Monday 14 April 2014

Week 7: What can go wrong?


12 a.m, harbor of Seattle. For the last 10 minutes Simon was organizing those 20 men he was entrusted with. Today’s mission has to go well at any cost. He is very anxious. He knows that plan is good, but with those guys around there everything can go badly. Suddenly he hears the voice on the radio. It’s John. “Okay, everything is prepared here. We have few crates of Molotov cocktail. Guys are scared, because it’s their first time on the mission, but I think few throws will lighten them up. If you know what I mean.” – said John. “Right. How about you Angus. Are you ready to go? – asked Simon. “Ready! Oh by the way, you are buying drinks today?” – asked Angus. “Yeah, yeah. Okay now. Radio silence for 5 minutes and we start when G is ready. – replied Simon. He put his radio down and crouched silently. The only sound he could hear was quiet sound of the waves… and a little addition. “OH MY GOD! WHY DOES IT HAS TO BE SO HEAVY! UGH!” – grumbled Gregory climbing on the hangar 400 meters from John. When he finally reached the roof, he placed his new weighting 20 kg sniper rifle, sat next to it and sighed deeply. Right after him, at the top of the roof, climbed the other guy with box of ammunition, which Greg ordered him to bring. This is when Greg realized his mistake. “Don’t even think about it.” – said Greg gazing at the other guy. “G… are you ready” – asked Simon with trembling voice. “Yes, yes. I am ready” – replied Greg, quickly preparing the rifle. “Alright… Angus you are ready to go” – said Simon. “Exquisite!” – replied Angus while sitting in a car full of explosives. Angus started the engine and decided to quickly check how things are looking inside the targeted hangar. What can go wrong?

Well… everything went wrong, but that’s how most plans work. What you have read here is part of the RPG session me and my friends played in. Don’t worry, everything worked out… somehow. At least there wasn’t any casualties…  on our side. I realize that not every one of you played RPG and that is cool I am not trying to talk about RPG here. What I am interested are funny situations you had while playing video games? Maybe some of you write your own story, or just read/watched/heard something amazing?


  1. What I am interested are funny situations you had while playing video games?
    This one time, at band camp.... video games are made to be funny and entertaining. Things like Goat Simulator is full of surprises You wouldn't even think of before.
    Maybe some of you write your own story, or just read/watched/heard something amazing?
    Well, apparently there are dozens of teen tweeting bomb threats to American Airlines right now:

  2. The most funny stories I've ever had in my long history of playing video games are obiously those I had in DayZ, realistic zombie apocalypse simulator. We had a group of six people talking with each other on TeamSpeak and playing together and we had so many fantastic arguments... Well, here's one sample dialogue.

    M: OH NO, I jumped from the last few stairs and I broke my leg! Now I can't move!
    B: Don't you worry, M, I will run to the next village and search for some sticks and rope to help you walk. Crawl to this window upstairs, so you can see if any stranger or zombie is approaching.
    (B. is running, M sees him from the window)
    M: Ok, so you're now like half a mile away? I can barely see you.
    B: Yes, something like that.
    M: I'm wondering if my Mosin bullet would reach you if I shoot it from here.
    B: You better not try to do it!
    B: Stop, really, stop. It won't reach me anyway, it's too far away.
    M: Let's try it then!
    (M grabs his gun, deploys a bipod and shoots one round. It pierce right through B.)
    M: Well, I guess we will need one more stick and rope, then.

  3. Well, I do not play often video games and if I do, games tend do be very old. Hence, my favourite game is Deluxe Ski Jump2 and but I do not know if I can call it a funny story. But Every time we play it, we make a bet on something - who loses is obliged to buy pizza or beers. So the emotions goes often really high;-)

  4. @Martyna Zych
    Yes, I remember trying playing with you. One time when me and Nitek were hunting you I run through half the map chasing you and ended up being killed in a gun fight by a guy you attacked few minutes earlier. Yes, DayZ is most definitely best place to get some stories.

    @Tomek Kerber
    Oh I know this one. Yes, emotions can play great role when playing with friends. Well it's not like not a single one of us pushed the guy playing to disrupt his jump :P

  5. Haha yes, that was awesome! We have to do another chase in the future, maybe you will finally get us, after half a year of trying :)

    and Tomek reminded me of Deluxe Ski Jumping... ah, amazing school times :)

  6. Recently I play in the Diablo III and there is special kind of "monster" which is called Treasure Goblin. He is not trying to kill you - like any other monsters- he is trying to escape from you, if you didn't kill him quick enought he will escape by portal. You may ask why anyone would want to kill him? It is because of "reward" which you get after you kill him - it is always a couple of "yellow" equipment sometimes you can get even legendary! and of course gold. I consider killing him "funny situation" because when this little guy apear everyone usualy stops to kill anyone (even "boss" monsters) and starts to go after him!
    If you know Diablo III and didn't see this triler parody yet I strongly reccomend it!:
