Sunday 23 December 2012

Uganda's Kill the gay bill

Uganda's Kill the gay bill 

On Monday, November 12, Rebecca Kadaga – an Ugandan parliament speaker said  that "anti-homosexuality bill" will be passed before the end of 2012, as most of the Ugandans are demanding it. It is a policy that implies that all homosexual behaviors will be considered a crime. The "criminal offenses" will be divided into two categories:
  1. "The offence of homosexuality" applies to a person who is involved in a homosexual relationship or marriage, who had same-sex sexual acts, or who made an attempt to commit aggravated homosexuality. It is punished with a life imprisonment 
  2. "Aggravated homosexuality" is a same-sex act, committed by a person who is HIV-positive, is a parent of or an in authority figure, who administers intoxicating substances, who commits homosexual acts on minors or people with disabilities, or  is a repeat offender. It is punished with death.

It also implies that all Ugandan citizens who will break this law outside Uganda, are to be extradited back to their country for punishment. There are also established penalties for individuals, companies, media organizations that support homosexuals rights.

Despite critism, Kadaga not only does assert that the  bill will be passed, but she considers it a "Christmas gift" to Ugandan Christian citizens. She also said that homosexuals are a serious threat to Ugandans children and that the community are demanding this bill be passed.

Unlike in Uganda, this bill is very unpopular abroad and has brought a lot of criticism. President Obama has called it "odious". Some European countries went even further and have threatened to cut aid to Uganda if the bill becomes the law.
This bill is explicit an breach of human rights, so it seems obvious that it should be reproved. Apparently Pope Benedict XVI has given his blessing to Rebecca Kadaga during a mass on December 12 attended by thousands of pilgrims at the Vatican Wednesday.
The Ugandan delegation which was led by Kadaga was in Rome to attend the 7th Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the International Criminal Court and the World Parliamentary Conference on Human Rights.

I would also like to present a very interesting Guardian article  describing this situation:


1. What do you think about the reaction of worldwide authorities, if you perceive them insufficient, how would you like them to react?
2. What do you think of Pope's blessing to Kadaga? How do you think it will influence the image of church as a institution?



  1. 1) I don't understand why they are reacting at all. People in Muslim countries, in example in the United Arab Emirates have such restrictions from long time, and no one react. Maybe because if they tell something it would be considered as intolerance to their "tradition" of killing homosexuals.(1)
    "how would you like them to react?" I want them to be fair. If they want to fight for somethin g they should fight for it in every country, not only in these which are "safe" for them. By safe I mean, countries which if you criticize them you will not have problems.

    (1) source -> Penalizacja kontaktów homoseksualnych współcześnie

    2) Catholic church is not different than any other institution in which homosexualism equal to killing someone :) So (sadly...) pope's blessing wasn't anything unexpected for me.
    It will not have any influence the image of church, maybe just someone will open their eyes, and see that Jesus commandments about love do not apply to such people as homosexuals ;)

  2. I see Your point Natalia, but thing is not about Uganda beeing safe to critisize, it is about Uganda has brought this law recently.
    And even though it is extremly hard to eradicate such phenomens in countris with, as You said, tradition of killing homosexuals, we can at least try to prevent such things to spread.
    I'm also suprised that popes blessing wasnt anything unexpected for you. In our strided society, of political corretion and attachment to human rights, popes behaviour is unnaceptable and should be branded, as it was open support for persecution and murders. I think christian church can loose a lot of followers


  3. 1. I am amazed that this is the first time I am hearing about this inhuman behaviour. I truly believe that the worldwide organizations should stand together and address this barbarian law. How can we allow this to happen in the civilised world? I am speechless and can't imagine that this law will actually be supported. It is a must for countries like U.K or U.S.A to intervene before it is too late and innocent lives are taken.I do not think cutting the financial aid is the solution because again the innocent lives will suffer. This has to be addressed in the political arena demonstrating how totally inhuman this act is.
    2. Even though the Catholic church does not support homosexualism, I can't believe that they would support the law where killing and punishment of innocent lives is given. It took me a while to understand how Pope could give a blessing to these people. I believe that Pope has blessed Kadaga as his way to forgive her for the sins and hopefully change her way of thinking. I guess this is the only explanation.Furthermore,it is interesting and sad at the same time that media stayed quiet on this event. I think there is something wrong here.I think people's priorities need serious adjustment.

  4. In my opinion, this kind of behavior is unacceptable since laws promoting tolerance and understanding should be spread, especially since all of the governments are striving to achieve peace in the world, between different nations as well as within them. What Is more, I would point out that some intervention is needed to make people more conscious of human’s laws and those who decide to introduce the anti-gay policy should be ashamed and severely punished. I am also surprised by the fact that I have not heard of any of these actions, whereas it should be treated by media as something unacceptable and worth our attention. Newspapers should write about this problem and promote the opinion that it is shocking how people break human laws and try to make the world more unfriendly for people who are just different. I bet that Ugandan people would not be content with the racist policy. I hope that people who decide to heart the others because of the differences between them, will understand that this is not how it should look like and they will change their actions and, what is more, opinions.

  5. To be honest this is not a surprise to me that the third-world countries do not respect human rights and do everything to subdue the citizens. These countries do not tolerate sexual diversity. Formerly, I was not in the country and I do not know whether it is associated with low public awareness and pressure on the government majority, or just the direction that has been taken by the authority. Personally, I do not agree with the treatment of people and sharing them for the better and worse. Similarly, followed in during the World War II.
    I hope that the human rights organizations and the countries from which Uganda is dependent react accordingly.

    I do not understand why the Pope responded in this way, the church should not be exterminated difference. Such a reaction can only cause further shift of the faithful from the Church.

  6. Controversial topic, but i wouldn't reached this infos without your article, because i am not much interested in Uganda's political activities :) These guys are really wild. You could've seen me writing about gay marriage and homosexual relationships as a person who's against it at some point, but this time i have to say it is just wilderness and it's the only reason for this to happen. I bet this woman, or even their government does not have any rational arguments to make this a law, they just say "because people want it", yeah and as a government they can counterfeit every vote results, also it looks like they overpower their right to legislate, so they just make a law what they want to. The problem of homosexuality is not so easy to say "we are for or against it", it's the whole thing to analyze and many arguments to be rethink. I really hope they will rethink their plans and take into account the rest of the world. Pope's blessing is nothing new, the church was always against homosexuality.
