Saturday 21 December 2013

Week 12: MAC vs PC

I know that this topic is like stick in the anthill, but I would like to hear your opinions :)

Few years ago the case was clear: Apple computers used mainly by professionals such as graphic designers. Then it became fashionable in some circles. But it is impossible not to notice that today more and more people are buying them too, who until recently used PCs - just for entertainment or everyday work.

About Macs There are many myths.
Some of them are completely untrue, while others contain a grain of truth. Does Photoshop work better on OS X than on Windows? No.

Although I used to - PS was written natively on Apple's system, and only later adapted to Windows. It was a long time ago, in times like Mac’s weren’t yet on Intel processors. Most applications have similar requirements for both platforms and operate in similar yield. Currently, there is no hardware difference between conventional computers and those of Apple. They have a motherboard that cannot be normally buy in the store, but the architecture is the same.
This OS is not good in itself only, this is due to the small number of Mac configuration (compared to PC) is very well optimized.

A little parody Apple vs Microsoft - Funny Hitler Parody

Now pros for the PCs.
Windows has a few things that are really big advantages.. As I look at computers and upgrading, I look at turnover. Macs tend to last longer, but they also get outdated at the same rate as PCs, which doesn’t do them any good. Most professionals need the best technology at that moment for the lowest possible cost. I’m trying to stay ahead of the curve. I am always keeping my eyes peeled for the next big thing in technology and thinking about how I can utilize it to make my workflow easier.
Another advantage is flexibility. PC can be easily customize to your needs, add more drives, add hardware to it, and more. In Mac this is only possible in the Mac Pro in a very limited extent.
PC unquestionably offers more options, at least when it comes to bigger apps like music players, video players, IM clients, and other things of that nature.

What about price?
Watch the video below, and do some math.

Why chose Mac:   
  • Macs offer a more straightforward approach to computing with fewer maintenance tasks
  • Macs software, on average, focuses more on its user interface and making your experience enjoyable than Windows software does
  • Other Apple devices work best with Apple computers
  • Macs have fewer viruses and security issues
  • Macs can provide UNIX-like experience.

Why chose PCs:
  • Provide lots of flexibility and customization
  • Offer support for cutting-edge hardware
  • More software available than any other platform
  • Offers great backwards-compatibility
  • Gaming experience, great hardware support and lots of games
  • Windows is the same platform most of the world uses

now relax your emotions  J

Mac vs. PC. The same could be applied to other arguments, such as Nikon vs. Canon. It really doesn’t matter. Each company has their strengths and weaknesses. All that matters is that you can work around them to make something great.

So for whom are Macs?
My opinion:
For anyone who doesn't intend to worry about hardware and software, only wants to work in peace. Macs aren't perfect, but they are incomparably closer to the ideal than computers with Windows.
So what do I use?
A combination of both, and I would recommend you it.

And now something below the belt for PC users J

  1. How is it in your environment?
  2. Have you noticed the growing popularity of appliances with apples among your friends?
  3. Why do we care?
  4. Can the equipment you choose make a difference in your work?

Week 12: Privacy on the Internet:

The subject may seem to be only associated with the IT industry. However, it concerns every person using the internet so I feel that everybody should be aware of the world we live in.

When we use the internet, we leave behind lots of traces that are later used by hackers or marketers. Facebook and Google do not have to transfer your personal data to advertisers, just tell them how to behave in the network. It's enough to be able to effectively influence us.

For several months, we know the scale of mass surveillance. With just a few clicks they gain access to your portable device, electronic mail, to your social networks and your web search.
Battles of privacy on the network during the campaign against ACTA mobilized young Internet users. But with what result?

Are we alone in the fight for our privacy? NO!
Here is one, but an important petition
Petition by Writers Against Mass
According to:

In the links below there is a list of  authors, publishers and media appeal around the world.,11.jpg

The most interesting projects dealing with surveillance:
1947r. ECHELON

Total surveillance of classical radio listening goes in the direction of satellite transmission and exchange of digital data between continents. The system collects and analyzes the transmission of electromagnetic waves by electronic devices around the world - telecommunications equipment, IT, faxes, e-mails, file transfers, phone calls, computers, radars, satellites, reconnaissance, p telecommunications, etc. The system collects and processes billions of electronic communications daily.

Remittances also perform the terrorists, it is not surprising the American multinational financial investigators got interested in such transactions. Since 2002, the United States Department of Finance, with the assistance of the Association for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication - SWIFT), have been checking banking operations.

2003r. NARUS
The room 641A at 611 Folsom Street in San Francisco begins operations Study Group 3 of AT & T. But. Narus STA 6400 is not only a device used to capture and analyze traffic on the Web in the USA but also abroad. In the opinion of J. Scott Marcus in the United there is 10-20 such rooms.


2007r. PRISM

This is the code name for activities related to data collection, which officially are described as a US-984XN. The system operates under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, which describes procedures for physical and electronic surveillance and collection of data exchanged between foreign powers and their agents and citizens of the United States, unless the latter are suspected of terrorism or espionage. PRISM supports the mysterious programs called BLARNEY and FAIRVIEW. The "Guardian" reported that they acquire the data from the fiber optic and other data transfer methods of ICT.


 In 2012, started construction of UTAH DATA CENTER for the NSA. The giant fortified halls collect and examine even the Internet "garbage." Its cost is estimated at $ 2 billion.

This is a system of analysis and visualization of massive data bases. Its existence was revealed on the occasion of information on PRISM. According to the "Guardian" alone in March 2013 in the U.S. there were recorded nearly 3 billion records containing various data.

Now let's think about your privacy.

Do you want to reveal all info about yourself?
Do you realize the risks of the activities that you are doing on the web?

The TED presentation below shows the problem of privacy, and the changes that are happening on the Internet. It also shows the weakness of governments that seek to control the innocent citizens.

Mikko Hyppönen is a computer security expert and columnist, The Chief Research Officer for F-Secure.

1. Are you aware that you are observed?
2. Is privacy negotiable?
3. Do you think that you are able to defend yourself against surveillance?
4. What do you think about the world in which a Big Brother is watching?

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Week 12: Crossfit

What is CrossFit? The simplest answer is: an effective way to get fit.
For whom? Anyone can do it.

Crossfit is a combination of many techniques of sports and a wide variety of
functional movements. We can find: weightlifting, squats, gymnastics, pullups,
push-ups, running, rowing, and others.

Check it:

CrossFit is an effective way to get fit. Anyone can do it.

It comes from the USA where the participants are: kids, cops, firefighters,
soccer moms, Navy SEALS, and grandmas all do CrossFit.

WOD - "workout of the day" - the high-intensity training, your goal in a day.

The CrossFit Nasty Girls - workouts that check our progress are called with
Ladies’ names. A list of official training at the link below.

Crossfit is a fitness program that combines functional movements into a timed
or scored workout. Always varied, always changing, always producing
results, so you can monitor your progress.

Hour-long classes at "boxes".
Typical classes:

skill development segment

Most of the training is short. But! Because it is short it takes place at a
rapid pace and is very intense. It can also be for people who do not have
much time. During a training exercise, CrossFit gets some exercise, and your
task is to check how many reps you manage to perform at a certain time. For
example, training may consist of push-ups and you'll have one minute to do
as many push-ups as you can. So you can spend in the gym from 20 to 30 minutes.

You should always have some support. Community CrossFit is really a team, and the people with whom you train are like members of your team. If you have ever
trained with CrossFit, you know what I mean. When you enter the gym, people will welcome you with open arms. Coaches will push, but also support – these are highly trained motivators. They will support you to finish your workout. Returning to the ordinary gym, probably the most you will miss the people who can motivate you to perform a few more reps. This is one of the biggest advantages of CrossFit.

What do people think having a first contact with CrossFit?

You see a group of people on their feet. Someone  sat down against the wall. Sweat is everywhere, but you can see a smile on their faces. Contrary to appearances, they feel good.
Although this is what I just did, it's blood, sweat, and tears I feel great.

Let me introduce the champ:
Rich Froning

In action:

This video is mocking the participants who do not have adequate
preparation and probably support from coaches.

What do you think about crossfit?
Would you like to try it?

Can you see its benefits for you?