Monday 2 June 2014


Let's go for another (after LEGO) sentimental trip. One of the symbols of my childhood is GameBoy. Not the GB Advanced or  Micro crap, but the oldie-but-goldie GB Classic and Pocket (OK, GB Color  is acceptable ;) ).
At the time, Game Boy was super advanced technological novelty, and  every kid wanted it, including me of course. After begging and pleading  my parents, they finally got me one of those beautiful grey bricks, with two games: "Alleyway" and "Super Mario Land". Later on, I got "Super  Mario Land 2" and "Donkey Kong", which became my favourite. Games like "Wario Land" or "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall Of The Foot Clan", were the ones my parents never bought me, but a few years ago I bought them on with GB Color, which I also always wanted, for a ludicrously low price, comparing to 90s when GB's were pretty expensive.
Not so long after GB was released, the GB Pocket entered the market. When my best friend got his brand new Pocket, I must admit, I envied  him. I still think that GB Pocket is the best GB ever, even though it has a monochromatic display (technically GB Color transcends it).

As every kind of modern device, GB also had an army of accessories. The curious and impressive thing is that Game Boy could do some things, a modern SmartPhone can do. For example, a Game Boy Camera was a cartridge with a digital rotating camera, through which one could take and edit photos. Not too good quality but, after all, it was 1998(!). The most notable peripherals are also a GB Printer (think everyone guesses what it did), a Game Link Cable (you could play with your friend(s) in a multiplayer mode on two or more GB's) and a Screen Protector to save players’ eyes. The weirdest gadget for GB is a Game Boy Pocket Sonar which allowed to scan the water basin to search for fishes. Can your smartphone do that? :)

Q time:
1. Did you own a GameBoy? (If you didn't, what electronic device(s) you played with in your childhood?)
2. What was/is your favourite game for GB/other devices?
3. Do you know about some freaky gadgets for GB/other devices? Describe them.


  1. 1. Did you own a GameBoy? (If you didn't, what electronic device(s) you played with in your childhood?)
    I did have one. It was fun :)
    2. What was/is your favourite game for GB/other devices?
    Megaman. Nothing else matters.
    3. Do you know about some freaky gadgets for GB/other devices? Describe them.
    First consumer camera. Try to google the first image ever taken with it. It's surprising that we had the basic technology so many years before.

  2. @armand, what other GB games you played? Any Mario kind?
    Could you paste the link for the first image ever taken with GB Camera? I can't find it.

  3. I have game boy, but now i don't really remember in what games i've played.
    I was game hipster so i don't play in mainstream titles like others.
    Gameboy camera i never heard about it!
    so cool and photos are like from some instagram filter :D

  4. I didn't own a GameBoy so this topic is just not for me. I like to play games but on my PC not on portable devices like GB or even phone.

  5. 1. Did you own a GameBoy? (If you didn't, what electronic device(s) you played with in your childhood?)
    I owned a GameBoy. Now it belongs to next generation, meaning my little cousin.
    2. What was/is your favourite game for GB/other devices?
    Pokemon? Were there any better?
    3. Do you know about some freaky gadgets for GB/other devices? Describe them.
    Printer. I saw that little device in action, it was fun for that times ^^

  6. @przemekM, I know, Camera is crazy. :) Though at the time this was surprisingly normal for everyone.
    @Michał Wągrodzki, if it was your child, not a cousin, I would say "good parenting, you're doing it right". In this case I must say only "you're doing it right". :)
    Pokemon? Terrible, in my opinion...
