Thursday 10 December 2015

Week 10 [07.12-13.12.2015] The impact of refugees' crisis on the Polish economy

The impact of refugees' crisis on the Polish economy

The current hot potatoe is the crisis brought by the political discussion concerning the moral aspect of accepting an inflow of a great number of refugees. The European refugee crisis is first and foremost a humanitarian crisis. But it has an economic dimension too. Over one million of asylum seekers make their way towards Europe, including Poland. Obviously, the arrival of such a significant number of migrants will have an impact on the region's prospects. The thing is to calculate this influence in the long and short run. The predictions are not certain and there is no time to acquire experience by letting in  some refugees waiting on the European borders - the cost of such a delay is counted in many human lives.

The most common claim of the economists is the fact that Europe suffers from the aging society and it is a great opportunity to change this demographic trend. It is incomprehensible that the countries that refrain the most from the resettlement of refugees are the ones that might benefit from this movement the most. The Poles are afraid of the fact that newcomers will deprive them of work places. They will create cheap workforce. It is true but generally it is the way how developed countries work - Poles take such jobs in Germany and Great Britain. If Poland wants to catch up with Western countries, it can't close itself.

On the other hand, short term prospect is not that positive. It is obvious that European countries have to provide necessary conditions (e.g. food, shelter) . It seems to be a great sum until we look at the latest promises of the Polish government, which makes the crisis reserve a peanut in comparison with the budget deficit that is going to be created by unnecessary decisions being taken right now. Still, it is hard to predict the consequences. We can't be sure who is really right. The question is if the countries will treat it as a tragedy or rather as an investment.

What is your point of view on the economic influence of refugees on EU countries?
Do you think that refugees can bring positive change in the European societies?
Could you think of some other solutions to the problem of aging populations?


  1. Poland can't afford for supporting economic immigrants. First Poland should deal with the matter of returned expatriates. They had to leave and live in the Ukraine, in the Kazakhtsan and they can’t return to the country. Citizens are waiting even a few years in the queue to the doctor. Poland hasn’t money to it, but to immigrants we already have?

  2. It's hard to say something sensible, because I have poor knowledge about refugees. I don't want to invent some economic influence. It's difficult to find some kind of truthful opinions in media.There is no arguments, however a lot of emotions.

  3. No, refugees never bring anything good. Usually those are people who are simply leeching out of the government and they have "demanding" attitude. Just check what is happening in Germany of France if you for some reason don't know what I'm referring to.

    I'd state it clearly. If somebody wants to find a safe place in let's say Poland, give him half a year to find a job, learn language, learn culture, and watch him carefully. If after that time he won't achieve anything, send him back to where he came from. People who appreciate the opportunity will stay, and leecher will be kicked back to where they belong.

  4. Refugees! So many of them! How to accommodate them all? How to feed them?
    But why?
    After all, they do not want to live in our country. They prefer to return to their country, rather than live with us.,1019407,title,Uchodzcy-ktorych-przyjeli-Polacy-uciekli-za-granice-To-juz-kilkanascie-syryjskich-rodzin,wid,17838111,wiadomosc.html?ticaid=1161c3

    This article is specifying what the family received.
    We create in our country, for the refugees, better conditions than for some of our people.

  5. I believe that the refugees could us bring many benefits. The country can largely expand. I think it should develop and try to build an economic system in the right way and reasonable. It's only my opinion.

  6. Usually economic influence of refugees is very big and mostly postive, but i don't think that refugees can bring positive change in the European societies. Poland doesn't have the money to help refugees. And if they had the money, they should spend it on Poles in need. Like Wojciech said: "First Poland should deal with the matter of returned expatriates."
    In addition these people have problem with assimilation with our European culture.

  7. Partly accept with Maciej. But way of accepting refugees need some development. I would like to say, countries need a program of assimilation and accommodation for these people, not only spending money on them but also give them a chance on a new life.

  8. I have many concerns about the immigrants heading for Europe from countries such as Syria, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Somalia. These people are from a completely different culture. There are mostly Muslims. Culture and behavior of Muslims is significantly different from the European. They do not want to assimilate what is already noticeable in England or France. They create their own clusters which they want to transform to the district with Sharia law.

    An important question is whether they are actually refugees or economic migrants? Personally, I feel that they not want to assimilate and begin to work here. I think that Poland is not ready to maintain these people.

    Another issue is the security of Europeans. As could be seen among the refugees there are also terrorists (attacks in Paris).

  9. I don't want to raise hell here but you didn't give us any source or even some statistics, so I will comment on what I think - I don't really know if it's true or not. So I think it didn't really made any impact, because we are not prepared for refugees, what I mean we are not the target for them. They wouldn't be satisfied with our social politics. Lots of emotions, not much real informations.

  10. I agree with @Łukasz Domeradzki but in reference to the latest massive muslim-immigrant movement. Don't know what more I could add to what he wrote.

  11. If they are eager to work, and can bring positive impact to our economy I have nothing against, but there are some procedures which are needed to be restricted. They can’t just come to our country and maintain undeclared work. I’m not an economist, I have no idea how we could avoid problems of aging society, so better any solution, than none.

  12. Poland is not a refugee friendly country, neither can afford it. The only solution is that they will contribute somehow by working. But as far as I know they dont really want to live here.

  13. A bunch of cheap, uneducated workforce? Those will really take all our prestigious jobs, like this garbage collector career I've always wanted to pursue. Oh, and all the raping and killing? Yeah, I hate Nothern Praga late at night too.

    And please stop saying "hot potatoe".

  14. This topic starts to become boring to me. Poland should peel some position and keep it. Right now new government want to stop refugees from coming to our country and actually it's only one good decision of this government. I'm not against accepting some amount off refugees but they should be controlled on borders very strictly and the amount shouldn't be as big as government decided earlier.

  15. Well, if we were talking about refugees from civilized regions who would be willing to contribute something positive to the society, I’d be more than happy to welcome them. However, this deluge of people who don’t understand that in Europe women and men are equal, who don’t want to obey our law and respect our religions and traditions is the first step to the fall of our society. Young and strong men constitute about 80% of those immigrants, and, in my opinion, their main purpose is to procreate at the unprecedented speed so that they can take control of our wealth and land. So, the only solution I can think of is not letting the refugees come to the EU, no matter what the situation in their countries is.

  16. Like most speakers, I think that the refugees in Poland are tragic prospect. Poland barely copes with its economy and politics, we do not need yet thousands of refugees for whom we should find some flats, meals, etc.

    According to me, the only change associated with the refugees will be a change of religion to Islam.

  17. I believe that if something threatens human life, then you have to help them, if there is such possibility. Many European countries can afford it and it depends on them under what conditions and to what extent they are able to help immigrants. If a country can afford to give every family free housing and money for life, then go ahead. But how Poland may adopt the number of refugees if there is no money to provide its citizens with a normal standard of living? Poland can not turn away from so many Polish families that are working for years to ensure your loved minimum needed to live, and to give it all for the refugees. If a Polish province is able to provide homes for immigrants, let these people bear the costs of its upkeep. I think we do not close for helping these people, but we have to put some conditions adapted to the country.
