Saturday 19 January 2013

I know what I'm eating

It has been known that a healthy diet is one of the most important factors that help us in maintaining better shape, attractive figure, well-being. However, this concept is not clear, and many people have trouble defining it. A healthy diet needs to be tailored to a specific organism as it should give  us all  necessary nutrients in the right amounts suited to our lifestyle. This means that each of us must find his/her own way to healthy eating (this is often dependent on our blood group, our temperament, work, sports we practice every day).

·         Keep a variety of edible products. Do not eat the same products, your body needs a lot of vitamins for proper development.
·         Beware of overweight and obesity, do not forget about your daily physical activity. Regularly inspect weight.
·         Cereal should be your main source of energy (calories). Eat whole grain bread.
·         Drink every day at least two large glasses of milk. Milk can be replaced with yogurt and partly cheese. Milk contains calcium, which is an essential component of bones.
·         Eat meat in moderation.
·         Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits every day.
·         Reduce fats, in particular animal, and also products containing a lot of cholesterol and trans fatty acids.
·         Keep moderation in the consumption of sugar and sweets. Sweets do not contribute anything useful, they are just empty calories.
·         Limit your intake of salt.
·         Drink a lot of water because it cleanses your body, it has no calories and fills our stomach.
·         Do not drink alcohol. Alcohol has many calories and it does not seem so :)

Film about a balanced diet:

1.       Do you think that a balanced diet is important for us and our health?
2.       Do you use or are advised to be on any diet?
3.       What do you think about weight loss diets?



  1. 1. Eating a balanced diet is essential for everyone. In order for us to stay healthy,we need to eat a variety of products including fruit and vegetables which are full of nutrients and vitamins. Eating well is very important if one wants to lead a long and healthy life. It is important to know what to eat and how much. I believe it is more about the food choices that we make more than about number of calories consumed every day.
    2.Fortunately,I have never been on a diet and I am happy with my weight. I know how difficult it is actually to be on a diet in order to lose weight. I think diets sometimes are required but need to be supervised and supported by exercising in order to lose weight the right way.
    3.I think there is nothing wrong with weight loss diets if they are conducted right and supported by the doctor or health advisor. Often individuals go on a diet without fully commiting to it causing themselves even more health problems.Hence,if someone decides to go on a diet,he/she needs to choose one which is suitable according to health history,age and other important personal factors.

  2. In my opinion a balanced diet is crucial for our physical as well as psychological well-being. It provides our body and mind with indispensable vitamins and minerals which enable us to prosper normally and go through our lives without any dangerous problems with health. The time which is the most important for humans is youth- this is the time when we need to take care of our diet as it may influence us and exert irreparable harm on us for the rest of our lives. This is the time when our parents tell us what is good or bad but we tend to eat whatever we like and disregard the rules. Balanced diet at young age is very important, especially when we need to study a lot which demands a lot of energy and motivation. What is more we need to remember the older we are, the more difficult it is to lose weight. I do not use any diets, I just try to make sure I eat healthy food. Obviously, I sometimes go out and eat something which is not very advisable but I try to control myself. Since I started to eat healthy, I feel much better and I believe it influences my concentration a lot and gives me energy. I also sleep well. When it comes to weight loss diets, I do not believe they are always healthy. In my opinion losing weight is more about finding motivation and time for working out, not about limiting ourselves to fruits and vegetables for example. As it appears to me, after having spent too much time on a diet, we can end up tragically i.e. being much fatter than before.

  3. 1.I think that a balanced diet is very important for our health. A balanced diet helps to keep good health and figure. Should be adjusted to the individual needs of each of us. However, there are rules that apply to all. A balanced diet is designed to provide the body with all it needs nutrients and vitamins. That is why it is important to choose the date stirred for food products from all groups
    2.I am now on a diet because I want to stay slim and eat healthier than before which positively affects me. I used 2 weeks diet tailored to my blood group, do not eat products that affect me adversely and are fattening, if someone wants to go on a healthy diet I highly recommend this diet
    3.There are plenty of weight loss diets, if you want to lose weight healthily should choose to dietician for consultation, he will choose us adequate diet. Definitely do not recommend starvation diet.

  4. I agree that starvation diets are not effective and also do not recommend, and what's in the later result is a yo yo effect and instead of being healthy and lean it comes to us and bring more weight to the disturbance of the body.
    I use at this point in the diet do not eat wheat, and avoid large quantities of milk (adult human body can not digest milk). I must admit that I did not believe that the wheat is so harmful to the body but after a few weeks of this diet to feel really really great, I have no feelings of gravity so far, I highly recommend you try this diet.
