Monday 14 April 2014

Week7: Stay healthy


Yes. We have all heard it some many times. Literally everywhere. TV, Internet, radio…Beautiful young people tell us that if we do the same we will become like them. Yeah, yeah.
But seriously guys, it IS really important to stay fit& healthy right? I mean at least I think so…For me the real beauty is just about being 100 percent healthy but at the same time I try to be a realist, not fooled by all those commercials. This is what I do:

I spent a lot of my time at the computer so I really try to exercise every day. At least 15 minutes a day, just for my spine. One physiotherapist gave me some great exercises and I stick to them. They are magnificent. After performing them I really feel blood flowing through my veins. Great energy.

But one has to burn some calories too right? So 3 times a week I do some training. And it depends on the weather. One day I will do some running - remember always run on the grass, never on a pavement if you want to protect your tendons. Another day I exercise „with my telly”. I just love this series P90X. It is quite hard but I feel so good after performing it. I used to do the same thing with Ewa Chodakowska, but I think she is not so good, her trainings are boring, she doesn’t do the warm up very well and stretching is also pretty bad. Personal trainers have become quite popular nowadays.

Ewa Chodakowska

Anna Lewandowska

And finally food, I hate diets. Starving yourself is the stupidest thing one can do. And now we often hear that someone is on a diet, especially girls. Everyone wants to look like those anorexic models. Pointless and stupid. And are they really so gorgeous? Not really. Check out models from the 90s like Cindy Crawford - now we’re talking. I blame high fashion and media for that but it is quite a different story. So back to the food. It is pointless to be on a strict diet. Just try to eat reasonably. Give up fast food, drink your water and you will be just fine.


All in all, I think that the best way to be is not just taking care of your mind but also of your body. 

Do you agree with me? 
Or maybe you just don’t care at all ?

Do you like to work out?
What do you do to stay fit?

Any thoughts guys?


  1. Do you agree with me?
    Or maybe you just don’t care at all?
    Do you like to work out?
    What do you do to stay fit?
    Obviously I don't like to work out xD
    Any thoughts guys?
    Your screen name made me go through Your blog. This is one old blog. I can tell You that You might need a better lens for Your camera :) Do You have an updated blog?

  2. Oh I haven't been to this blog in a long time, two years or something like that. I should probably delete it…

    No way, really? I thought everyone wants to stay fit. if not for health at least for good body:P But I am wrong, obviously. Thanks for comment once again.

  3. To be honest, if I had to choose between having a body of Chodakowska or Oprah Winfrey, I would have a big problem. I hate the muscly-skinny type and when I drop some weight, my husband is seriously concerned! :) But modern media and fashion trends have a great impact on our minds and the way we see the world. The simplest example is the reaction to female body hair - something that was normal for thousands of years now makes a lot of people puke. We are all under this influence and well, I'm happy that at least it's promoting healthy living, because who knows what would happen if being extremely obese was trendy!

    I'm not really a fan of workout system or strict diets. I have some workout equipment at home like a stationary bicycle and I train on it when I feel I need it. I try to eat healthy by listening to my own body needs - there are days when I would kill for a bowl of fresh vegetables and others, when I drink milk like crazy. :) I'm not a very skinny type, but my weight is almost the same for 10 years now, so I'm just planning to keep it this way.

    The worst thing one can do is probably using diets which exclude one whole product category from nutrition, like Dukan diet. I personally use a lot of vegan products and I love well-prepared vegan food, but (with the shock awe from my vegan mates) I mix it with meat sometimes to provide myself everything without supplements :D

  4. I never cared for a diet. I eat what I want and I have never been overweight. I eat 3 regular meals and have no problem with that.

    But I have always had at least 3 times per week physical exercie - tennis, football or running.

    I think that people who imagine that when they start a diet they will lose weight immediately are in a huge mistake. Of course it can eliminate food with too much calories but it everything is in your head and habits.

    The best diet I think is so called in polish language "ŻM" which means "Żryj Mniej" ;-)


  5. hahahahha yes that diet is the best:P @Tomek I agree that being on a diet does not mean losing weight. One need to eat reasonable:)

    @Maryna it is so true! I agree. I love curves and I don’t want to be skinny like models for exapmle. Mixing vegan food with a little bit of meat is great.

  6. yeah yeah.. I'd say “no”, “no” and “no” ..but I recently I've started my training called “power bikes”. I really can't imagine better training. Maybe because I'm starting. My friend has to quit this training because she said that her legs muscles become too big. I'm also not doing this to have muscles , but for better condition. I feel improvement which makes me feel happier and healthier. After some time I'll have to change training to avoid my friend's problem but now I can't believe that doing sport could be such pleasure.
    As far as food is concerned – I won't lie- I love pasta. I avoid eating bread and, maybe you won't believe, I hate chocolate and other sweets. I love to eat healthy food but I'm not an eco terrorist :) From time to time I make myself a juice from carrots ans apples, which also makes me feel healthy :)

  7. yeah yeah.. I'd say “no”, “no” and “no” ..but I recently I've started my training called “power bikes”. I really can't imagine better training. Maybe because I'm starting. My friend has to quit this training because she said that her legs muscles become too big. I'm also not doing this to have muscles , but for better condition. I feel improvement which makes me feel happier and healthier. After some time I'll have to change training to avoid my friend's problem but now I can't believe that doing sport could be such pleasure.
    As far as food is concerned – I won't lie- I love pasta. I avoid eating bread and, maybe you won't believe, I hate chocolate and other sweets. I love to eat healthy food but I'm not an eco terrorist :) From time to time I make myself a juice from carrots ans apples, which also makes me feel healthy :)

  8. Iza, I also train the P90X! You are the fist person, I know, who trains it! I had started with the P90X but after about 9 weeks I gave up. The workouts were really amazing but I didn’t have time to make them 6 times per week for about an hour, sometimes even 1,5h. Although, I stick with Tony Horton but I’ve decided to train the P90X3, which only takes 30 minutes. Despite the short time, the trainings are tough and after each one I’m tired and wet. A day without the P90X3 is just a wasted day for me. I got addicted to the trainings! I love Tony’s sense of humour and his wonderful workouts. He always makes me smile and gives me so much motivation! He is much better than Ewa Chodakowska. I was training with her for a few months when she wasn’t so famous. I’ve seen the results but as you said her workouts were boring. At the end after her workouts my wrist hurt me really badly, so I decided to train in a gym. And later on I switched to Tony, which was a very good decision. That’s my short story about trainings.
    As for diet, I’ve tried many of them: Kopenhaska, Dukan, one with a maple syrup, etc. Like @Martyna said the Dukan is the worst type of a diet. When I was on Dukan diet I was felling down and everything around me annoyed me. The food tasted terrible and I didn’t get any results. To be honest, diet is the hardest part for me, because since I was a kid I’ve loved to eat. I think the best diet for people who want to lose weight is 1000 kcal or 1500 kcal. I’ve tasted it earlier and I’m on the diet right now. I love the fact that they deliver the food to my home, so I don’t need to worry about cooking and counting calories. Their dishes taste very well and everyday they serve something else, which I like very much. Every morning when you open your bag with food you get almost as excited as when opening a Christmas present! ☺ If someone want to try it, I recommend this one: .
    To sum up, I think being fit is a trend right now and it’s a good one. Everyday I fight to become fitter and healthier. Knowing that I’m not the only one is a great motivation for me.

  9. I agree with you, but unfortunately "agreeing" is the only thing I do in this field. It is not like I don't care about my health, but I always have something to do and excercises are at the end of my to do list. To stay fit I try not to eat fast food and other unhealthy things.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. AAAA Dominika you are the first person who trains it for me tooo! <3.
    6 times a week would be too much for me. My favourite P90X training is CORE:) It can be so adictive…I love your approach!:D You go girl:D

    @Maria maybe your friend should do cardio and straching instead of gym…

    I have just bought juicer and I will make some fresh juice. Healthy and delicious<3

  12. Do you agree with me?
    Of course!
    Or maybe you just don’t care at all ?
    Look up.
    Do you like to work out?
    Sure, I clear my mind while training and after I also feel great.
    What do you do to stay fit?
    As far as I remember I was always active. Now Im in good shape because
    one of my jobs is being a model.
    Any thoughts guys?
    Try ergometer. Really like it.
