Monday 11 March 2013

Week 1: Be a smart traveller

Read the presentation
and comment on it here. Remember to discussion it with other group members


  1. I planned my holidays with travel agency only twice. And it was many years ago. First trip was to Egypt and second to Sicily. After spending quite a lot of money I was generally satisfied but as well I made decision that next time I'll go on my own. That being said next trips, to China and Peru, I have planned with my friends and we went on our own. I think it would cost twice if planned and executed by travel agency.

  2. For a few years I spend my vacations very active (bicycle trip, yahting, rafting) and I planned all of them by myself. There were few different reasons for that, but none of them was money.
    Long ago I bought a trip to Djerba (Tunisia) from a travel agency, and I paid very little for the airfare and accommodation, much less than if I was planning such a trip by my own. There were few minor tours during this vacations, some of them for free, some of them not, but no one was forcing me to do anything, if I wanted I could just stay on a beach whole week. To be honest, I didn't notice a big difference between this trip and those planned by myself from a scratch, but maybe it depends on the type of a trip you buy in a travel agency. Tour trip for example is probably highly organized, may be very exhausting and probably wont satisfy me at all.
    Anyway, I prefer planning vacations by myself. But I can imagine that not every people do it, and not because they are lazy or too stupid (as one of the commenting person wrote), they just have different needs. For example when traveling with kids or with elder people (even with parents, not so old but not young enough to sleep in a tent), you just need more comfort, so you can't lower your costs that easy. And when staying in a hotel, it's usually cheaper to buy a trip in a travel agency.

  3. I prefer to plan my vacation by myself, thus I have never used a travel agent before.

    However, my parents and their friends often use travel agencies to plan their holidays. But you must be really careful when you do that, because there is always a risk when you buy a tour from a tourist agency, even the popular and recommended one. One week ago, my friend's parents bought the ski trip to Italy from the travel agency that they have been using for years. The day before the scheduled departure this travel company went bankrupt, so my friend's parent could not go for their planned and already paid holidays.

    That is why I believe that people should plan their trips by themselves. Then you are responsible for everything and if something goes wrong you can only blame yourself.

  4. Personally, I prefer to plan holidays and trips alone. There are many reason why I do. Travel agencies are often much more expensive excursions offer than if a person plans to be alone. The fact that there are options before but I believe that at the present time we do not know when we will really have time to go somewhere. Also, I have a friend who bought a trip to Greece, but when I came up for it turned out that the company, which bought the bankrupt trip. That's why I always look before I go somewhere on airline tickets first, and then looking for a suitable hotel in the given time limit. I do so for many years and I'm such a method very happy holiday. In addition, we are not burdened with the program trips and every day, we can do whatever we want and not what we need.


  5. My experience with travel agency is like my car. I don't have a car ;) I haven't ever organized travel, always there were someone who did that for me.
    So it is quite difficoult to me to share sometihnig with you, but taking under consideration my friends experience in one sentense "Do not travel with agency".

    One of my firends lose his money because and honeymoon because of travel agency which go bankrupt. s7719, I see that my firends case is not that rare, sadly... Another one have disgusting hotel with broken door to her room. That is why from my point of view this topic and given tipcs are very useful.
