Monday 14 April 2014

Week 7: „I’m the Doctor. – Doctor Who?”

Doctor Who is a popular British science fiction series produced by the BBC, broadcasted from 1963. In 1989, discontinued its emissions, and in 1996 was made a television film. The series resumed in 2005. Doctor Who appears in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest series of science fiction in the world.

The title character “The Doctor” is an eccentric time traveler , who travels in a blue police booth with his new-found companions. Don’t be mistaken, this police booth isn’t an ordinary police booth, it allows to travel through time and space, and the thing that amazes everyone is that it’s bigger on the inside. During his travels not only he shows us the new amazing worlds but also some historical figures such as Van Gogh, Churchill, as well as events like Titanic or destruction of Pompeii. The Doctor himself appears to be the last living Time Lord, a race which perished in the Great War of Time. Time Lords besides vast knowledge about universe and time possess an ability which grants them almost immortality. This allows the Doctor to be reborn every time he is about to die and live in new form.

At first, Doctor Who was an educational television program which was supposed to teach audience about history and futuristic innovations through the time travel. After some time though it changed to science fiction tv series. Show produced 26 seasons and due to falling number of viewers and few other factors, the show was canceled in 1989. It finally returned in 2005 and is aired since. The new series produced 7 seasons with 8th airing in august 2014.

Up till now there were 11 incarnations of the doctor, each with his own part in the series and played by different actor with different personality. There were also other doctors as War Doctor and the Valeyard, but their roles were written in such a way that doesn’t disrupt the numerical naming. Right now the next 12th doctor is played by Peter Capaldi and it seems that there will be many more doctors in the future.

  1. Have you watched the series? What do you think about it?
  2. Why do you think people still want to watch the Doctor?


  1. Have you watched the series?
    Not the whole of it. Didn't really like it that much. It didn't speak to me...
    What do you think about it?
    It was AMAZING! Awesome actors, screenplay, story.
    Why do you think people still want to watch the Doctor?
    I really don't know. It was awful. that's why I didn't watch it in the first place.

  2. I see you are using "Trolling for Dummies". You are doing well, but there is still some room for improvements.

  3. Haven't watched the series, so unfortunately I have no idea how to answer your questions. The only thing I know is that Doctor Who has an amazing tumblr fanbase and people are posting gifs and images connected to it all the time. Because of them, I know which doctor says "allons-y" or "geronimo" :p Nothing else, I'm afraid.

  4. I am a huge fan of British TV Series but I have never seen any episode of Doctor Who. Maybe it is because of the fact that I am more a fan of comedy series. In terms of British Comedies I can definitely recommend you a few titles (although some of them are really old):
    1. Fawlty Towers (Translated into Polish "Hotel Zacisze"), quite known in Poland
    2. Keeping Up Appearances ("Co ludzie powiedzą?"), I think it is the most popular one in Poland from the golden years of British Comedies
    3. Porridge (I haven't seen it on Polish TV but I have watched all 3 seasons and it was great)
    4. Open All Hours, I used to watch it on BBC when I was in secondary schools
    5. Jeeves and Wooster - Not known in Poland but featuring Hugh Laurie (Doctor House) and Stephen Fry. Amazing stuff. Crazy, absurd, and cynical.

  5. @Martyna Zych
    Don't worry... you can always watch it :]

    @Tomek Kerber
    Yay, now I have something to watch. The only British comedy I know so far are Monty Python, Mr. Bean and Black Adder.

  6. Not my favorite setting, I'm afraid :)

  7. I’ve never seen “Doctor Who”. I’ve only seen an interview with the actor who played him in the show “Top Gear”. Unfortunately, I’ve forgotten his name. He made me want to watch the series but I’ve never had an opportunity.

  8. Yes I have watched all "new" Doctor who series - from 2005 till now. I this series is really well written, every episode of particular season is kind of different story, but in the end they are connected to each other. I liked the most 10th doctor and "bad wolf" story, because in my opinion it had deep characters development - they all changed throught the time.

    People still want to watch the Doctor because it is different and gives something more than standard "sf series", it gives us opportunity to travel throught space and time and watchers can identify themselfs with the companion - "normal" human being which travels with the doctor.

  9. Have you watched the series? What do you think about it?
    I have never been interested in this show. If I wach something its movies usually.
    Ive seen only trailers but for me it looked worthless.
    Why do you think people still want to watch the Doctor?
    I really dont know. Some people like this some that.
