Wednesday 18 December 2013

Week 12: Future of Labour

I would like you to read/watch and comment on/discuss the presentation Future of labour - 
how many tasks is it possible to hand over to robots?
You will find it at  


  1. I watched way to many si fi movies to be ignore probable problems with robots. I do know, that in big factories, robots are used, but I would prefer to talk to someone, than to a robot, while delivery. And if I wouldn't work, I wouldn't talk to basicly anyone, so that's just sad. I think the outcome could be like in Wall-E. Talking throught some video chat.....

  2. There still are, of course, jobs where human cannot be replaced, where individual skills or knowledge is required. For example, an illness cannot be properly detected by a machine - even if people often depend on Google's advice. Technology can be a big help, but not to the point where it becomes a human replacement. Not yet anyway. Robots dominating men in the future? I don't think so. Nowadays there is a need for a permit for almost everything and it doesn't look like it will change anytime soon. Before anyone could build anything that could endanger the human race, it would surely be eliminated. I don't know what future holds, but one thing is sure – an ongoing evolution. Since the invention of the computer, people have so many possibilities that are still expanding. Will artificial intelligence be possible? We can only guess.

  3. Personally, I think that robots have a really bad reputation coming from movies in which they destroy humanity or any futuristic story where they replace poor people, taking their jobs and leaving for poverty. This vision is probable in working fields requiring mechanical abilities - folding, scratching, sorting etc. But we tend to forget that people will be needed urgently to build and repair those robots! For me it's an awesome idea - less people doing strictly mechanical, simple jobs and more of us becoming scientists or engineers, because why not? Every evolutionists say that our brains are getting bigger and bigger, so the ultra-intelligent race idea with robots as its slaves is not that impossible.

  4. It really is so that robots do our job more and more often. Maybe we won’t have work at all someday? I doubt it though. I think that people will always work a lot. Once women had to do laundry and wash up, and now they have to work to buy a washing machine or a dishwasher.
    Robots do a physical job for us, but a human being will always think up a job for himself. We will, for example, plan massive PR campaigns to sell lots of these robots:)

    Thanks to machines, producing many things is now easier and cheaper. That is why many jobs are becoming obsolete. A shoemaker for example – his services cost as much as a new pair of shoes, so who needs shoemakers? But a need generates jobs. All Internet-related jobs and many, many more:)

    Speaking of drones.. have you seen this clip?
    I recommend it – it’s great!

  5. Oh, one more thing - it seems that we, artists, have nothing to be scared about in the subject of robots, because they will never be able to make art!... Or will they? :) My husband actually made an artificially inteligent artist once as a little experiment. Check it out (it's in Polish only):

  6. Are the robots will replace human, I think so.
    should we be afraid? yes and no
    Artificial Intelligence for now it is too deterministic to actually replace human thinking.
    But who knows what breakthrough, waiting for us for a few years.
    In fact, the ideas seem a bit like science fiction but let's look that the current times, once it could be like.
    As others have noted robots do not replace human brain and nonlinear decision.

  7. Well, I am somehow afraid that robots will have someting similar to human conciousness. Si-Fi movies and books are rather catastrophical, but who knows what will happen then?
    I hope that I will not have to check it and experience on my own :) I prefer contact with humans. However, I face the fact that robots helps people in many ways nowadays and at the moment I couldn't live without robots/computers either...

  8. To what extent is it possible to replace human in any job?

    That would depends on what kind of job are we talking about... For instance we could replace someone who pack letters in to envelopes. But could we replace a doctor who have to diagnose us at first and then start the treatment. My answer is NO.

    We can only use machines to complete a task or a set of simple tasks that do not require advance human judgment.

    What scenario would you prefer to happen: robots everywhere or humans?

    Are you happy with your tv or pc if there is no one around ? I don't think so. We like to socialise not only on facebook but in real life. It is very important to some uf of us.

    Looking at above examples - do you believe robots will ever get to the point where their intelligence will produce consciousness as outcome?

    Short answer is NO. But I assume that we will get to very complex stage.
