Monday, 17 November 2014

Week 7: [17.11 - 23.11.14] Microsoft .NET goes open source cross-platform, Visual Studio is now free

Microsoft changes drastically. A giant from Redmond announced that the source code of the .NET platform will be released under the MIT open source license. On top of that, Visual Studio will be accessed for free.

Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment. It is used to develop console programs, including the graphic user interface. Visual Studio contains a collection of development tools (IDE), including C#, C++, Visual Basic, J#, ASP.NET and F#.

.NET is a development framework that covers a software environment and a large class library, which provides a standard functionality for applications. This technology is not tied to a single language and programs can be written in one of the many languages, for instance, C++/CLI, C#, F#, J#, Delphi 8 for .NET, Visual Basic .NET. .NET Framework’s task is to manage various elements of the system: application code, memory and securities.

In the nearest future Microsoft will make the full source code of the .NET available on the basis of the open source license. Additionally, .NET will be expanded to run on the Linux and OS X platforms. 
A part of the source code is already available on Github service.

The next important thing is the release of the Visual Studio Community, a free fully featured edition of Visual Studio – the program can be downloaded already today and it has no difference from the pay version, however it gives access to toolset for only nonenterprice application development. Microsoft also expanded support to its framework Xamarin, which allows to instantly convert applications from Windows/Windows Phone to iOS and Android.

It appears that Microsoft wants to make .NET the second JAVA and it is not a bad plan at all. A win-win situation develops here for independent programmers, who will be able to create multiplatform mobile applications easily, and users, who will enjoy using those applications.

Do you believe that this is the finish for JAVA? Maybe you already have programmed something in the .NET environment?



  1. It is hard for me to say more on this topic because I never programmed anything. I have big respect for people who are writing all this scripts and never lost doing that. I remember HACKATHON quite good at our school where all of the studiends tried their best to win this challage and they had been working all day and night.

  2. As a student of IT department it is hard to do not know .NET environment. At the very beginning of your career at the university we had basic C++ course and later graphic class. Right now, at the last engineering semester at least my group uses Visual Studio more often than Eclipse. It is caused by the engineering project that we write in ASP.NET.

    There will be often fight between proponents of Java and C++. As we can see from experience and from income statistics, Java developers are probably the most sought. Employment is cheaper then in case of C++ or .NET.

    However after 4 years at our University the only required programming language was always Java. We all had to learn different technologies by ourselves.
    Taking about Visual Studio I do really like this development environment. Using Git repository makes our programmer lives way easier.

  3. My adventure with programming ended in the high school - I was in IT/math class, we mainly used C++. I know the basics of Java, but unfortunately not enough to constructively comment on the topic :)

  4. I am not really into programming, I don't have much knowledge about it so please forgive my mistakes :D But if I am correct I think that making a programme free for non-commercial use has its advantages. More people have an access to it, can learn it for free and in the future will also use this tool if they were satisfied in the way it works. It builds some kind of habit, addiction :D

  5. I am surprised reading this, because I didn't hear any news about this decision of Microsoft. I think this is a very smart move. To make money in information technology business, it's not enough to have a good technology it also needs to be a popular one. And I am sure .Net will now grow even faster that it is growing now.
    As for the competition with JAVA, this duel won't be definitely won by one of the opponents any time soon. That is because, JAVA has a long tradition in enterprise applications.
    Also further development of the Xamarin is a really good investment, because mobile application have been all the rage for quite some time.
    On the other hand, a technology getting more and more popular may be a double-edged sword for the developers. The more popular the technology gets, the more specialists is learning it (lower remuneration) but also there are more work positions are available (easier to get a job). The ideal situation is where a given technology experts are in demand in business and there are not many of them on the market. I know some of those but I won't tell :)

  6. In my opinion Microsoft decision is step into the right path. By this decision they can popularize their product and increase share in market and by doing it they can increase their profit a lot. About cross-platform converting code it's really great stuff because you don't have to write all code again to different platform, you just have to adjust some small part of code. I'm using something similar to mentioned Xamarin the tool is called Unity 3D . In unity you can convert code almost to all most popular platform like Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows, Linux, xBox, Mac and many others. And about end of java question I don't think that it will be the end because java already have to big % share market to just disappear.

  7. Do you believe that this is the finish for JAVA?
    What do You mean by finish of JAVA? By that you mean it's going to die out of natural causes? Ofcourse. The question is - when? Java is fun in some ways, it's very limited in other. Every time You make a project You have to make sure, that the final solution is something that You wanted or not.
    Maybe you already have programmed something in the .NET environment?
    Sure. Nothing to crazy, but yeah. I didn't really like it for some reason.
    Unity FTW

  8. @Katarzyna Przybysz
    HACKATON is really a super event. Not only programmers can participate in it – graphic designers, people with interesting ideas and others are also invited.

    @Karolina Wieczorek
    I also consider that Visual Studio is a very good program and is easier to use than Eclipse.

  9. That is great news! Although I usually write my code in Java, C# is much useful for me. The ability to write smartphone apps for Android and iOS is even better. Visual Studio is one of the greatest tool for creating applications and it make the whole process much faster.

    C# can potentially replace ObjectiveC but not Java. Those 3 languages are competing and it is very interesting which will be the winner in the future.

  10. This is great news for the developer community. I usually write my code in Java, but I wrote few programs in C#. I used several times Visual Studio and I think it is one of the best IDE to create software. Metioned Microsoft decision leads to an increase popularity .Net platform and other Microsoft products.

    Referring to Java, I do not believe that this is the end of Java. Java has too great community to vanish. Another factor that will protect Java is JVM.

  11. I've got a comperable opinion to Katarzyna Przybysz, who wrote her commnent earlier. Unfortunately, I can't say a lot about this presentation, because I've never programed anything. Also I respect so much computer scientists, who see about writing of codes or see about programming. If it comes to me, I think it's just something abstract. Although I would be bored fast, if my job involved timeless writing of codes and rectification them. That's why I chose a computer graphic. I find it more creative.

  12. I can agree with Marcin. I don't know much about .NET and my knowledge about C# is very poor too. I have heard about this and few days ago i was talking about this with professional C++ developer. He said that Microsoft has taken a very good decision but a couple years too late. Nowadays JAVA is very popular because is totally for free. I don't believe that is the end of JAVA
