does his art, or why he keeps doing it.

  9. I'm a big fan of banksy's work, because he not only "sticks it to the man" - he makes real art at the same time. Not to mention great talent, ability to observe society, ironic sense of humor and last but not least - his works leaves you with this strange, anxious feeling.

  10. I do love street art and Banksy. Banksy is an anonymous street artists, who has quickly become one of the most recognizable and famous artists in the world. His satirical street art combine irreverent dark humor with graffiti done in a distinctive stenciling technique. His work has been spotted on streets, walls, and bridges of cities throughout the world. However, Banksy also made a documentary movie Exit Through the Gift Shop, which had a great impression on my. This documentary movie is a masterpiece that shows the beauty and importance of street art in the modern world. I do recommend you this great movie.  

    But, it seems to me that it was his anonymity, which has given him so much public attention and popularity. Till now Banksy refuses to show his real face and because of this ‘mystery’ he, somehow, has become a street art legend. Yet, I believe that there are many less-known street artists, such as Space Invader, who are also doing a great artistic work.  I believe that the most important about being a street artist is showing your work to the public. Indeed, for Banksy and other street artist our world is their canvas, which should be filled with ‘art’.  

    However, we must distinguish vandalism from the real street art! In my opinion, writing on the walls by football fans etcetera is not art but rather vandalism.
    The real street art to me are:

  11. In our gray world, while in the big cities, most people are busy and do not have time to stay in pursuit of a career are nice and sometimes even shocking event may force us to stop and momentary forgetfulness.
    Drawings / graphics presented by the author is very interesting. I think when we run it, they just make it stop. Their greatest advantage is its location in unexpected places. In addition, skillful incorporation of topic in the surrounding area that makes them look very natural.

    When I drive a car that I see in warsaw such drawings, and to be honest I am amazed for the talent of artists and ideas on the subject.
