Monday 11 January 2016

Week 12 [11.01-17.01.2016] Witold Pilecki

Each of us thought about his/her own priorities. Some of these prorities are just common. A lot of people want to be rich. The others want to live funnier and more dangerous. But in our times, there are people who have different values.
In the history of Poland there have beenpeople who believed patriotism is the most crucial value in life. . One of them was Witold Pilecki. "I found a joy in myself, coming from the awareness that I want to fight." - he said.

In 1918, Pilecki joined the regular Polish Army and in 1919 took part in the Polish-Soviet War. The outbreak of that war was  because of the dispute between Poland and the Soviet Union. Also the reason was that isthe Soviet Union wanted to take over the whole Europe. In 1921, the treaty of Riga ended the war. But ZSRR didn't give up. In 1939 started the Second World War. Then, Pilecki was an AK soldier. Armia Krajowa (Home Army) was the most important Polish resistance movement in World War II. In February 1942 it was formed from the Army Resistance (Związek Armii Zbrojnej).

In World War II were two kind of concentration camp - Nazi and Soviet. In September, 1940, Pilecki and his company went to Auschwitz (Nazi) of one's own free will, because they had a few goals. They wanted to organized a unit inside the camp. When he was back, he issued a report for AK.

Pilecki participated in the Warsaw Uprising (Powstanie Warszawskie) and he fought in the northern city center as a simple private, without revealing his actual rank. To the end of war he was the Home Army’s soldier.

After the war, Poland was occupied by at ZSRR. Pilecki proceeded to organize his intelligence network. He started to look for old contacts, but his old  friends died. Then Pilecki searched for new people to build a new intelligence network. It wasn't official, without oaths and name.  I think there weren't any soldiers like Pilecki.

In 1947 Pilecki was accused of illegal border crossing, use of forged documents, not enlisting with the military, carrying illegal arms. On 15 May, he was sentenced to death at the Mokotów Prison in Warsaw. Also, now we don't know exactly where Pilecki's grave is. Witold Pilecki loved hishomeland and that's why he died.

1. What do you think about giving your life for some value?

2. Do you imagine a country with politicians who have courage or patriotism like Pilecki?
3. Why so few people  know who Pilecki was?



  1. 1. The time of war is a terrible period, fight for their country or for the cause in which they believe sometimes requires the ultimate sacrifice
    2. Personally, I hope I live to see the time when most politicians or even those few will care about the welfare of citizens and the state over their own wealth and the war between the parties.
    3. It s hard question to answer. Most people should associate the name with some facts (i think that everyone had history in high school), why it is not hard to tell. The only thing I am sure is that this people are ignorant and should catch up with the knowledge of their own country.

    1. I’m interested when would be that kind of politicians. In school hardly ever teach us about WW2 or times of comunism. I think the reason is in core curriculum.

  2. 1. What do you think about giving your life for some value?

    It's a noble, but I don't know if I could do that (I think that currenly nobody knows really, because we do not know how it is when we take part in war).

    2. Do you imagine a country with politicians who have courage or patriotism like Pilecki?

    Currenly normal people aren't going into politics, because they don't want to "get dirty in that cesspool" (somebody know if there is an idiom in English for that :D ?)

    3. Why so few people know who Pilecki was?

    85% don't care about history and in schools you can learn many about Dark age, but about WW2 you are probably going to learn nothing. If you are lucky your class will know something about world war 1.

    1. Yes, I agree with you about history in schools. There are too small to learn about WW1, let alone WW2. This is sad for me, but when you are interested in that subject you can fill the existing gaps in knowledge for yourself.

  3. I hope we won’t have to make such decisions as Pilecki does. I can’t imagine situation where many or even all politicians have such character, usually there are not many of people like them, because they are extra brave, among people overwhelmed by fear. I think main problem is during last century there were many people like him, but most of them were murdered, and there are not many information about their actions before execution. We have to remember about the scale of mass murders of polish army commanders, politicians and scholars.

    1. No one knows what will be in the future. We can't imagine what Pilecki felt, but we can reading books about people who llived in those times. Maybe this will come near us to history and Pilecki's feelings.

  4. In my opinion giving your life for some value is an important thing. Now we cannot observe as many examples of such people as it was during The World War II. However, I beleieve there are still people for whom values as patriotism or family play a crucial role. Not many people know about Pilecki because generally we can hear about him at school, but if somebody is not interested in history it is hard to know him.

    1. I didn’t heard about Pilecki in school. A lot of people doesn’t interested in this subject, but they should, because in my opinion WW2 for Poland is very important subject.

  5. 1. Each of us should follow some values in life. Values define us as human and create our identity.
    2. I try to believe that we have some valuable politicians who want for our country as well. It's hard to compare them to Pilecki, because I don't know their patriotic actions.
    3. I don't rember history lessons was about him. The main reason is historical low interest of our country.

    1. In this world there aren’t politicians who makes country a national priority. You can believe, but it will change nothing at all. Values for the human are important, because life without values or goals is senseless.

  6. I think values should be very important in the file of every human being. Maybe someday i live to see the times when politicians will fight for the country and give their all our heart. Unfortunately now it is gone. The school unfortunately did not learn the knowledge base, I think the school system is badly resolved in our country.

    1. I agree, the core curriculum is the reason why peple in Poland doesn’t learning about the most important history of country. I think this should change.

  7. It's important to have some values in our life. Hoping - good values.

    Politicians - It's better to don't bring this topic...

    Our education system sucks. We learn about useless things instead. Useless and not interesting. Why!!!?

    1. This is true. We're learning about French Revolutin, but doesn't learning about World War 2.

  8. Michał Stankiewicz17 January 2016 at 17:29

    It's probably important to set some sensible values and follow them. On the other hand showing an opinion about dying for some greater cause is a difficult thing. If it's that you know that you'll die and you stay strong, it's brave and fine. If it's, however, that you're just doing some easy things like storming enemy line to die in a frenzy, there's nothing for me to praize there. In many situations dying is much easier that living, especially when there's war all around us.

    I think many people don't know him because our memory is limited and storing every "must-know" information would cause a huge overflow long ago. It's everyone's choice to decide what they want to know and what they don't, as for me the only important thing there is that we should know at least the basics around the world around us, maybe the world situations and at least some more informations about some of the world topics. One can choose history, the others can choose physics or astronomy. Forcing anyone to know something is plaing stupid for me. It always irritated me when someone told me something totally not important is a must for me to know when they didn't know even a thing about some other topic I was good at.

  9. 1. It's hard to say now if I would give up my life as Pilecki but I think it would be too much for me. I know for sure that I would give up my life for people I care about.
    2. Maybe somewhere there is such a place but not in Poland.
    3. Most people dont know Pilecki because no one taught them about him and people are usualy not interested in history when they dont need to learn it.

  10. 1. What do you think about giving your life for some value?
    It's a very difficult question. The time of war has its own rules. It's hard for me to imagine it.

    2. Do you imagine a country with politicians who have courage or patriotism like Pilecki?
    Nowadays it is difficult to find real patriots, ready to put the good of the homeland above than their own. Besides, not only politicians should be patriots, but each of us.

    3. Why so few people know who Pilecki you?
    Fewer and fewer people are interested in history. I believe that while we were studing history in schools we didn't have enough time for the First and Second World War (generally the twentieth century period).

  11. 1. We're all going to die eventually. If I knew that my death will actually have a crucial impact on a matter that I consider good, I'd consider it.

    2. No, because times changed and even if you wanted you wouldn't find people patriotic enough and at the same time smart enough to handle such important decisions. Patriotism is important factor, but very usually it's a total reverse of being smart, as if you're smart you understand that it'd be a waste of brain potential to die for lost cause.

    3. Because people are getting more and more stupid, they don't care about any higher values such as history, culture or technology. People can't appreciate opportunity to hear about those things, they don't want to waste time on learning history of their own country. It doesn't matter for them at all.


  12. Sacrifies oneself for any goal is priceless. Pilecki was a great man whose actions were upstanding. As Tom Adamiak wrote there were a very few people like him.
    I would like to imagine a country with politicians who have courage or patriotism like Pilecki, but do you really think that this is possible? It's hard to find even one of such individuals let alone a group of the upstanding politicans. Unfortunately, nowadays the word patriotism is not as good as it was some years ago. That's why people like Pilecki are kept forgetting we don’t talk about them. Currently generation grew up happily and did not even thinking about patriotism.

  13. It's hard to talk about sacrificing one's life for anything while just sitting comfortably in a chair at home. I don't think anyone can be certain of how they would react. And those reactions can be various, and they happen in the heat of a moment. It's likely that someone who usually seems or poses as a tough guy, or a patriot for that matter, would cave under a situation bigger than him/her, and someone calm and patient would suddenly do something heroic or crazy.

    About the 3rd: it's the polish education - it shouldn't be suprising, considering how many ppl don't even know who the Prime Minister or Lech Wałęsa is.

  14. 1. I think it is a very hard thing to do, because you have to be very valiant and 200% sure of your beliefs.
    2. I would rather not, because this kind of actions would require some extreme situations like war or sth.
    3. Blame history programme in schools, blame teenagers and their lack of interest.
