Monday 1 December 2014

Week 9 [01.12-07.12.14] Self-development

 In our times everything is changing fast and competition is growing bigger and bigger in every part of economy.  It's important to improve your skills  to be able to adjust and compete with other. Most people think that the government should prepare us to live with the school’s education. But the truth is that the school focuses only on a wide range of education. If you had some problems in school,  just read this quotation:


The same people also believe that getting a Master’s or Engineer’s  degree is  enough to achieve  something in life, but they are wrong,  it's not enough. In our times  there is so big inflation of diplomas that everyone should do something more than this. By this, I mean that everyone should be focused on self-development. But before starting it, everyone should answer a few important questions:
  • What is really important to me?
  • What do I want from my life?
  • What do I want to achieve?
  • What would   I like to do?
After answering these questions everyone should focus on improving skills which may help in achieving goals. For most of people skills like communication, self-confidence, managing own emotions, ability to learn, self-motivation, ability to handle problems and difficulties might be very useful. From mentioned skills the most important are self-motivation(you can read more about it at my second article) and ability to learn and never give up.


If you want to learn something more about self-development you should definitely start reading books. To start with, I would recommend this list of books:
  • Dale Carnegi "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living"
  • Dale Carnegi "How to win friends and influence people"
  • Joseph Murphy "Power of the subconscious mind"
  • Richard Koch "The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Achieving More with Less"

Like I said before, in Poland we have big inflation of diplomas. Currently there is about 17,5% people with a higher degree and this percent will get higher in future because most parents expect their children will get higher education.

I hope that by reading this short article most of you will acknowledge that self-development is really important especially now.

  1. Do think self-development is important?
  2. Do you belief that our public school system is good and helps us?
  3. Do you know any interesting materials(books, videos, articles) about self-development?

  • Personal thoughts about:
    • Robert Kiyosaki books "Rich father poor father", "Cashflow quadrant" and all others books his autorship.
    • Dale Carnegi "How to win friends and influence people" , "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living"
    • Joseph Murphy "Power of the subconscious mind"




  1. All the time, we are self-developing and I think it is important to improve our skills. Unfortunately I don't think that our public school system is good enought to help us in this task.
    Year by year young people become less smart and lazy. It has happen because there is so many teacher that don't have good enough skills to give their students knowledge.
    I think that school program is really poorly prepard.
    Maybe some of you will find this webside interesting:

  2. Program in polish schools is definitely very bad. In my opinion more useful would be introducing pedagogical and psychological course instead of analysing hundreds of poems at Polish class. Despite program of courses the same problem is with motivating pupils. Very often teachers are not only disposing problems but also ridicule children with difficulty to learn something.

    I do think that self-development is very important. No one can influence ourselves as much as we can. In my opinion nowadays people focus too much on being very good in one faculty that they do not have even basic knowledge in any other area.

  3. I do think that self-development is very important and that a person should work (all the time) on their skills and developing more interests, knowledge. I agree with Karolina that people should look into more than one field and try to widen their horizons. Our school system isn't the best and it's often hard to be/become an individual in a huge group that wants you to fit in, but I believe that parents (of course teachers and friends also) have the biggest impact on kids, their feeling of self worth and the "ability" to later on follow their dreams and passions instead of just fitting in. However I never really liked those kind of "help yourself" books, I've always considered them to be "money extractors" from depressed people who just weren't sure how to deal with their lives. My opinion may not be popular but I've got a hold of Murphy's book when my friend was reading it and I even got my hands on other books of this kind (like "The secret" or one of Donald's Trump books) and I'm glad I didn't buy them. For me they're just full of really simple phrases like "Believe in yourself", "If you want to succeed, you have to work hard for it", "If you smile more your life will get better" and I guess if that helps someone that's great but I could never see it helping me. I believe that any person is aware of those things and putting money into somebody's else pocket won't help them to change their lives. Oh and I hate those motivational speakers, uh. I recently watch a movie "Kumare" about a guy who started a fake cult just to show that anybody can become a spiritual leader and people truly believed that this guy had some sort of energy and felt better after meeting him even though it was coming from themselves. And if they in fact were feeling better, what's wrong with that? I believe that these books, speakers are the same, if that's what a person needs - an expensive "push" from someone else that's fine and I'm glad it helps. But there are a lot of people who are just waiting for someone in a vulnerable position to take advantage of them. I personally think it's better to get help from a friend but maybe I just never could take those lectures seriously.

  4. Adam Kaliński S93674 December 2014 at 16:29

    Program in polish schools are tragic now and nothing shows it will be better. Diplomas... it's very cheap, because everyone can have it but not all have some experience and knowledge. Some way to solve this problem is self development ...strategy I can say. When we want do something we have natural motivation to do it. We haven't to be force by teacher to learn something, it's natural motivation because we learn what we like and do what we want. However as everyone know self development and NLP don't born in Poland.
    Persons mentioned in article like Robery Kiyosaki and Dale Carnegi or Tony Robbins are very known and popular people.

  5. I agree with Paulina (again ;)), as I commented in the article about motivation - neither motivational nor self-development books or speeches convince me to buy them or listen to them. They seem full of clichés like those mentioned by Paulina.

    When it comes to books like that, I prefer psychological, scientific approach - learning mechanisms occuring in people's heads is much more practical than reading sentences like "believe in yourself!!" over and over again.

    I also agree with most of my collegues about our educational system - I have a younger brother who is 13 and goes to middle school. He has to learn many unimportant facts and dates - they don't increase his curiosity in any field, just make him frustrated and stressed. Pupils are taught to memorise some facts, not to use their skills and knowledge. Interpersonal skills are also very underrated. I think that it's a shame subjects like religion are taught, and subjects like self-motivation, personal development etc. are not.

  6. I agree with Katarzyna, year after year kids are getting more and more lazy. Moreover the upbringing seems to be significantly worse that 20-something years ago when we were born. That has a significant impact on people that are younger than us – they are spoiled and bored. Our parents and grandparents- especially, they lived in the times when it was really hard to overcome the basic daily struggles – they learned to cope with different problems.
    Patrycja is definitely right about the cliches. There are solid scientific bases that explain learning process and so on. I would be happy to see more hour dedicated in the schools' programs to subjects like personal development or career counselling. But I can't really see how would that contradict learning religion at school (by those who are interested and want to have this chance offered) ?

  7. Self-development is great, but it is not that simple. Learning new skills often require to have a teacher, because you can not learn everything from books. There are things you have to experience and just fill how to do it. Also if you stuck in one place and do not meet different challenges your skill will not improve. I think the most important is to explore, be curious of the world and trying new things if they occur. You never know what will be useful in future.

  8. Yes, I believe self-improvement is incredibly important for everyone, and we all improve ourselves all the time, though with a varying degree of success of course. As for our public school system, I guess it's not really helping in this process as it's focused on delivering knowledge with little respect for students' predispositions and talents. Kids often end up learning things that are uninteresting to them, and, as Patrycja mentioned, this makes them frustrated. It's also very discouraging.

    I'm also one of these people who dislike self-development books. Usually they're full of truisms and mostly useless advice. I believe that if someone really requires guidance and assistance in self-improving, they should ask a person for help, not a thing.

  9. I'm glad that everyone of you have noticed that our public education system is really poor quality. I'm also glad that everyone agree with me that self-development is important. In some cases I can agree with Paulina Stanek and Paulina Marciniak that some of those books might be "money extractors", because are like our diplomas thesis books about books about books, those books usually don't bring anything new.

    Paulina Marciniak if you like those kind of approach I would recommend you to watch this youtube channel. You can find there a lot useful information about learning, psychology, self-development, motivation etc. based on scientific data.

  10. Maybe I’ll sound creepy but I think that such big unemployment among the masters in Poland is mostly caused by themselves. People in our country are used to complaining and throwing the buck on others like government and so on. Nowadays it’s not enough to get a degree, now you really have to enjoy your work, you have to be not only able but also willing to develop yourself. You have to do everything with passion and love. And such employees are appreciated and demanded by the employers. I totally agree with the statement that the self-development is so important. Self-discipline is not something easy available, you’ve got to work hard for it and today’s work market looks for such hard-working employees. Those who complains are just too lazy to change anything. If people don’t like the polish educational system, there are variations available in Poland, for instance IB courses, which are considerably better constructed and adjusted to the demand of today’s market.

  11. Obviously self-development is so important for everyone. Every day we learn something new and gain experience. Of course everyone has their own pace of development, some learn quickly, others are a bit more lazy, however, as I said every day we become wiser.
    In my opinion our public school system is not enough good. However, research show that our education is not as bad as we perceive it. The biggest drawback of our educational system is that it does not develop creativity.
    For self-development I use Twitter. I observe interesting profiles and people who often tweet very interesting posts.

  12. I agree with Tomasz Gelo at 100% it's true that people prefer to complain about rather than to do something and also most of them think negatively about almost everything. I know it from my own observations when I looked at some of my colleagues from my home town who prefer to flee from reality to alcohol or drugs only to avoid problems in their lives. Some of people usually thinks that their problems are really big and that they won't be able to handle it, but usually it's not true, but they don't have courage to face it.

    Marcin that education drawbag is not only our problem it's exist almost in all countries over the world, maybe besides some of them like Finland. Maybe Finland is so good at education because they don't use from the begging "carrot and stick" method like it's in other countries, they rather prefer to encourage their children by learning not by any motivation techniques. There are no rankings, no comparisons or competition between students, schools or regions. You can read something more about it here.

  13. Self-development is very important and it always was. If we want to reach something in life, we should strive for perfection. Currently we are studying, not everyone works yet, and that is why it is probably the best time for self-development. Therefore, we should use this time in a right way because we may never have such convenient conditions again.
    Education system in Poland is really outgrown – there are definitely too many people studying. There are many fields of study in which it is not possible to find any job. Even if we have chosen a wrong major, we still should focus on self-development in that field, which we are passionate about and are interested in.

  14. I agree with most of commentators, that self-development is very important thing. People should be active in every field of life. We can't depend on the our educational system. The other thing I want to say is that our teachers are rather closed off to dialogue with pupils. In the consequence we have the incomprehensions between two another worlds. Knowledge resource can be everywhere, we just need to find out, what we really want, what is our destiny.

    I'm glad to see your presentation. I'm a fan of Murphy's work, I see the titles I never heard before. I will read more about it with pleasure.

  15. In my opinion the most important thing in our lives is our education and the way we are raised. I we talk about school, I think it is definatly very importanat in our expanding as a human. But ofcourse there are many things that I would like to change in the school cuririculome. Instead if we look at polish education at schools, the level of learning is high compared to some other contries.

  16. How do you motivate yourself?
    It's a hard question to answer. Most times i just have to have aday to do something I have to do. Like homework or something, I know wheather I'll do it today or not. If I make myself do omething tho, I get s fixated on the task that I don't need any more motivation.
    Are you motivated enough to achieve anything you really want in life?
    We achieve something in life every sinle day. Small things are the ones that matter the most, not the big ones.
    What do you want to achieve in your life?
    Well, this is something we should all focus about. If we don't have a clear goal set, how are we supposed to develop? How do we know if we're going into the right direction? Life is complicated, so don't waste time on things that don't matter to you.

  17. I think that every day we are learning something new. Day after day we are facing with new problems in our live which we must solve. That give us knowledge how to solve problems and it should to give us an experience how to avoid some kind of future problems in our live.

  18. We all know that self-development is important but everyone should do it as much as they feel they need it. There are people who push and push themselves harder and harder and it doesn't make them happy. To make something good for yourself is to keep self-development with moderation (like everything in life) and adjust it with yourseleF and your life.

  19. I totally agree with what Paulina says. Self development is not as important as improving their skills and seeking for knowledge.
    In schools now i don't think there is any people that are interested in educating themselves (until some point in life in which they realise how wrong they were). And even some schools are bottlenecking the experience of self development as neither are teachers or kids are communicating. They only get in little groups where they do all and same stuff for 3 years.
