Wednesday 22 October 2014


I would like you to read/watch  the presentation HOW TO LIVE PASSIONATELY – NO MATTER YOUR AGE published at and comment on/discuss  it here.


  1. Maybe for me it is obvious but living without having any passion is a really sad life. I definitely agree with Isabel Allende.
    When you are terminally ill you can't just wait for death. You have to live life to the fullest. Never give up.
    For example I would like to remind you of Talia Castellano. She had battled for six years against her diseases neuroblastoma and leukemia even though she was full of joy and happines. Talia became an American Internet celebrity known from her Youtube channel that feauterd unique makeup tutorials.
    She died about month before her 14th birthday but she was strong and very passionate person till the end.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Katarzyna mentioned Talia Castellano – I know another great example of passion and determination against illness/disability.
    In Czech Republic there is a man born without arms and legs. He is a very famous speaker. He gives speeches all over Europe – he tells people about life and happiness no matter if a person is facing struggles, of medical or any other kind, or not. It is important to have a passion for life – as Katarzyna stated– otherwise life would be very daunting experience.
    I see another aspect of this “be passionate no matter what” attitude. There is a danger in it. It is not good for anybody to deprive himself of right to feel apathetic or bored sometimes. Every feeling is an important indicator of the situation.

  4. I think that living your life to the fullest is really important. Nowadays, in all the rush, struggle to obtain as much money as possible and work as much as we can, we often tend to forget that psychical health is one of the most important things in life.

    Despite of that, we must not forget that every person is different. Not everyone has to be visibly cheerful and walking on air all the time. You can't feel guilty for not being happy all the time. Like s9397 said, you have the right to feel bored or apathetic, or even more - sad, angry. Negative emotions are a part of our lives.

    I must say, though, that Allende's speach wasn't very inspiring to me. I prefer different types of motivational speeches - like the man mentioned by s9397, who literally made me cry. Allende didn't really say HOW to change your way of thinking, and, from my own experience, I know that it is the most difficult part of the process.

  5. I am really happy too see people like Isabel. Unfortunately around me I can not find anyone like that including me. Finding a way to see simple things and being so happy about them is in my opinion primary attitude in life. The pressure of all responsibilities obscures the positive attitude. To be honest, I think that it is easier to find happiness in such simplicity like accepting yourself, the vision of death or letting go into oblivion meaningless bickering. In her age it looks easier with having such life experience, no duties, stress or visions of achieving success at work then in our age.

    What is more this attitude should not only make you focused on yourself. For me it is also important to do something nice or helpful for at least one person each day.

    Finally I would like to recommend you the book "14, 000 Things to Be Happy About" by Barbara Ann Kipfer”. I have bought this book in english bookstore, because it is not translated to polish and it is hard to find even english version. It might seems silly but this author surprised me by writing so many little things that she was happy about in last few years of her life.

  6. Adam Kaliński S936726 October 2014 at 11:17

    Isabel is good example how to be happy and satisfied with life despite her age.
    She shows us that's the first step to live passionately is accept yourself. For many people
    it's the most difficult change because for many years they thought that they're older and can't do
    what they like or what they want. Others think "what will they think about me". This sentence has already killed a lot of ideas
    and ambition.

    @Patrycja Marciniak
    Negative emotions are part of our lives...yes it's true. However for great group of people that's not a emotions, that's something
    like a habits. Pessimism is not the small part of their lives, which is show in appropiate situations, but I can say destination.
    Nothing is possible for them..., but comes somebody who don't know that's it's impossible and it's do.

    In refference to s9397 post. If we think about the same man named Nick Vujicic let me correct one info about him,
    because he's Australian man. But Nick is very impressive man, who tries to show to people that they can do anything what they want.
    Vujicic is disabled but have strong hope, faith and passion that most can only envy him.

    At the end short movie.
    Nick Vujicic - "Something More" Music Video

  7. I love to see people who have a passion and who are doing something with great commitment. Such people show others how to live, how to do what you love, and even if something goes wrong never give up.

    Nowadays, a lot of people complain about that they have not free time to develop their passion. The best solution of this problem is a combination of work and passion.

  8. Recently I found Benjamin Franklin's quote: "Many people die at twenty five and aren't buried until they are seventy five." There is something in that, I know a few health, young people in their twenties, who have opportunities, but they always complains. I don't know what is the source of this tendention... we have only one life and we should use our potential in 100%. Isabel and the others motivators like, for example, Nick Vujicic do a good job. I admire their approach to living.

  9. I'm sorry but I don't think Isabel lives passionately. She just accepted her age and did nothing more. Instead of bending the world to her will, she became a passive viewer and can only watch what is happening to her and around her. She chose the easier way of life. I think that to live passionately you have to challenge your self constantly.

  10. If someone want to live with passion In my opinion should develop 2 essential skills: creativity and ability to face problems. If you are facing the problem you have to answer one question "Can I do something about the problem?". If the answer for this question is "no" like in Talia Castellano case you should just accept it and move on like Tailia did. But if the answer is "yes" you should use your creativity to solve the problem. In my opinion this is key to live with passion.

    If you want to learn something more about creativity you should watch .this short presentation made by John Cleese from Monthy Python group.

    And if you are looking for information about facing problem you should read all Carnagie Dale books. Here is link to store and If someone want to download it you can find almost all of his books on in pdf or audiobook version.

  11. I agrre with Jan Porowski. In my opinion Isabel lives passive and not passion. she only accepted her condition and age. Many people do not accept themselves. Is Isabel extraordinary? In my oppinion no.
    Isabel shows that you can love the world. She proves that you can be the happy in old age. But it is not passion. I think it is a good use of her own life.
    In my opinion, Isabel has developed a good business. She gives interviews, lectures and earn money.

  12. I can agree with Jan too. To live passionately you have to challenge your self constantly not only to accept a present situation.

  13. Passionless life? Hell yeah. Welcome to Apathy Party!
    1) Excited - You cannot enter.
    2) :( - welcome aboard
    3) Yeah! - you're out
    (Lame Futurama reference)
    On more serious note, it's hard to have no passion in life. Life is a passion itself. there are so many activities around to be picked up by anyone. Photography, music, sports, books, Internet. You name it.
