Wednesday 5 December 2012

Drawing the line

Drawing the line
Islam is the world’s second biggest and fastest growing religion. As today, most of the nations have their borders open, Muslims (and others) are spreading all over the world and that’s generally a positive thing. It makes some  kind of connection between different cultures and nations. But I think  that we should also see negative issues, connected with the popular full-tolerance approach.
At first, I would like to say that I have nothing against multicultural Europe (I even like it in some way) but there are some boundaries. I’m referring here to the situation that occurred in Denmark a few weeks ago, where Muslim’s local board have decided not to provide the traditional 1000 dollar Christmas tree for the community. The board claims it is caused by financial problems and nothing would be odd in this situation, if not the fact that three days earlier they had a 10 000 dollar Muslim celebration(playground, bungee jumping etc.).  So we have an absurd example of intolerance of the Muslim majority. It’s the same as if I invited some guests for a movie to my house and after some time they would decide that I cannot watch movies I like due to their quantity dominance.

The second occurrence that was shocking happed in London on 16th of September outside the US Embassy. It was caused by the film the Innocence of Muslims by Sam Bacile, which I must say is cheap, lame and could’ve been insulting for someone. But, the reaction of Muslims (I’m not even broaching the Benghazi issue which happened about a week after), was unacceptable and indicates how dangerous they might become.

I think they are forcing themselves to Europe while no one is inviting them. If they don’t like it here ,they should go back to their homelands and burn whatever they want, in there.

I know some Muslims, which I admit are intelligent, educated people and I sympathize with them but  they are an exception. Most  Muslims are not compatible with our Western(most of them, don’t even respect us) culture and they never will be.

Fortunately, in Poland we don’t have this problem yet. The number of guests (even if they have citizenship, they are still guests) in our country is perfect for now, but Denmark and UK occurrences should be a warning for everyone.

I could write up many stories like this, but painting Muslims in a bad light is not the point. The point is not to allow for the popularity of full-tolerance approach. Solving this case will be extremely difficult as we don’t want to be perceived as an intolerant and racist nation but still have to draw the line.

The question is: What do you think Europe should do about this situation?



  1. I think that the problem lies not in Europeans. Europe is united, and the culture is heavily mixed. Not only mentally but also religiously. In my opinion the problem is with fanatics. Muslims respect their religion very much, so to this holy war. Europe has adopted many cultures, many of the rites of the world I think we can say that we are open to the world. Muslims are deeply rooted and do not have the distance to life. If one side becomes very open-minded, on the other die-hard believers dispute may become juicy. A sense of lack of understanding on the one hand, show to be so strong that fall words and deeds that chilling.
    What should do europe?
    First talk, then just ignore.

  2. Like the author I know many intelligent, harmless, but most of all very friendly Muslim people. However, in the world there are so many dangerous people who fight with others in the name of Allah. What should Europe do? In my opinion “Draw the line” can be a good solution. Maybe it might sound a bit harsh, but I believe that we should not let so many people that follow Islam into Europe, thus immigration laws should be more strict. Indeed, in my opinion, in order to protect ourselves we should limit the number of Muslim in Europe. It is sad but unfortunately most of them are really dangerous and they do not give anything to Europe (we do not have any benefits from their stay). This is a generalization, because as I wrote earlier, some Muslims are very valuable and good people, yet, the majority of them are dangerous.

  3. I think there are many possibilities. One of that is to close any help and giving money to people who are not "citizens" of specific country from 5 generations back :)
    Now it is that citizens like French or British people are working for social help for other nations this is very unfair.

    Another possibility is to have zero tolerant for them if they do not obey our law, they should be immediately deportated. Even for stolen candy. The same stands for bad treatment childs and women. If they don't like western culture, then they should go back to their country. If they want to stay here they should adapt and become like other europeans.

    Please don't get me wrong :) This laws should be for ALL "foreigners" not only for Muslims. Even for Polish people living in UK. I think if you go to different country you should be more like people there.

    In my opinion threre is one good polish proverb: "jeśli wejdziesz między wrony musisz krakać jak i one."

  4. I fully agree with Przemek, it's not that particularly muslims are the wrong people. It's the fanatics who are causing problems and exploiting social care systems. It's pretty dangerous to our culture as they might affect rest of the society effectivly making own zones and simulating 'places where they used to live, but left becuase they didn't like it'.

    Finally, as Natalia proposed, they should be treated like everyone as long as they tend to cooperate with locals. But don't make it too harsh, there might be some 'normal' people among them and who would like to be treated like animal just because he was born in such a country.

  5. I do not know the country in which there would be no problems of this type. Sometimes they are big and very loud, but sometimes occur on a smaller scale. I think the problem lies in the people. There are those who are always looking for problems and they will not fit all. On the other hand, the law should be adapted to foreigners and citizens be treated equally and the visiting people. Everyone should be treated equally. It seems to me that we all need to learn tolerance and living in harmony. What's interesting is a lot of misunderstandings between citizens of the same country, often they adhere to different values ??that lead to disputes and misunderstandings.

    I fully agree with Natalia, the law should be adjusted. I hope that one day it will happen.

  6. I was working for 2 year in Netherlands, so I am quite familiar with the problem. Nothing is simple tho. Muslims I was working with were just like the others - some of them were really great people! On the other hand you really don't wanna get lost in muslim neighbourhood out there. Also don't forget that Christian Crusades killed more people than World War 2 - so it's not like the muslims are the only fanatics out there. They just aren't pacified yet.

    What should be done? I agree with "no toleracne policy". They're guests here and they should adjust, not we. There is one good thing about those ONR guys - at least Poland is being considered as rasist and nontolerant country, so we don't have the problem (so far).

  7. I wrote in one of my comments on other presentation about the problem a little, and i still stand by my opinion that this is a real problem of the world nowadays. We should draw the line because muslims started to act like crazy activists. They just not accept the rules of the country in which they are at the time, so they organize manifestations with their offensive banners, also they act really agressive to any other people. I know it's madness to say that the Breivik was right with his act of terror, but really you should read some of his writings, his act was really aimed against muslims spreading over the world. There will be more acts like Breivik's soon because the problem is growing so fast. One day the world will just unite against muslims and there could be some war! It's serious guys! We should just say STOP before it's too late. Christians are not against muslims and their god like muslims are against our god, also we do not build our temples in muslim countries, because why would we? Actually i really like reading about other religions, as our religion, other religions brings really interesting stories and teaches people how to be a pure man like buddism, taoism, hinduism, shinto and other primary religions. The truth is we should learn in school about every religion, it would be really awesome and beautiful experience to try some meditation, the rules of different religions does not exclude each other, so i don't really see the goal to learn only one religion. It's stupid because religions are all about growing your spirit, and the spirit is something that is not materialized and it shouldn't ever be. My opinion is, if we could learn different religions in school, we could have more pure spirit than we have by knowing only one religion. The main problem about christianity is that we Christians strongly personify god's attributes and other religions, just says "this guy" was a master, the teacher who started the whole religion, we learn from his wisdom and thank him for that, not to believe in some guy, but believe in the main idea of the particular religion. Here you have the example: Christians rather says "there is only one god and it is Jesus Christ and nothing else!", this is why we don't practice nowadays, because we don't even know what the bible says !!!! we only care about the person, Jesus Christ and we still try to figure out if the guy really existed, forgetting that there is a message in the Bible which tells us how to live in purity. The same story with muslims, they are agressive because they also believe in a person not the idea. No one ever will come to agreement if he will use as argument a person whose existence was never confirmed and will never be.

  8. The world as we know it is divided into different populations, some depend only on the war, one of peace, others for getting food such as Africa. Unfortunately, people do not obey the law, and from that it all begins. In the United States, possession of a weapon with you is like wearing a wallet in your pocket. Unfortunately, in the world there are also various terrorist groups that seek to destroy the world and kill as many people at the same time. These are unpredictable, people are willing to suffer death in return for the faith. I think that as long as the law does not respond equally to all and will not be respected in the world is going to happen as it happens now, the war will take place and people will try to kill.


  9. This is a very delicate topic because we are taking about human beings and their beliefs. The most important is for society to respect one another no matter of religion or skin color. Unfortunately, the Muslim religion has a stigma attached to it due to the extremists and their actions.Yet,we can't judge everyone because of the others'actions.We need to learn to be tolerant and most importantly,understand the religion itself. Regarding the situation in Europe, each country should have own laws and regulations which apply to a given nation. It must cover all aspects of religion aiming on protecting every individual to make sure that everyone feels safe. It is important to be educated and respect everyone.

  10. As it appears to me, the problem is significantly damaging people’s attitude towards other religions and cultures which should not be skeptical, for we live in the world where everyone has the freedom of speech and where the toleration either is or should be disseminated. The number of countries where anti-racist policies are introduced increases. It means that world’s citizens should treat their peers equally no matter what are their countries of origin. The same thing with religion. However, since Muslims do not follow the rules, why should the others do that? I mean, people are willing to respect other people as long as they feel respected. If they do not feel it they will not regard the others. This is how it works and I do not believe it will change in the future. In the case of Muslims, they are not all bad- that would be generalization. The same as not everyone in Europe is an exemplary citizen. These are particular persons who are responsible for all of the manifestations. What should we do to decrease the amount of these people? I think that it would be much more efficient if the punishments which are given to those immigrants who do not obey the rules were by far more severe. There should be also more restrictions in the case of allowing immigrants to live in a country. Obviously, we should not make it impossible to move into some countries but limit the number of strangers. I am not saying only about the Muslims but about abot all of the people worldwide.

  11. Democracy, as I always thought, is a form of government where majority decides what to do.

    Why should we accept demands of minority?

    We should adopt their own rules in our countries.

    If you go to Muslim country you'd have to adjust to they rules and prohibitions (like no kissing on streets, drinking alcohol, traveling on separate part of bus if you're a woman).

    Why do we have to adjust and they cannot?

    A lot of nations have been integrated their with Poland: Chinese, Vietnamese. They live here and respect our culture and our law.

    The only problem is with Muslims, but they can do only as much as we let them. So the bigger problem is with governments who are accept their demands in the name of some stupid ideas.

  12. Idea of Multicultural society based on the presumption that a large quantity equals quality, that experience of culturs will connetc and will give us new, better world - Arabic wisdom will transfer into our education system, and hindus will revolutionise our attidue to life and work. And no one is to be assimilated.
    Well, it happend totally different.
    Various coultours has locked them selves in ghettos, and everone wants to fight another.
    In England Islamist has started to introduce shariat in their district, and hindus are ready to start putting their dead into Tamiza - just in case to cath up. In Belgia christmass threes are forbiden, because islamist are complaining. Equality of coultours is a axiom with silent presumption, that thoes more exotic are more equal.

    Once I was being positive to the idea of multicultural societies, but then I saw them, and I'm no more. All multiulturals countries are evloving int bus full of people with small blisters, and with inclination for coca-cola - Exploding from claims machine, which has to stop every tiem when thoes strong ones nedd to pee.
    Musumans are very brith at this issue, because they are utolerate, and they dont respect laws of country that they live in, and I agree that the line shall be draw

  13. I agree that Christians have killed a lot of people and I think that radical beliefs are dangerous no matter which religion they represent. We can see that more developed countries are less religious and more rational. Saying developed I mean intellectually developed (Scandinavians, Germans etc.) so US doesn’t really count .
    Most of you are trying to be politically correct about the topic and I appreciate that but we have to remember that smiling and shifting the blame from Muslims onto other issues is not the answer to the problem. That’s why leaders are inevitable parts of different societies.
