Monday 13 October 2014

Are Social Media making a fool of us?

Are Social Media making a fool of us?

People use social networks for many purposes — killing boredom, socializing, or to promote a product or business. Some people, however, have been able to get rich on social media mostly by showing their talents and achieving fortune, fame, or both. For sure, you have heard about SA Wardęga’s “Mutant Giant Spider Dog” on YouTube, which by now has almost 100 million views! And some people count the number of views in dollars. Let’s face the truth, it wasn’t the discovery of America, but for such an ‘obvious’ idea he earned around 35 000$ (source And what is more, you have a finger int he pie wasting time watching it.


Another phenomenon of social portals is the speed of spread of information. Especially the one which is untrue. All of you probably have heard about missing Malaysia Airline’s 370 flight. There were multiple sources informing about the safe landing of this plane, nevertheless the plane has not been found so far. Both Malaysian Airlines officials and the Chinese government later said the safe landing rumors were false.

Similar news has spread about Hurricane Sandy. The story unfolded quickly on social media: a poignant photo of soldiers standing guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a picture of a giant wave slamming into the Statue of Liberty, and TV reports that 3 feet of water flooded the New York Stock Exchange.

None of it was true.

Humblebrag: The Art of False Modesty

Are you really so passionate about professional photography or it is just a right time for a new #selfie for you Facebook account? Despite all selfies in the mirror, so called ‘food porn” is one of the most common topics and publishing it permanently is inscribed in the network code as exhibitionism. But will sharing news about finding 10 Polish groszy on the street really makes you a billionaire? Humblebrag is an ostensibly modest or self-deprecating statement which actual purpose is to draw attention to something you are proud of. It is good to share your success with those we like but ironically attempting at minimizing big news can actually work against us and irritate others. People have tendency to overpraise themselves. Especially bloggers are bragging about their life by showing new brand shoes or so recently snapped up cheap trips to the Republic of Congo.  In fact, a paper published in 2012 by two Harvard neuroscientists said that talking about ourselves gives us the same kind of pleasure we get from sex or food.


  1. Do you think social networking sites make it hard for people to think for themselves?
  2. Do you see a difference between an impression your friends make in real life and in social portals?
  3. How active are you on social media and how many people are you connected with?
  4. What would your relationships with friends look like without social media?


  1. 1. In my opinion people are using too much social network sites. Most of them don't have their own opinion on some subjects. They just copy and paste information. Social network sites makes life easier to comunicate and find some value information but they don't teach us how to use that information to our advantage. I don't think social network sites mak it hard for people to think for themselves. On one hand they make easier for us to see information in a difrent perspective, but on the other hand we don;t want to spend too much time thinking on it.

    2. Generaly speaking when I look at most of my friends profiles I get the impression that they only show their good side as if their profile page was done for the show.That's why I prefer to meet and talk with them in real life.

    3. I'm most addicted to facebook which I use to get information about homework or sometimes to talk with my friends. I'm a person who prefers to ask about other people lifes in person. I have a lot of friends on my facebook who I help a lot with different tasks.

    4. I think my life without social media is much better. I can hang on with my friends and have fun in the real world.

  2. 1. I think that the problem is not social media itself, but misinformation and credulity in general. I remember the times when Internet wasn't really popular in Poland and people got information mostly from TV and newspapers; you'd think that misinformation didn't exist at the time and everyone had their own opinion, but you'd be wrong. Of course, nowadays misinformation is more widespread, but so is information in general. I think the problem lies in the people who spread false news, not in the medium.

    2. Refering to Katarzyna's comment: I agree that people tend to show their good side on social media. But, well... is it such a bad thing? :) It's just human nature - the need to feel appreciated. All of us do this in real life - you don't write about your disadventages in your CV, you don't speak of them on the first date or important meeting. I think that social media just reflect some trends occuring in real life.

    3-4. As Katarzyna mentioned, social media are really useful when it comes to sharing information. I also use it to communicate with people who I don't meet often, or the ones living far from me. For example, I got to know one person from Pakistan via tumblr and another one from Canada via facebook. We share a lot in common and use chat to communicate.

    As to the last paragraph Katarzyna wrote, I must add that for me social media aren't a substitute for real life, rather a convenient tool for making it easier.

  3. 1.
    No, I don't think that social networking sites make it hard for people to think for themselves. Sure, thanks to services like Facebook etc. it's much easier to find out what our friends think and feel about a lot of stuff, but it doesn't mean that we have to think and feel the same way just because we know it. In my opinion thanks to social networking sites we can find people with the same points of view and get to know each other, talk, discuss interesting topics. It doesn't necessarily mean that we take their ideas for our own. Of course there have always been true conformists having problems to think for themselves. Such people may follow blindly whatever they read on Facebook or Twitter, but also what they hear from their friends, family or television. Saying that the problem concerns everyone is a huge generalization.

    I see a difference between an impression my friends make in real life and in social portals. I noticed that the people who normally are shy and quiet, about whom we honestly can't say anything specific, when it comes to social media suddenly they're shining. According to Facebook (etc.) they are at every party in the city, always have something to say and to comment, know everyone, take millions of photos. I think it's amusing that the next day I see those same people in my class and... nothing. I don't get it, honestly.
    That, obviously, is an extreme example. Many people adjust their behavior, more or less, being observed by the whole community of people around the world, judging them with "likes" and what not. I think the only people who don't change their personality once they go on-line must be really honest, know their value and be extremely comfortable with themselves.

    I'm not addicted to social media like Facebook. I use it only to talk with my friends and check my job's and college's groups. I'm online quite often but rather not active.

    It would stay the same because I prefer real life communication rather than using social media. It's much better to talk with someone eye to eye because you can observe their emotions and respond to them accordingly.

  4. 1. I agree with Tomasz on this. Just because we can learn about other's opinion doesn't mean we won't have our own. Besides that, on social media we often meet people with a completely different point of view, not only with similar to ours. This can lead to an agreement, discussions or quarrels. It depends on the person.

    2. Yes, I do. I'm aware that's because on social media you can edit your posts, comments and photos or even delete them completely. It's much easier to create a positive image of yourself, and mask your negative traits. As Patrycja said, it's human nature to show our good side first and I agree with this statement. Nothing wrong with that. :) But knowing this I'd prefer to talk to people in real life.

    3. I use facebook more or less like Katarzyna - to chceck the news about school and sometimes chat with friends. I wouldn't say I'm a very active user of this site.

    4. Right now I can keep in touch with most of my friends without the use of social media. But I know I'd probably lose contact with people who I don't see often or those who live in another country.

  5. 1. It's hard to answer clearly to this question. On one hand social network sites help us to find interesting information, answers to the questions, get to know thoughts and feelings other users but the other hand
    a lot of people don't analyze it, just copy and use as their.

    I think it depends on the person but generally social network sites make it hard for people to think for themselves. You can read about experiment which answer the questions: "Is social networking making us stupid?" here:

    2. In a few aspects I can see the difference. For example some of my 'facebook friends' are more active in social media then real life. They share video, add comments and click "like it" all the time but in real life they are quiet and reticent.

    3. I'm not really active on social media. I have account on facebook and twitter. I use facebook to communicate with friends who live far away from me and I can't meet them often. On twitter I follow people who give me latest sports and technology news.

    4. My relationships would be the same because I prefer real life communication like Tomasz. Nowadays we have several other possibilities to communicate with friends like mobile phone, skype, chats etc. so it isn't problem keep relationships without social media.

  6. 1. In my opinion , this statement is true as people don't think about themselves and they just copy the rest of the people in the world.

    2. Many people behave different in the real world and in social media, because they lies in the Internet . They show themselves as they want to be seen.

    3. I use social media very often. Mostly to contact with my friends. Im online almost always.

    4. It's hard to imagine to live without social media nowadays, but if people could live without it and they could have friends just in real word. Maybe communication would be worse but for sure I could go through it

  7. 1. I think that its depends on person, because from social media you can get any information and its only depends on you how you will assess it. In social media you have possibility to check the source of the information.

    2. In my opinion people on the Internet can behave different from their real life, because online you don't have so much limitation as in real world. For example we can see a lot of people hating other people online, but usually they don't have enough courage to tell something in real live.

    3. I use social media only for chat with friends. From social media account I have only facebook, only because I was forced to sing up. Usually I'm offline.

    4. Pretty much the same as now, because I rather prefer to meet in real life than online.

  8. 1. Generally, social media gets used to typical, comments, typical reactions for the different happenings or informations. If we’re vulnerable, we’ll became some of them. It depends on user.
    2. Undeniably, I see this difference among some part of “addicted” users . Social media gives chance to make themselves more intelligent, more attractive etc., so people take it. Shining - that’s very human thing :)
    3. I have connection with lots of friends, but I chat with the closests. I rather don’t need more options.
    4. It should be the same. Real contact and virtual are incomparable. At real, we don’t have no limits and difficulties with communication.

  9. As far as first question is considered, I mostly agree with Katarzyna: people are definitely using social media too much. Although, the way I see it, the problem is not that they don't have their own opinions, but the are afraid do express it. There is enormous pressure nowadays, that everything you say, do or especially post on your Facebook should be politically correct.
    I don't use social media myself, but I know that many people tend to present their lives and themselves on social sites, in the way that is not 100% accurate. Some people just like to brag and attract attention – it's a part of their personality and social media like Facebook seem to encourage this kind od behavior. Patrycja has a point – it's not always such a bad thing.
    I am not convinced to social media enough to set up a Facebook profile – I don't like the idea of being "always online" – and that is the only way to fully benefit from this kind of communication channel. I recognize the potential of Facebook as the most popular social website – Patrycja, Tomasz and Katarzyna pointed out the benefits and showed how it can be really useful.
    Even if I decided to start using social media, my relationships wouldn't look any different from what they look like currently.

  10. 1 In my opinion, it depends on their use. Creates the existence of mass - all have the same patterns / ideals. But at the same time allow you to develop interest. You can find people with similar passions. You can find a quick place to develop your interests. It all depends on person.

    2 be honest - I don`t thinkink about what others state in their profiles. I personally do not reveal my data or information. I used Social Media only in the field of information and communication. I did not really notice this problem.

    3. I using only the messengers. It's faster and simpler then phone. The friends on facebook I have only the people with whom I have regular contact.

    4 I will previously planned meeting elier. I don`t like online "friends". I'm trying to have regular meetingwith friends. It is better to me talking to someone than writes on messenger. There I can`t found emotions.

  11. 1) Do you think social networking sites make it hard for people to think for themselves?
    Obviously, Would You imagine how hard it would be for me to pick what I want if it weren't for the Internet? It's so easy to communicate, share and experience new things in life. So, yeah, it is getting harder to think all by myself.
    2) Do you see a difference between an impression your friends make in real life and in social portals?
    I'm a good example of this, tbh I'm Batman in real life. Naah just kidding, Internet helps us to be hidden from riddicule and the laughing hyenas.
    3) How active are you on social media and how many people are you connected with?
    It depends, on my real account I have some friends from real life etc, on my spam account I can create a nice map of the world :)
    4) What would your relationships with friends look like without social media?
    Heh, who would prefer real life from the Internet? There's so much room for expansion. Or is it real life? I get those mixed up a lot.
