Wednesday 9 October 2013

Week 2: No Arms No Legs No Worries

I would like you to read/watch and comment on/discuss the presentation - No Arms No Legs No Worries 
 You will find it at


  1. I read about him some time ago already, and he's amazing. I always said, that my life is OK, because I still have my legs, my arms, I can walk, talk, see etc. But then I saw the video, and I realized: my life would still be awesome, even if I would be blind, or if I couldn't walk. All things I think, I cannot do, are onl in my head. That's for sure! But still, it's very hard to just... forget about problems... I try to find solutions, but it's not very easy. And I know, Nick says that, but still... it's really hard to struggle with yourself....

  2. Happiness is a state of mind, and so it is a choice. One cannot force someone else to be happy only because of the comparison - there will always be less fortunate people than us, and that doesn't mean we must be glad of our lives no matter what. Nick is an inspirational person, that's for sure. The only thing I would add is the simple fact of him being the best inspiration especially for handicapped people. While the healthy, active ones may compare to him the same way they do to African kids, it is the disabled group that really needs this kind of motivation.

  3. I have read interesting research backed up by opinions from the disabled communities that no matter the circumstances you're in, your mind is getting used to it and happiness levels go back to default after a while - at that point you only experience happy and sad emotions from variations from your default happiness level. So if you have nothing, you're more likely to be happy because you enjoy each positive thing that happens to you. If you have everything and get used to it, it's harder to experience something that truly makes you happy because your mind is used to having almost everything. I think that might be the case here. I think a lot of people get stuck in their own present state dwelling on it too much instead of doing great things - and it applies to everyone, no matter what's your current position in life. It's great to see an example that you can do great things and experience happiness no matter where you're coming from.

  4. I think it’s nothing unusual for those kind of people to be happy and not have any worries. I mean after all they don’t know any other life style then the one they had the entire life. The brain is used to the fact that it has to live and survive using what it has. It would be much more challenging if the person was fully functional and all of a sudden in a car accident for example they lost their hands and legs. There is a lot of articles and also a documentary about a young blind boy that uses echo sonar by making a clicking noise and hearing the reflection of that sound. The brain then interprets the signal and creates a raw view in his brain. It’s amazing to the extent that the boy rides a bicycle using this method – totally blind.

  5. Nick is such a unique and strong person. I would probably be dpresssed all the time if I were him. Every day problems are nothing compare to this one. I could not imagine not having both legs and arms. For me he is definately an inspiring person.
    But don't get me wrong I also think that people who deal with, let's call it, "normal" problems are also inspiring.

  6. I have seen the man before, and found him very inspiring. Here is short film with Nick - "The Butterfly Circus" that I strongly recommend to everyone:

  7. Each deviation from the norm might become a problem, but it doesn’t have to be that way!
    Children, for example, suffer when the color of their lollipop differs from their friends’ lollipop.
    The thing is to grow out of such attitude. We shouldn’t compare ourselves with others, especially if we can’t change. Not having arms is not a problem by itself – it becomes one when we compare ourselves with people who have arms. If we didn’t compare, there wouldn’t be a problem at all!
    I think that Nick Vuijicic is an amazing, clever person. He was able to realize that some things are unchangeable. He enjoys life and accepts it the way it is.
