Friday 21 December 2012

Week 11

Read the presentation: Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS
 and comment on it here. Discuss it with the course participants.


  1. 1) With all great technology and wisdom of the scientists humanity still can't cure HIV/AIDS, so there many years would be needed for researches. That's very sad and shows our weakness and how many we still need to know and beware.

    2) I'm not the scientist and I don't know why Africa became the hardest-hit region by HIV/AIDS. Maybe it's because they are not well-educated about unprotected intercourse and low level of health care.

    3) I think there is no threat of spreading HIV/AIDS in Poland. Health care is better every year, people are educated too. Until cure has to be found, we can't stop spread, but we are getting it slower.

  2. AIDS probably will be curable some day. In the past influenza was deadly disease, but with development of medicine, cure has been found. I think analogical will be with AIDS.

    In case to understand why Africa is hardest hit region by HIV, we have to know where it came from. HIV virus came from apes.

    At the beging of XX century coloniztors had huge problem with malaria. Human body is not able to create enogh temperature to kill the malaria. So scientist has figured out, that if they will inject alien protein to the human body, immune system will create enough temeprature to kill malaria. So they took protein that is pretty similar to humans protein, they took it from apes. They wasnt aware that apes has hiv virus, and because incubation of hiv is 10 years, they continue to cure malaria with apes blood untill hiv viruse caused first AIDS cases.
    It was already too late, HIV was already in America and Europa. Highest rate of malaria infections is in Africa, and as people were treated out there with apes blood, they has now biggest problem with HIV. Also there are such factors like civilization development which is low in africa, so awareness of HIV is low, contraception is not well spreaded and high rate of rapes also make its part.

    I think not, we have means to prevent spred of this. Most important is to spread awareness about AIDS.


  3. 1. I hope that one day the doctors will be able to cure people with HIV/AIDS. I believe that it is possible with the new technology and available medicine. The problem is that the majority of HIV/AIDS victims are in the third world countries where the access to available treatments is limited. I think that the cure would be found by now if the situation was reversed and most cases would be in the developed countries like U.S.A or U.K. Unfortunately, the world is unfair and people in the third world countries need to pay the price of it. It is inhuman and need to be addressed to make sure that there is a bright future for everyone.
    2.Africa is the third world where education and human rights are limited.The African countries with the high number of HIV/ AIDS are unfortunately the countries where people live in poverty and with violated human rights. There is no AIDS education or awareness. Everyone knows how HIV virus gets spread but in Africa noone cares about it. Women who get HIV virus are in majority victims of sex crimes where their bodies get violated. They have no protection. It is inhuman and unthinkable that this can happen to anyone in the 21st century. I think it is more about preventing the further spread of HIV than finding the ultimate cure.
    3.It is very possible that HIV/AIDS spreads in Poland if people stop using the required protection to prevent it. It is very obvious how the virus spreads and it is up to each of us to make sure it doesn't happen. It is about being educated and knowing what to do.

  4. As it appears to me, HIV is very likely to become curable in the future, especially because of the fact that we have been observing a huge development in hospitalization around the world. More and more diseases are becoming preventable i.e. the number of people who suffer from them significantly decreases. The thing is that we can observe a fall in number of sick people in urban areas, whereas the number of sick people in rural areas is shrinking. Why? Mainly because of the fact that even though the progress in hospitalization is huge, rural areas do not have access to this kind of medication. That is also the reason for Africa being one of the most infected countries. What is the most upsetting is that this kind of disease is preventable… but not for African poor people, since they do not have access to water and sanitation. When it comes to Poland, I do not think that HIV will be spread here because the rate of poverty is not that high. What is more the developing world of medicine is accessible for us.

  5. 1) I think it will be ever cured, there are many scientists working on that, the key is nanotechnology, it also can be used as a cure for cancer and many other deseases. Nanobots can be used to repair and maintain our DNA code, so it's not like they are for one time use but they can also built another nanobots and it will be like a small "culture" of these robots working in our immunology system. The only thing to make it happen is to wait for a quantum processors work, because they are the key for nanotechnology. You can make a research on that topic, it is very interesting how nanobots can be integrated with our biological system. This technology is not new and there were many conteptual projects using nanobots, there are theoretical proven as a working solution "the cure" for many deseases, but we are still not "there" with the technology to start this biomachine, but i am sure it will happen in the near future. Frist quantum PCs are working, not stable yet, not fully used but we have them right now and it's happening!!!
    I would even say more, i am a some kind of optimist and i really believe in our scientists, but there is a shitty government which is on the top of everything and their stupid political games won't let us even KNOW that we have a cure for many deseases, they won't because they don't want us to panic. If the cure was too expensive it would be really not cool for society and people would think that only chosen people can use this cure.
    2) Because black man in Africa - and i am really sorry to say that is slaved by a white man... Germans are the OWNERS of the africa and black people are poor so they can't afford or they doesn't care about using a safety stuff.
    3) No threat in Poland i guess, the biggest problem could be the newcomers but we are not USA.

  6. AIDS is problematic because it is not 100% curable. The case is complicated by this and that is why people are afraid of AIDS. According to a study that AIDS is a problem of the third world. Of course, there is really a huge issue, which does not change the fact that even developed countries have growing tendencies. Unfortunately, AIDS is related to the coexistence of people. The lightness of life events and alcohol contribute to the disease. The problem is difficult to eliminate even though history shows that mankind has coped with black smallpox, but not humanely. There are treatment under clinical study but none of them so far do not give satisfactory results. HIV / AIDS is a disease of civilization as long as people do not change habits, the problem will persists.

  7. 1. I think that in today's era of constantly advancing medicine is very likely that in the future they will find a way to cure HIV and AIDS. From what I know it all the time, scientists are conducting research and experiments, however, so far without much success but be of good cheer and hope that research will eventually intended effect and humanity overcomes these two terrible disease.
    2. I think Africa has been the region most affected by HIV and AIDS because firstly there is a complete lack of hygiene there, the people who live there do not have the ability to maintain the hygiene because there is great poverty there. Secondly, the people there do not protect themselves and that was the base. Third, are unable to carry out regular surveys because there is no conditions for that.
    3. For me, HIV and AIDS should be spread more because we live in a civilized country where more and more attention is paid to health and to the awareness of people to protect, care for hygiene and carry out periodic surveys.

  8. 1. Do you think that HIV/AIDS can ever be cured?

    I my opinion it will be cured like many other diseases before. The other day even influenza was fatal and veneral diseases always fallowed to death or disability. Nowadays series of injections help to overcome illness or harden into them.

    2. Why do you think Africa became the hardest-hit region by HIV/AIDS?

    Unfortunetely because they are backward and they have no money and therefore technology. No schools that educate the good skilled people whose could help others. A similar situation exists in the sector of natural sources in which Africa has a huge natural assets, but Africans do not know how to proceed it. Like, how to get an oil out of the ground. Foreign companies sell that technology, put own machines and people there and pay to the goverment much less than that assets are worth.

    3. Do you think that HIV/AIDS can seriously spread in Poland?
    I do not think so, we are Europeans and we have really good social campaign or we should. If in the country the number of infections increase the government has to put more money to counteraction for example TV or radio spots, external advertisements on the streets and school education how to prevent it. Well-educated citizen will well-educate another.
