Wednesday 13 November 2013


I would like you to read/watch and comment on/discuss the presentation NSA, ARE THEY REALLY WATCHING?

  Comment on  it here please. 


  1. 1. I understand. SypGame is the most important game. Without it, the outcome of the first and second world war, and for that matter, witchever war, would be completely different. Also, the technology wouldn't be that advanced etc. etc. I've read a book wrote by Mr Pascal Crop called "Sekrety wywiadu francuskiego" which helped. How? Helped me understand....
    2. I don't secure it. How? Anyone can brake it. So why do so? I just secure a little bit, if I don't wan't to spoil a surprise to people close to me. That's all.... I'm no terrorist nor any other kind of a criminal.... I remember my login and different passwords by heart, also to a bank. Never write it down... no worries :)
    3. I shouldn't be surprised, but I didn't think, that NSA would listen to everyone. That's new for me. Otherwise: oh well. Again: spies are frikin everywhere, and I'm not a conspiracy freak....

  2. Surveillance nowadays is quite common practice. Organization like NSA is kind of big brother which supervises activity of people around the world. With present technological advance there are a lot of ways to get valuable data. Moreover, people help to access their private data by using social services and keeping "virtual profile" in web. As in some of preceding comments, best way to completely protect our information is avoiding any technologically advanced channels which is simply impossible in our times

  3. Personally, I do not understand why it is so big surprise among the people. Technology around us for a long time can do things that violate our privacy.
    Do not be aware of the possibility of government of the country, it is the same problem as lack of knowledge of the law. And both causes in us a sense of impunity or lack of awareness of the world in which we live. NSA like any other institution intelligence collects information about the "enemy". The fact that we are under surveillance by the government in my opinion is a lesser evil than Google does. Why? The government does not use the data never commercially but what about Google? No one knows.

  4. Maybe lack of privacy is a cost of protection a state should give us? I don’t like the idea of NSA surveillance, but I don’t know how I could prevent from it. Moreover, I am not even sure if I am even interesting for NSA agents :P I am not a terrorists, so...
    I agree with Dalvia that every protection can be broke, especially by those funded by government. I try to keep everything reasonable and don’t publish too much information about myself on the internet. I keep my passwords save, don’t use unsecured wifi and do other small things that protect me at least from amateurs hackers.

  5. I agree with Przemek it's not a surprise. Each step we take on the internet is tracked, recorded and analyzed. There are several ways to defend against this, the question is why? The more you hide, the more likely that someone will want to know who you are. Tracking the NSA does not bring us any advantages but can more customize it's performance to our needs. Theoretically, when we walk down the street, the government, the police and other institutions are watching our steps. Does this bother you?

  6. Yes I agree that the "government spying on us", while some people take it as a conspiracy theory issue, is an important problem in our information age. Obviously they say "they're not going to harm you unless you're up to no good", but I wouldn't want some government officials to read messages, know my exact whereabouts or spy on my relationships with other people.

    I believe that the governments think they should monitor and control everything without respecting the basic citizen rights. I think especially the US government is guilty of this - they think they have authority over the whole internet and rights to spy on people in Europe, Asia or the Middle East. I think this is very wrong and should be somehow dealt with. The problem is, that people complain a lot but feel like they have no power to do anything about it. In Poland, important issues are hidden under major ridiculous issues such as political games, "Smolensk" and the cross in front of the President's palace. At the same time we allow the government to do ridiculous actions such as raising our taxes and almost introduce such terrible regulations such as ACTA. I think that disappointingly and very unfortunately people aren't going to be as concerned by very important issues such as freedom on the internet as much as silly, minor things that are meant to get more media attention. It is very unfortunate.
