Wednesday 4 December 2013

Week 10: Christmas in November

Christmas in November

Everybody knows that Christmas begin much earlier than it should. Proper date of this holiday is 24th of December, but retailers and television ‘attack’ us a few months earlier. Every holiday the Christmas fever starts a little bit earlier. Every shop creates its Christmas plan. It's about Santa theme commercials and big discounts. People easily fall for this trap and start to buy a little reindeer and Santa stuff. The earlier it starts, the more money shop owners can earn. It's a very profitable business. Every one of us likes to feel the Christmas spirit in our hearts. When we hear Christmas songs on the radio or watch fancy commercials, we want to speed up the Christmas day.

One of the best Santa commercials are the one that start the Christmas fever. Namely, I'm talking about the Coca Cola advertisement. Everybody knows that, when the red flashy trucks appear on our TV screens, it is time to begin the Christmas rush. Commercials are always full of happiness and smiles. That's their main purpose.

Of course, all of these adverts and Christmas shop windows are made for "gift seekers". It's inherent activity during this time. Everybody has at least a few family members and every one of them wants to buy something for everyone. Shops wait for this time all year. Ads help to attract customers, that's why it's so important to invest in advertising.

There is something like "Black Friday". It's the biggest shopping day of the year after the Thanksgiving. Many great discounts lure people to shops. Customers hope that they can buy Christmas presents for lower prices when they get them early enough. People usually wait before the stores open to catch the best place in line and buy what they need cheaper. It usually ends up in many casualties and chaos. People forget about what all Christmas is about and no one care unless there is enough customers. I love Christmas but I think it loses its spirit because of all this rush and early preparations.

How do you feel about all this early radio songs and Christmas commercials?
Do you like this holiday and do you still feel the proper Christmas spirit?
Do you participate in Black Friday?


  1. I hate christmas fever. I hate this crowd everywhere. But I hope that people will buy my stuff as well, ha ha ha.
    I'm affraid that people start to forget, what Christmas is all about. But it's really nice to give and receive a gift. Right? But we definitely should calm down....

  2. I don't feel Christmas spirit at all. I feel it only when I was child. Now I think all that Christmas atmosphere is fake.
    For me it is good time to be with your family not in shops. I never heard about Black Friday and not participated.

  3. I hate "Christmas in November". I think that it is necesarry to get the christmas mood/ spirit in order to prepare to this holiday. But for God's sake not almost to month before the actual event. So maybe it should not be allowed befor December. I think if all that started with the begginig of that moth it would be quite a good compromise. It is rather sad for me that our society becomes more and more focused on material things. Christmas are reduced to big shopping holiday because of big sales. This becomes crazy obsession. The black Friday only proves my point. It is sad. We cannot forget that it is the time for a reflection, time to think about something other that oursleves, last but least time for a family. Presents are only the bonus of Christmas.

    The other question which bothers me is: do we really need all these stuff? Probably not. But I admit that it is atractive to be things, which are on sale. But I would prefer if there was no black friday in Poland…

  4. Black Friday is very popular in USA and Canada. In Europe it's well known in United Kingdom, but many people from different countries didn't even hear about it.

    Few days ago, I saw big posters advertising Black Friday in polish Empik. So I am sure, this event is present in our country, but does anyone of you participate in it?

  5. How do you feel about all this early radio songs and Christmas commercials?
    I kind of like that they start a little bit earlier. Love Christmas spirit and I don't mind that this is very commercial time. I Kind of like giving away presents. I like to make other people smile :), and often they also make me feel good.
    Do you like this holiday and do you still feel the proper Christmas spirit?
    Even this is very commercial period of time for retailers and they always show us all those shiny things trying to persuade as that this is the best gift we can buy... We all know what are Christmas about. The new beginning. Its all about Jesus birth.
    Do you participate in Black Friday?
    I buy all the gifts long time before the Christmas so I can concentrate on Christmas spirit instead of shopping.
    I think that Black Friday is something that happen in USA. Never seen something like this in Poland.

  6. I hate Christmas above all (little mrs Scrooge over here), so it doesn't really matter to me if it's November or December, just please don't flash those colorful annoying lights at me everywhere. Brr.

    And I know that Coca-Cola is a terrible corporation brainwashing us all, but I really respect this brand for the awesome design and advertising. I simply love the logo - amazing typography! - and as for the Christmas ads, even their cliche setting does its job wonderfully every year.

  7. To be honest I don't care. In radio all the time the same songs are being played in the loop anyway, little change that appears in specific seasonal songs is not so bad. Same issue with tv, man that tries to convince me to buy new washing powder is more tolerable with Santa cap on head. What is really bad in Christmas time, it became rather some kind of duty instead of moment to calm down. Maybe there is something wrong with me but I would really like to spend at least one Christmas doing everything slowly, without pressure and feeling that lack of sufficient number of balls on Christmas tree will kill the atmosphere.
    About Black Friday, I've never participated in anything like this but (according to what I've heard about behaviour of participants) I'm pretty sure that if I felt huge need of survival lesson surrounded by animals I would try to live in jungle for few months first instead.

  8. I don't listen the radio so i don't listen early christmas songs, thx to me :)
    Christmas spirit for me is in snow and family atmosphere. I don't see any connection between them and tv ads or some marketing moves.
    If we feel christmas when we walk the street and see a christmas tree in some window shop, it doesn't mean that inside there is a christrams atmosfere. It means that inside we can buy gifts, that's all.
    I love holiday because this is holiday, free time of work and etc.
    Black friday is awesome for one reason in USA, we can buy gifts in very cheap prices. This is not bad for us and of course very good deal for shops. In poland i'm not sure that we have black friday at all. We cant disagree that tv ads and etc destroy atmosphere because it start early. It have to start early because everyone have to be prepared for christmas, and not everybody want to stay is christmas queue to buy gifts.

  9. And I, unlike most of the people above my post, I really like Christmas, I love shopping, gifts, and even commercial Coca-Cola song. Finally, the whole family will sit together around the table. I meet people, who I haven't seen all year.
    And it is an fake atmosphere?
    Maybe, but I look forward to it whole year :). Black Friday occurs in Poland only in some online stores, and how would be able to buy something cheaper then why not :D Closer and closer to Christmas ho! ho! ho! :)

  10. I love Christmas spirit and I love the crowds in the shopping malls. I’m not surprised that we have Christmas decorations and promotions at the end of November as it’s quite normal in other parts of the world and especially in the US. As soon as the Halloween shopping spree ends all of the shops are preparing for the last big sales of the year and thus they want to attract customers as soon as possible to start shopping for gifts. With regards to black Friday, unfortunately it’s not popular in Europe and Poland especially. I saw that this year Empik tried to jump on the hype with a buy 2 get 1 free, however I’m not too sure how well that go…
    Unfortunately I didn’t hear “Last Christmas” this year yet so perhaps it’s time to do so :)

  11. I also think that this pre-Christmas madness starts earlier more and more often! Soon they will attack us with Santa Clause and Christmas trees before November 1st!

    I like Christmas very much, I’m happy to see my family and friends that I rarely meet. I also like to give and receive presents. But I associate things that happen many weeks before Christmas, with an attack on my wallet! They play carols in supermarkets so early that when Christmas comes, I don’t feel like listening to them at all.

  12. Once Christmas was a family event which was suppose to gather together event those family members who usually weren’t around for the whole year. Now those Christmas songs and ornaments which are put up way to early are a move that is supposed to make you buy holiday merchandise for as long as possible.

    Personally I love Christmas and can’t wait for the proper Christmas time. I don’t mind those early Christmas campaigns because the Christmas itself is not enough for me. I love choosing the right gift, making decorations, walking the streets with Christmas music from every shop. It builds my spirit and makes me more satisfied.

    I don’t participate in Black Fridays since it’s not very popular in Poland, although I saw some advertisements about it this year. Every reason to celebrate in the West slowly gets to Poland, so I guess in few years we’ll be participate in that day.

  13. All this break the aura of christmas :< There are christmas decoration about 2 month before christmas eve... It's sad :< And the people in shops... there are horrible...Yesterday i'm trying go to shop with my parent.. we went to arkadia, there are no free space to park a car! 3 weeks before christmas, and it will be like this till the christmas eve... There are people who said they didn't have money.. but then what people do in shops?
    And black friday.. i love it, but only when i sit in warm and comfortable in front of computer and buy items there :D this year i buy beautiful armor in my game :D

  14. I don't like Christmas fever either. It seems that many people are fed up with it too... In general my feeling about Christmas changed some time ago, I actually don't feel any need to celebrate that and I do it only because my distant relatives, but probably in few years I will stop caring about that and go to Caribbean... To be honest it is somehow sad though. Especially that I do remember all those preparations and atmosphere in home before Christmas when I was a child. That was great, but now I don't think it would be similar like then...

  15. I don’t like when Christmas commercial fever starts in the middle of November. For me, it should start after Secret Santa, at the earliest. I really like the song “Last Christmas” but if I hear it twenty times, it makes me a bit angry. I believe that especially Christmas carols are reserved only for the real Christmas time. Overusing carols is a big shame, because they loose some of their allure.

    Generally, I like Christmas commercials. They create a special atmosphere of happiness and joy. They remind us that it is a time for family and love. During Christmas there are many social campaigns organized which is also important. Every penny collected to good cause makes a big sense. They are so many people in dire needs…

    I like Christmas time but I am not sure I can fully feel its spirit. I think I lost it to some extent when started my studies. I always have so many projects to do that I don’t have much time to think about Christmas. I also don’t take part in all the preparations, because Christmas Eve is arranged at my grandma. However, I hardly can wait till the time we sit together near the Christmas tree. And of course, I look forward to my grandma dumplings and carp ☺

    I’ve never participated in a Black Friday. I have never seen it in Warsaw. But if I were in USA, for sure I would take part. Shopping at very attractive prices - I’m always in!

  16. I just found out an interesting article that shows how merry christmas shopping is for some people - "Harassed boyfriend jumped to his death after his girlfriend insisted on going into another clothes shop"
