Tuesday 9 April 2013

Week 4: Muslims in Europe

I'd like you to watch the video "Muslim Demographics" and then continue reading this post.

Are you in shock?
I was when I first watched this video. I truly was. Suddenly a lot of things made more sense to me, like recent pressure of European governments to increase fertility rate. Before the deeper analysis of Muslims Demographics issue my only explanation of governments pushing into increasing infants born rate was the fact that we (Europeans) will have retirement problems. Additionally as a Polish citizen I must admit that social minorities issues aren't so visible in Poland - yet!
However, as discussed in the presented video reality we know now will not be the reality our grandchildren will live in. And I'm not talking about technical development of our civilization, but the structure of our societies, our culture and religion. Also we could be very much accurate  estimating how social structure will look like in 20-30-40-50 years, because of a few facts:
  • we know  exactly how many new citizens are born
  • we know  exactly how many citizens we have
  • we know an average life span
  • we know more or less how many immigrants we have in the country
  • we know how many emigrants are leaving our borders
  • we can predict trends based on available, public data.
Quite shocking to me were recent political decisions in Belgium, where officially it is forbidden to say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Easter". Instead, politicians, teachers, mass media can use phrases like "Happy Holidays", "Winter Break" or "Spring Break". Now look into countries like France, Great Britain or the capital of the European Union. More and more places in the world are trying to be politically correct. In my opinion it is caused mainly because the so called social minorities aren't minorities any more. What about Muslim districts in European cities where white people / non Muslims aren't allowed ?

I'm definitely not for being always politically correct nor tolerant. I would like to avoid a situation in future that I will be part of white people - Catholic minority. A terrible option.

1. What do you think about Muslims in Europe ?
2. What are your limits of  tolerance ?
3. Do you think future presented in the attached video is inevitable ?


  1. When I read articles like this I am always wondered, why poeple are now so suprised and so anxious about world becoming a global village. Few years ago we were all enthusiast of globalization and open borders. Often, we use double standards - we do not see problems when the Poles become the majority of emigrants in some regions, significant enough to demand their right. In the same time we have a problem when Muslims are doing the same.
    So the problem of migration of people need to be considered as a problem of many countries and many minorities, not just Muslims in Europe. Doing it the other way is a propaganda of fear and prejudices.

  2. 1 What do you think about Muslims in Europe?

    The materials show a point of view. I've never had dealing with this topic, I have never met the problem resulting from the presence of people of different nationalities and different religion in Poland. It's difficult to assess whether the information provided is true and what is actually the ratio of Islam to Christianity. From time to time, but I hear about the problems in Western Europe, which are related to the difference of racial, national or religious.

    2 What are your limits of tolerance?

    I am tolerant to the time when the ideas of others do not affect my life or do not do harm to my loved ones. When I have to choose between tolerance and safety of my family I choose the second without hesitation. I try not to judge people for ethnic, religious or racial. I also try to tolerate different way of seeing the world and different views.

    3 Do you think future presented in the attached video is inevitable?

    I do not know if this will happen or is it just the work of the author of the material.

  3. I think that the problem with Muslims in Europe is actually very dangerous as these are people who become more and more visible in European cities and who do not respect the law that is introduced in the place of their staying. Although I am a very tolerant person and I would like racists to understand that people are born equally and should be respected everywhere, I do not know how to stop the growth of the number of Muslims moving to other cities. What is more, as the situation is really serious, I think that some steps should be taken. Maybe some policies ought to be introduced in order to reduce the number of immigrants who impose their tradition and religion on Europeans. Concluding, as it appears to me there are always some boundaries that should not be forgotten about.

  4. Firstly I want to clear that move which you show broke my heart. I really make me sad, but as a Christian and citizen of the Earth I have to be realistic about the situation.

    1. What do you think about Muslims in Europe ?
    As human and not Muslim I'm worried about my future childrens life. From the other hand Europe is only some part of Earth and Earth is a very small part of solar system and so on, by that I want to say that it do not matter who "have" this land, they wont take it to the grave. I wont take it, no one will. We cant stop that, the only thing we could do is EDUCATE them. Education is the point of that. No matter of religion, education is what creates civilizations.

    2. What are your limits of tolerance ?
    Tolerance - I do not have such thing at all, you can call me intolerant and I will agree with you. I do not care about someones religion, race or anything I measure others by they creations. If someone do nothing with his/her life and is only agressive I will never accept such person in my life.

    3. Do you think future presented in the attached video is inevitable ?
    Sadly, ofcourse it is, as I said before we can't stop it.

  5. For me Europe is on good way to be a museum of the world. We have now nothing interesting to show in science, other continents are starting to be more interesting in music, film and even literature sometimes. Europeans attachment to the good life, and lack of work for a greater good can cause our culture’s failure in the future.
    1st question
    I’m not scary of Muslim people but thing what scares me is mentality that has most of them. They have many brilliant people but also most of them are paralyzed by
    incomprehensible rules to me. According to these rules woman shall be treated worse than men, other religions are forbidden, religious right is more important than mind reason.
    All of these convinces me that I'm not happy with the growing population of Muslims in Europe.
    2nd question
    You gave us example of Belgium “happy holidays”. In my opinion if it means something to people in the future they will choose better, Belgium still does not have a majority of Muslims.
    3rd question
    I sure that it is impossible to for Europe to be Muslim continent. Please look at RPA, black native people are majotiry but still white and well educated people are the owners of the factories, they have the power, the military and large estates.

  6. It is terrifying indeed. I am willing to believe that figures especially that I have heard this not a first time. Katarzyna I am not believing multiculture baloney even a bit. It is something "new world" countries has to deal with. They try to show it as an advantage but they have no choice. That is really nonsense for me that "old world" countries adopted it. Muslims are not Arabian Nights tales wise viziers and noble Persian Princes. Think about sharia law. Do you like it? Have you ever heard about any multiculture in their countries? Show me one. And what is the difference between Polish emigrants and Muslim emigrants? Polish emigrants children are citizens of new country and never will call themselves Poles. Muslim emigrants children in most cases will stay Muslims first citizens afterwards - but common problem is they are not even citizens at all sometimes as they declare Sharia law is more important to them than theirs new country law.. And it has absolutely nothing to do with tolerance. Its politics, policies, strategies and social development. Global village is the place where Seven Dwarves and Snow White lives is not it? It is but a beautiful dream - it is not going not happen. Muslim immigration should be stopped. And all those countries should work on their societies to assimilate Muslims and increase fertility. Or Europe will become very dangerous place even during our children's life.
