Monday 26 October 2015

Week 5 [26.10 - 1.11.2015] Endangered species

Endangered species

Endangered species are species of animals, which are likely to become extinct. They are listed in IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) Red List of Threatened Species. There are a few categories of species: Extinct, Threatened and Lower Risk. This presentation will be only about threatened species because the topic is too big to be described briefly.

Threatened category contains three statuses: Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN) and Vulnerable (VU). Most endangered species are located in CR status. They are most likely to become extinct in wild. Most popular CR species is the Northern white rhino. I’m sure that you’ve heard about rhinos being guarded by soldiers in Africa for 24 hours. It’s necessary because some people are still trying to capture them for their precious horns, even though they are nearly extinct. It shows how brainless and cruel people are - killing last individuals of species because of getting money. Here you can read more about the northern white rhino’s situation:

Now, something about endangered species. I’m sure all of you know how the giant panda looks like - big, fluffy white bears with black markings on their ears, eyes and upper body. They are clumsy and like to eat a lot of bamboo. Unfortunately, they are likely to go extinct in very close future. Human activity in their natural habitat, China’s Yangtze Basin region, forced them to shrink their territories. They lost their source of bamboo, their basic food because of cutting down forests. They are also lazy, so they are not so eager to reproduce :) [you can see here how male panda chooses apple over his female partner at All of these factors caused pandas to reduce their population to critical numbers.

The next popular endangered species is the blue whale. It’s the largest animal on Earth, which can reach even 200 tons and has as big heart as a car. Despite its large weight, the blue whale eats small krill - it has to eat 4 tons of them daily! The population of those animals was depleted by whale hunters in XIX and XX centuries, but in 1966 hunting those magnificent animals was finally banned. Even though whales are still in danger, they are often killed by ships and by pollution.

Finally, something to frighten you: endangered frogs. They are small, insignificant creatures living somewhere below our feet. But… are they so insignificant? Do you like flies, spiders, worms? Frogs like them, they eat them. If there were no frogs, we would have a great number of bugs flying around and biting us. Frogs help clean the world, but they are likely to go extinct. You can check some of endangered frogs here:

So.. Why should we protect endangered species? You can say that many species have already gone extinct and nothing happened. Of course, but our ecosystem is perfectly balanced, there is something like food chains, which are destroyed if one of the link is gone. As a result animals from bottom of the food chain can grow and they become a plague.
There are some organizations, which care about endangered species. One of the most popular is WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). You can check out all protected species by them on their page:

I would like to encourage you to fund such organizations - you can do it by, for instance, donating your 1% of tax return. We have to think about our planet, not only about ourselves.


  1. Human being. That's the real problem. People from centuries are destroying ecosystem. Pollution, hunting on animals. It's the only problem.
    Conclusion: world could be the better place - but without humans :)

    Someone tell me I'm wrong?

  2. The main reason for existence endangered species is greed and stupidity of people. Killing animals is a great business. Hunters can earn a lot on the skin and meat of unique animals. The only hope are organisations like WWF that are trying protect populations. We are only able to financially support such projects.

    1. Despite the fact that many organizations trying to take care of endangered species, most people do not pay attention on it. They hunt to animals that are on the verge of extinction without realizing that future generations will view them only in books. Therefore I am afraid that it is impossible to endangered species survived only thanks to organizations such as the WWF

  3. It is very sad that there exist spieces that are endangered . I think that we should do everything to make it not happen. Perhaps in order to effectively fight this we should increase penalties for poaching on endangered species.

  4. Endangered species is just one side effect of human action, interference in world, one example of who really get lost on our world. Our world?!

    Money is what drives us on. That little papers control the world. Because of that papers we are capable of and often forced to cross the bariers of ourselfs and the Earth. We destroy it more and more because it’s like rushing carousel, can’t be stopped like that and if we do so, another consequences appear. Lots of factors must arise and come together. It’s hard process, that can’t completed without cooperation. Cooperation is staying in opposition to power. And human want to rule the world.

    Everything what I can write about and mention here is gathered in that video, to which link is below. Maybe it’s off-topic. No, I don’t think so. Endangered spiecies are part of that video. I highly recommend that short film about the „true” world we live in. Not just because of that topic, but because we are humans. Personally, I was moved by it in some way.

  5. The first issue is the behavior of some people, which is terrible. Killing animals only for pleasure should be severely punished, especially in the case of endangered species. This is inhumanity. The killing of defenseless animals with gun is no achievement.

    Another issue is that the evolution of the world is associated with the extinction of some species. I believe that the appropriate organizations such as WWF should do whatever possible to preserve endangered species.

  6. Now one of the biggest problems is that bee population decreases, we must remember that bees pollinate flowers, tree etc. and without them we will not have any fruits and flora will decreases. We have to find balance between our lives and animals live.

  7. Michał Stankiewicz1 November 2015 at 16:56

    The thing about bees is a real threat for our existnece, know for a long time already. If bees will go extinct, the plants we're used to will suffer strongly. It's funny to notice about the so often visible cases of authorities closing bee-gardens, because some people complain that tourism suffers from them. People are still strongly unaware about how dangerous can the results become in the close future.

    The problem with the extinction is that it's really difficult to tell, what the reasons are. We can often see that people are interfering in some area or they're spoiling the water there. While such cases are easily visible and clear to judge, it's still important to note that some of the species are dying because of them being unprepared for the suvival. When we look, for example, for the cute pandas, we can see how clumsy and lazy they can be. it's not the type of animals, that's strongly fighting till their last breath for survival. They are unfortunately quite lazy when it comes to gathering food, reproduction, and that's why a small change to their enviroment is often deadly for them.

  8. I agree here with Mariusz, killing animals for fun, or thrill it's just bad, this should be severely punished. Animals can't defend themselves so hunting them down with a gun when there is no need for it like for example: I am very hungry, I have been struggling in the jungle for like a month, so here, I would understand this hunger-driven situation, but people who hunt for fun should be labeled Dangerous from the start.
    Yes, we should protect animals. Our world is driven by money, when we face a situation of loss or profit some people wouldn't care about animals, other people etc. That has been going on for a very, very long time. Here You have some links about cutting down trees in amazon and in africa
    Everything here is because, people need more farms or because oil or mine's. This deforestation, every deforestation is a global case not local. Everyone can cut down a tree from his private property but when we start calculating those it's a global thing. By this we destroy the natural habitats of animals, we destroy nature.
    Once, Einstein said that:
    If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.

    If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live

    And this is what I am afraid off, that "the lowest level" animals will extinct and chain after chain, life will extinct on Earth.

    I think the pandas stuff is a bit hiperbolized here, I mean the video :) but You are right, some animals are very lazy and they have problems to reproduce, when they are killed the number of animals will drop and it will be hard to reproduce the population because their nature of reproducing is time consuming.

  9. In my opinion we should do something , that endangered species don't extinct. so much they are talking about it, however don't see improvements. I think that these are effects of the captivity animals, poachings, hunts, and is their less and less .So that animals don't extinct, they must have better conditions lives, and they must reproduce. Also bees are a good example

  10. There is no creature more violent and cruel than human. Especially to weaker than him. I'm glad there are these organizations, helping to preserve endangered species. With all the bad happening because of humans, I'm thankful there still are some who uphold our humanity.

  11. I agree with all comments that we definitely should care about endangered species,
    because people disturb balance in the nature a lot. We should create national
    organizations which could take care about them. I support private organizations,
    and I also persuade my friends to do that. If we don't do something with that,
    the effects can be devastating.

  12. We should be more careful with that what we do. I mean that what we do with nature. We should protetct human life but we shuold care about animals and nature too. We can't kill animals which are endangered because without them we could die too. For example bees. Without bees humanity became extinct in a few years. We should think more about our world and what we can do to make it better.

  13. I agree, we should protect endangered species, but most likely we will see them in the future only in zoo, there is no way we can protect them all in the wild.
    Another problem is with bees that cannot be protected like pandas or rhinos and when they die we will have a bigger problem than endangered pandas.

  14. There is only one reason why the world have endangered species - stupidly of people. Everything could be better without human activity. Ecosystem is destroyed because of people. This is terrible how it looks like. And there is no explanation for that behavior. They’ re explain that will be better, but this is worse. That’s my opinion.

  15. Save The Animals I want my children to be able to experience the same great wildlife that I have. I explore and travel the world and nothing is better to me than observing all the mystical wonders that God has put on this great earth. The great thing about animals is, they adapt and thrive to survive. They don't kill for more than what they need, they don't destroy the planet. They only know instincts, emotions, and survival.

  16. Protection of endangered species has always seemed to me an important issue, because every animal has an impact on our lives, even if it is not noticeable right away. Do any of us can predict whether an "ordinary" pet someday not prove necessary to the proper functioning of the world? Science continues to grow, so perhaps underappreciated genre today will be very important in the future, eg in medicine. I think it is a good example of pig animal, so that sick people with diabetes can live a lot more comfortably than if treated using synthetic insulin, which was much less effective and people become resistant to it, so they had to take it more and more. However, there will always be someone like Wojciech Cejrowki, who in several of his speeches wanted to convince the audience that the panda is useless species and not worth wasting money on its protection. It is sad that a man who is the authority for so many people have the audacity to put his life on others and contribute to the extinction of these marvelous animals.

  17. To be honest it's not like we can do anything with that situation, apart from not making already bad situation worse. There is no way to control every single human to make sure he's not e.g. hunting for an animal, and with every year we're slowly changing and adapting to it, but animals are not following that due to evolution problems. We already have many animals that did live in the past, and do not exist anymore. By keeping those rare animals in isolated, unnatural places like natonial parks, we're only extending what is inevitable, as humanity is responsible for that and the situation is unlikely to be possible to invert.

  18. This is sad how many different factors cause such decrease in population of certain species. For me, most frightening is hunting for trophies. Those people just do it for their personal reasons showing how much they don’t care about their contribution in spice extinction.
    I can’t imagine live with insects all around, I hope that none of frog spices will extinct. Some similar case is bees. There are areas in China where they extinct, and no new came, in order to have plants, every year local Chinese people have to pollinate flowers manually, because it’s every year bees job. Without them there will be no flowers at all!
