Monday 6 October 2014

Week 1 (6-12 October 2014)

Read the article Can virtual reality make you a better person? published at and comment on/discuss it.


  1. During Human-Computer Interaction tutorials I had opportunity to check how the Oculus works. Despite a burden and inconvenience of activities related to wired cable I was impressed. I am not a lover of games but it attracted me that the movements in reality were reflected in the game. Another fascinating thing is the possibility of becoming another person. Different point of view can make change in our approach.

    However such devices as VR equipment should be limited to people above some age limit. Mature person is probably aware that it is just a game, but kids might infer wrong conclusions from the game. Not once happened that teenagers have murdered someone and later explain the thought of multiple life of game’s heroes.

    To sum up I think that all depends on the applications and games created for such device. Virtual reality in itself is neither good nor bad. Referring to the last paragraph people will always look for objections about product but in my opinion this is motivated rather by outside exposure that actual source of risk.

  2. I always perceived Augmented reality as an 80s comic book fantasy concept but I've recently had a chance to try Oculus Rift AR-glasses and I have to admit I was stunned ! Surely we will see an increasing number of video games designed to support those AR technologies.
    As for the scientific applications of technology- the paragraph about color-blindness caught my attention. I wonder if designers use this simulation technique when working on everyday items, pieces of consumer electronics etc. ? One thing came to my mind when reading the article: modern virtual reality technology works by stimulating our natural sensors like eyes and ears. What would happen if technology enabled people to remove those out of the equation and literally "stream" computer generated scenes and simulations right to our nervous system, to our brain, by precisely generated electric signals ? This would mean that your brain could be connected to the computer: I hope we are not approaching the Matrix scenario ?

  3. In my opinion. An interesting idea is to create a virtual reality. Games can be quite interesting received in area that can be seen around you.

    However, sometimes for some people may cease to exist the reality in which we exist. Universal access to computers / computer games already caused problems in children with distinguish the real world. What happens if you show children VR. Will not this detachment from reality? Is the VR does not treat the game as a real world? Is the VR does not create that they think about next life creditors?

    In my opinion, these questions need to be answered before we introduce VR in general circulation.

  4. VR in my opinion can make people better for example in USA they are using computer games in rehabilitation process of soldier or ex-soldier here you can read about it :

    In future VR with better technology and more developers interested in developing new applications it will have great impact in culture, education, entertainment. For example some applications can be focus on simulating complicated surgery operations, and it will help doctors in their learning process, another applications can help in rehabilitation process like I said before. For now VR is in initial phase and it have great potential.

  5. As a technology geek and a gamer, I must say the concept of virtual reality really amazes me! Right now it's expensive and not yet accessible to most people, but I'm already excited about the technology and the possibilities it gives.

    I think that concerns mentioned in the article and also in the comments here, like the potential dangerous effects on the user, could be applied to many technologies before: just remember the concerns accompanying introduction of violent computer games! Of course, there's always a risk and we ought to minimize the danger by scientific research, but I think it's worth it.

    Just think of all the good that VR can give us: it's like an extended continuation of AR, augmented reality, which helps in medicine, learning, navigation... Just see the videos:

  6. The title of this article is hard to explanation. VR technology for me is very interesting idea, which should be develop in the future. Importantly it's not only for games, as many people think. Virtual reality is using in many areas like medicine, army, flights etc. Simulators with VR equipment teach better than books because we can co sth by ourselves. Returning to the question.
    For me VR technology like Oculus, Morpheus ( VR goggles produced by SONY ) or similar can't change people. But can show some situations, some places to interact with it like in the real world. So for me it's not changing people, it's showing real emotions, real behavious, often hidden from others in everyday life.

  7. VR is something what impresses me a lot. While I was reading this text about VR, at the same time, I thought about physical rehabilitation. For example people that suffer from phantom limb pain. I always look at VR only in gamimg aspect, maybe it's because of popular and famous Oculus. They present most scary games on it and you feel in those game like you were part of this story. Amazing how technology goes really fast to make it possible to be in virtual world. Moreover VR is a chance for furniture industry. My frineds not long time ago made an application which alows you to fit furnitures into your room, that you can buy in shops, and you can see how will they present in it . You don't have to buy them to see how will they fit. Only what you need is to have this application and a tablet. So it's really interesting how you can use VR into real word. Maybe one day using VR we will have some symulators or some medicin virtual books or some other possibility that can considerably change our life.

  8. VR is a fascinating subject for me. When I think of it, I'm both enthusiastic and troubled. Enthusiastic because this technology is obviously going to improve our lives in many fields, like medicine, communication, design or entertainment. On the other hand, it always concerned me if people will be able draw a line between what's real and what's virtual. Even now we face that problem. I wonder what will happen when this technology becomes widely available. But all in all, I'm very curious how it will develop further.
