Monday 13 October 2014

Hi-tech your life

Hi-tech your life

Day by day our life goes through a sea change. Formerly it was enough to buy a t-shirt with a fancy caption as a gift for your friend. Nowadays even Google Glass or Smart Watch do not impress us. Some part of hi-tech gadgets seems to be the ideal solution for making everyday activity easier, but the other part seems to be complete a waste of money, and from time to time also health. Still there exist some projects that are capable of surprising me and now I will share them with you.

Bionic Yourself V2.0

The Bionic Yourself (B10N1C) Project reminds „The Terminator” movie. We have heard about injecting chips into the human’s body in the USA, where in the data carrier is stored all information about insurance, mortgages, health history or disregarding the law. This taboo subject assumed the benefits of full control of society, however it had stiff opposition with representatives of the church. At the project website we can find information that the device with measures 48mmx18mmx6,4mm is injected under our skin. It enables wireless controlling of devices using some gestures. The inventor said that it is going to upgrade the body to communicate with the tech-friendly culture that we line in today.

Microchips' technology

Another example is a subcutaneous chip that will be used instead of birth control pills. The device infuses a dose of hormones released in the body of a woman. In the microprocessor there are special containers for the active substance that can be released in proper dosage. Equipment application into body seems to be easy surgery and takes around 30 minutes. Looking at the bright side of engineering of such an appliance, we can look further and imagine that most of the therapeutic processes can be reduced to the usage of this technology. We do not forget the daily servings of medical drugs and we will not need multiple visits at the doctor’s office. However, as it is not difficult to guess, technology can fail, and the consequences can be tragic.

Nokia & Microsoft

        More mundane rumors preach about a new Nokia’s gadget. The so-called „Nokia Fit Concept” is the joint project of Nokia and Microsoft. This product would be worn on the finger and connected to your mobile phone via Bluetooth.

U Transfer USB Stick

         Another quite an interesting idea seems to be U Transfer USB Stick. A touch screen and a slot at one end would allow to hook up another stick.

Glass Concept: Future Of Internet Search

The Google lovers who are difficult to count, and adage “Google it” may soon stay permanently in dictionaries. The Glass Concept combines all applications like Google Translate, Google Image, Google Search and devices like Google Glass in one.



  1. Are the above mentioned gadgets really a huge step for mankind or just another excuse to extort large sums of money for a useless toy?
  2. In which area of ​​your life do you see the greatest need to find gadgets that facilitate certain actions?
  3. What is your approach to these devices? Would you invest in any of these projects?


  1. 1. These gadgets don't convince me to be super important in life. I agree that it is a huge step for mankind but I would rather treat it as a toy. It is nice to have somehting like this but it is not necessary. This kind of gadgets will cost so much money and I think it will be only affortable for rich people.

    2. It's really hard for me to answer that question because I love all gadgets. I have problem imagining wihch part of my life needs a change the most because every new gadgets is a meaningful change.

    3. As I answered previous question I totally love gadgets. If I had money I would definitly invest in any kind of projects. Not long time ago I saw headphones which looked like cat ears. Not only you can listen to music but also you can play it loud through the cat ears.

    Link to site:

    By the way lots of interesting gadgets which can change the future are on kickstarter.

  2. I love technology, and I do believe that every gadget - either useful or just fun - is an important step in developing new technologies. Of course, some gadgets seem ridiculous to me - headphones mentioned by Katarzyna reminded me of another cat-related gadget I've seen, called Necomimi (, which is basically a headband with cat ears, transforming the brain waves into adequate ear movement, based on feline behaviour. It doesn't serve any useful purpose, really, but think about technology behind it - it's really interesting to imagine how electric impulses created by our brain are read and transformed into data, and how this technology can be used in medicine and science in general.

    The gadget that I liked the most from the ones mentioned above is the medical microchip - it's also the most useful one, I believe. Of course the technology should be refined to the maximum to avoid potential risk, but I imagine it would be soooo much easier for patients who require a nurse to give them injections, or the ones who easily forget to take some pills (elderly people, for example).

  3. I love news about new technologies and science breakthroughs. I think that the most amazing inventions would not only make our lives easier and more fun but could help to cure diseases or would let people walk or see again. I agree with Patrycja because I also find the medical microchip the most useful one from the bunch but I also think that microchips might be used in the future for more advanced purposes. I imagine that people could implant a chip into their brains, connect to the Internet and find information on the go "in their heads". That sounds kind of scary actually but I think that people will keep looking for ways to enhance themselves both physically and mentally. For example it wouldn't be important if you would be able to remember the specific information (it's already happening when people can access the Internet 24/7 so they don't bother to remember facts) but it would matter in what way you can use it.

    Some interesting links:

    For example here is a human exoskeleton that could help people walk. The video shows military and medical uses for it:

    And here is a news story about a man who got an implant that let him see again (kind of):

    I think that technologies like that should be developed and even if a lot of gadgets come out of it, I think it's always a step on the way and it's worth it.

    If you' re interested here is a really cool short movie (7 minutes) that shows what the future could look like. Something between google glass mentioned in the article and a brain implant. I love the idea of achievements like in a game :) and "facebook/dating sites" moved to another level.(I posted it last week on the another blog but I highly recommend watching it.)

    Ok, and the last thing. This time from the stupid gadgets series. Jewelry that you can plug into your body, so your blood (!!) powers it and later you can use it to charge your phone or something.

    (Sorry I really love that kind of technology news ;) )

  4. Jewelry mentioned by Paulina is awful !! I can't imagine something like that on my body but some people love to do thing like that:

  5. I just don't get the idea. Who would buy or wear something like that? I know there are people who like extreme piercing but this is just another kind of an alteration, I mean it can't be very useful. I think that it can be easily torn out of the body which could be harmful and I'm pretty sure that there is really not a lot of power generated by the blood flow in such a small device. There already are some portable batteries that you can carry around and charge your devices so who would get an idea to create something like this jewelery.

  6. I love gadgets. I think that in the future they will become more and more usefull. The technology is developing very fast and that kind of devices shuld be more cheaper someday. It will make that gadgets will be more common not only toys for rich people.

  7. There are almost unlimited concepts of gadgets that we can think of or even create today. But will they be helpful in future? I think most of them won't. Even now smart watches aren't so popular. People don't like to by overwhelmed by to many gadgets. If we combined all the functionality that wearables offers and placed it in one device that would do the job, and everybody would buy it. But unfortunate it's not that easy and we have to wait a number of years to see it going.

  8. In all areas of our life We are flooded with new gadgets. Some of these gadgeds are really a huge step for mankind, for example mentioned chips. But personally I wouldn't let to inject electronic stuff into my body.
    Recently I saw very interesting Mercedes-Benz project "Future Truck 2025", link:
    Maybe in the future all means of transport will be driving autonomously.
    I love all gadgets but nowadays most of them are too expensive for me. But if I had free money, definitely I would invest in many of these projects.

  9. Innovative gadgets are interesting and aspirational, but they shouldn’t interfere in human’s body a lot. My favorite one of these is U Transfer USB Stick – I think it can be usable in everyday life. An article about subscutaneus chip instead of birth control pills makes me confused and a bit afraid. As far as we can see, new technologies tries to make life easier in every aspect of life, but do we really need this? I’m rather sceptical of medical aspects of gadgets, quoting Karolina, technology can fail, and the consequences can be tragic. By the way, electromagnetism is dangerous for health.

  10. Adam Kaliński S936719 October 2014 at 16:04

    1. That's gadgets, looks like experiments because i.e Google Glass can be develop in the very useful tool. Augmented reality which is the main point of that equipment will be one the fastest growing branch of electronic market. Innovative gadgets always cost a lot of money and i guess that it won't change in near future.

    2. For me all fields have some places to apply new technology.But the main point is how we will exploit it. For me innovative gadgets should point me out way to place which I want. Another gadgets should allow me to share data in my home betweent different devices, but not by wifi, I mean ad hoc.

    3. I am rather careful in relative to electronic gadgets. At first glance use it in medicine could be best idea ever. On the other hand, that's electronic.....and it can fail. In that special aspects it could have tragic consequences.
    Below I add link to movie where are 2in1 gadgets :). One bigger is the Tesla Model S, full electric car with performance better than the most sport fuel cars. The second is semi autonomous autopilot inside that car which take from us driving wheel.
    Tesla Model S: acceleration and autopilot

  11. 1. In my opinion mentioned gadgets are just a toy except Bionic Yourself V2.0 and Glass Concept: Future Of Internet Search . Other devices from the list can be useful in same cases in our life, but usability provided by them its too poor compared to price.

    2. I don't have a need to have a lot of gadgets in my life. Most of them are too expensive.

    3. As investment I Would probably choose Bionic Yourself V2.0. This device have biggest potential from all gadgets mentioned in article above. It can be used to tracing animals, humans, as payment method( like in this club).

    If someone want to add link please use this html tag <a href="page adress">this</a>.

  12. Patrycja chose the medical microchip as the most useful idea, I have a similar impression. When reading about it, i immediately thought about people suffering from diabetes. The chip would help them by eliminating the need to perform daily, painful injections. Another concept, that can evolve in a revolutionary gadged would be the Google Glass. The idea of combining normal sight with computer information proved to be working in aircrafts and cars. Head-up dislays are increasingly popular in premium vechicles. As soon as the miniaturization of elements and battery life improvement reach the certain point, the idea of cyber glasses will surely catch-on. I see electronic glsses as the next smartphone in terms of popularity (in the near future). Other Ideas like U Stick? I don't find those potentially revolutionary.
    If I could have an elctronic gadget designed specially for me i would definitely like to have a bionic eye with improved night vision. I see medicine as a field where electronic gadgets can really help us. Given the fact that it is the opinin that is shared by a few of us, posting cooments, I would definitely invest in the medical microchip.

  13. I also thought about diabetes and in general that the hi-tech improvment should be mostly dedicated to medicine and disabled people. This kind of gadgets really impress me. Like for exaple 3D printers, which can be used not only to make some abs (plastic) toys or figurines but also usefull parts for children prosthesis. (Natiomal medical funds don't want to give money for children proathesis cause thy grow fast and in a very short time the prosthesis is useless).

    Beside this practical usage i've got one reflection about hi-tech gadgets. It's that they kill not only the privacy of our human being but also significantly lowers the ability of communication between people.

    For little look into the future with hi-tech evolution I strongly recommend tv series called "Black Mirror.

  14. 1. It is difficult to say, before testing it. All of them seem to be very usefull. Subcutaneous chip, which will be used instead of birth control pills. can cause huge changes in medicine and the daily lives of many women. On the other hand, we have something like "Nokia Fit Concept". Pobably next unhelpful, uncomfortable, expensive gadget which will bring huge profits to producers

    2. In my opinion, medicine would benefit from useful gadgets the most. Microchips reminding of taking drugs would be a brilliant idea. Another helpful solution could be google glasses, which would help finding a way to particular target.

    3. I would invest in a microchip because I think it could bring more benefits than losses, and it would be demanded product.Other products are mere toys for the rich people.

  15. 1 In my opinion, most of these gadgets is completely unnecessary in everyday life. These are just interesting extras. Often take our time. They add a lot of fun in our lives. Are we needed them? In my opinion, no. It has been ingrained in us that we need to have them. Technological progress, the society - creates needs. All of this creates a market.

    2 be honest - the less electronics the better. I value my privacy. Some gadgets have created that I felt uncomfortable. I prefer if the electronics do not mind by me.

    3 In science it is always worth investing. The question of what are the needs of the people. I like to watch this technological innovations. However, I do not like possess them. It too many parts of life supersedes.

  16. I am a big fan of such gadgets and I believe that such inventions are needed to bring a technological revolution, regardless of their usefulness. In other words they are never a waste of money, because even useless gadgets are steps required to get closer to the new era. One must make mistakes to make progress.

    I believe that such gadgets are created mainly to simplify mundane tasks and therefore grant us more time and allow for more efficient time organizing. Technology usually aims at working people, to allow them to do their jobs in a more efficient way. And that's exactly what they should do.

    As i said before, I love gadgets, however even if I had the money I would probably invest only in those projects which I would find actually useful. Although I said that faulty projects are also necessary to improve technology, it is also wise to show which projects are actually needed by showing our support for those which can be useful.

  17. To Aneta and all who use the argument 'technology can fail, and the consequences can be tragic' - of course it can, but the human factor is fallible too, even more :) How many times have you forgotten about something? Personally, even though I'm a responsible person, it happened a few times that I forgot to take some meds. With regular technical inspections, I think that microchips like that can be much more reliable than human memory.

  18. 1) Are the above mentioned gadgets really a huge step for mankind or just another excuse to extort large sums of money for a useless toy?
    Useless? Who are You calling useless? Progress is unstoppable. without all those little gadgets, we wouldn't be able to move forward. Those are visions of a better life, so why would You think of this as an extortion of $$? You're not mandated to buy all this...
    2) In which area of ​​your life do you see the greatest need to find gadgets that facilitate certain actions?
    Medicine, computer games, work life, social life, basically everywhere. The more the better.
    3) What is your approach to these devices? Would you invest in any of these projects?
    I would. Every single one. It's our future we're talking about here.
