Monday 19 May 2014

[Week 10] Card control

Card control
Watch  a short movie first. Then we’ll talk.

Comments? I thought so. Now a little explanation of how it is done. You won’t believe it…

Magic. Yes, real magic that appears in front of our eyes. No tricks, pure magic.

 Yeah, I’m lying ;)

How it really works? Well, you have to remember a few things:
  1. He stacks the aces exactly, where he wants them to be. Exact spot for each of them.
  2. Doing a couple of riffles. It relies on people thinking. Yeah thinking. You have to realize that riffles don’t really randomize the deck. They in fact preserve most of the order of the cards.
  3. Remember that the aces are spread throughout the deck evenly, each in a group of about 13.
  4. He is very good with cards. Excellent hand control.
  5. He relies on the story telling mechanic to take your attention away from it.

Did you notice how precisely he quarters the deck at the beginning ? It was most stacked. The next step is simple, but complex to pull off, memorize the sequence.
In the beginning it looks something like this:


During the first "shuffling" he takes six from the top of the deck and put them on the bottom like:


After that he does an even cut of the deck and a riffle. Now, the two halves of the deck are put together. It creates a set, the aces are now in two pairs touching (he has to be precise enough)


He does another even cut and another riffle:


Then, the next step he does is to turn half of the deck of the cards face up. It is made so that he can quickly verify if  the Aces are next to each other as well as that they are in one group.
Please notice the cuts he's doing at the end of the trick to reorganize the deck. It is made to put the Aces into places where he wants them to be.

Now a small magic trick for you:

  1. Do you think global warming is a major issue nowadays?
  2. Do you think we should take steps to secure climate in the future?
  3. Did you like the trick? Do you any tricks yourself?


  1. Hahaha great I’ve almost believed that David Copperfiled knows my card via Internet :D!
    Before I answer my questions, I have one for you. Why are you asking about global warming when you wrote presentation about card tricks?

  2. Hi Dominika. It is a great question to be asked. It is a really important topic since future is in our hands.

  3. Since the global warming nor the climate protection aren't the subjects of the presentation, I'll proceed to the answer for question 3: Did you like the trick? Do you any tricks yourself?
    If you meant the trick with the questions, I don't see how that's a trick.
    As for the card control sleight of hand, the most impressive thing for me was Ricky Jay's dexterity during performace.

  4. Oh, forgot to add the answer for the second part of the question. I actually was doing some tricks when I was a kid, with the "magic set" from TelePizza. It was fun.

  5. You should've really put another question there, e.g. "what is the meaning of life?".

    Oh, and I knew the trick :(

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Guys :)
    and this is the trick.

    s10389 - it is a sleigh of hand at it greatest. But for most it's easier to explain as a trick. What magic set? Can't reacall....
    Martyna - - there's Your answer :)

  8. Do you think global warming is a major issue nowadays?
    It is as major issue as attack of the manbearpig!

    Do you think we should take steps to secure climate in the future?
    Yes, we should take same steps as for preventing attacks of the manbearpig.

    Did you like the trick? Do you any tricks yourself?
    No and no :)

  9. Natalia
    Manbearpig is an important matter. We should not take it for granted. As soon as we find it tho....

  10. @armand
    Now I'm not sure if this was from TelePizza. I have it somewhere but I don't feel like looking for it.

  11. Do you think global warming is a major issue nowadays?
    Very big problem. Everyone talking about it.
    Do you think we should take steps to secure climate in the future?
    Of course but people love to talk not to do things especialy when
    it require something from them.
    Did you like the trick? Do you any tricks yourself?
    Great but it would more interesting if you would cut some chick in half.
    Yes, many tricks but I cant write about it here. It would be inappropriate.
