Monday 7 December 2015

Week 10 [07.12-13.12.2015] Conspiracy theories

Probably you thought, that in this article I will write about aliens, NWO and other strange, boring things? No, I won’t.
I want to tell you about some interesting military conspiracy theories. Of course they are only theories, some things can be untrue or maybe even they are entirely false and invented by a talented story writer ;)

Project Philadelphia

This is a military science project that happened most likely on 28 October 1943. The guinea pig was the ship USS Eldridge and its crew. The experiment was performed to test if the unified field theory is true. One of the project creators was Albert Einstein. The main goal of this project was to create a weapon that is invisible to the human eye.

The experiment went wrong. A device generated a unipolar magnetic field. After a few minutes fog appeared. The ship disappeared, but it wasn’t invisibility. USS Eldridge was teleported far away from the harbor. After hours the ship “returned” back. But it was damaged. Most of the crew died and some suffered from a mental illness. The ones who weren’t mentally ill said, that they were teleported to year 1983.

Operation High jump

This operation is officially confirmed by the USA government, but nobody from the public knows why 4700 military, 13 ships and many combat planes were sent to Antarctica, as this operation wasn’t for military purposes. This happened in 1946-1947 and was officially a science mission... This mission was expected to last a few months, but it was cancelled after 8 weeks. Nothing special? Ok, I agree, but why did they lose many soldiers and their equipment?

There is a rumor that the commander of the operation was sent to hospital for the mentally ill people when he said that there was a military base in Antarctica. This could be the end to this story but there is a short part 2 called “Deep Freeze”. In 1955-1957 there was a second mission to this artic space. USA send again soldiers (1800 people) and  7 battle ships. There are theories that USA detonated a small nuke bomb there, because they couldn’t win with the foes.



  1. Conspiracy theories are very interesting. That's why I watched "The X Files" and "The Philadelphia Experiment" (1984) :) Very interesting serial/movie. I recommend them.
    But I thought you introduce more of these theories. And, of course, I would like to add some aliens to this. At least a little. For those who want more:

    1. These theories about I wrote here are already cut down to minimal size. For example in Operation High jump there is a theory that the foes in Antarctica were the nazi that escaped from Germany before the end of the second world war.

  2. I don't believe in these theories. Project Philadelphia is based on relations of the one witness. In my opinion better to be based on problems which everyone notices like terrorist attacks and wars.The public opinion mainly should deal with such problems and not make a mountain out of a molehill.

    1. If you "belive" that conspiracy theories are for sure false, then treat them as a good science fiction story ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Most of theories is make up. I don't know why people make such stories, but I guess that the main reason is trying explain some irrational occurrence. Certain people are doing it for short-lived fame.It's hard to say anything sensibly, about above stories. We can only speculate.

    1. >> (...) short-lived fame
      I don't agree. Most people who create such stories are treated anomalous. It's the worst kind of "fame".

  5. In every conspiracy theory there is a little part of it which is most likely true. People behind them are not stupid, in fact, they're trying to connect facts and clues and explain what could really happen, which is very likely close to what officially could happen, especially if government or other institute is trying to hide that fact.

    1. They see fragments of a puzzle, but they don't see the "picture". As you said most of these theories contain some truth but many things are connected in wrong order.

  6. I don't know whether to believe in these theories. People try to found any historical discoveries, I think it's good. Unfortunately often this theories are just myths and slanders.

    1. When it comes to history:

      This is an interesting article about Egipt archeology.
      It's half a conspiracy theory, half a scientist problem.

      The holes in monuments of Egipt were created so, that our current technology is too weak to copy these from past.

  7. I don't really believe in conspiracy theories, but most of them are very interesting, so I enjoy reading about them or watching movies or TV programs. Of course they sound unbelieveble, but imagine this - what if any of them is true?

    It's needed only one of this story to be real to turn upside down our idea of what can be possible. I think that make this theories so much intriguing.

    1. I give you the same link, that I gave to @Maciej Kaczynski

      It's about Egip archeology.

      tldr; "our technology isn't able to copy the shapes (holes etc.) from Egipt monuments created thousand years ago.

  8. I like conspiracy theories and I belive in some of them. Project philadelphia is very interesting topic. There is plenty of evidence that this is not a hoax
    There are a lot of documentaries about this:
    And they even created three movies about this event.

    1. Thank you for the links :) I will for sure watch these videos.

  9. Conspiracy theories are generally very surprising and unbelievable. That's why I like to read about such theories and think for a moment what would happen if it turns out to be true.

    But what else is the belief in such conspiracy theories. In addition, it is also difficult to verify the authenticity of presented facts in such stories.

  10. I will treat those theories as a good fiction because I don't really believe in such stories. I understand that there is a fog-of-mystical-awesomness around World Wars and I like to hear stories about some survivors, outstanding shows of bravery or about snipers that killed that many people that they were considered 'legends' but anyway those theories, the first one is a bit weird, never heard of it - was it really such a big mystery about that weapon ? I don't know. The second one seems more true because antarctica is a contested territory right ? :)

    1. Imagine that you could manage a ship that isn't visible for neither detection systems nor people eyes. It would be a dangerous weapon.

      As I mentioned in the second theorie. USA governement confirmed that there was a "visit" to antarctica, but there isn't clear what was the goal of this visit.

  11. Conspiracy theories is very interesting topic. Think that only after many years we will know something about nowadays operations. I like theories about some great peoples, live whose was unbelievable, like Tesla and his experiments.

    1. Yeah, there are many interesting theories about Tesla. The first I remember is that he created a machine that is able to get electricity from earths magnetic field or something like that(?) but he was angry about that nobody belived that it can work that he destroyed his project.

      The second theorie is that after his death nearly all his drawings and notes (with new projects) disappeared from his house.

  12. Those are the problems and subjects that will probably never be solved. It's very interesting to read about them but its hard to belive. This particular topic sounds like one from a fantasy book that I'm reading right now.

    1. "(...) some things can be untrue or maybe even they are entirely false and invented by a -> talented story writer."


  13. I think conspiracy theories are great to listen and very interesting, especially, in my oppinion, those about Nazis, Hitler and WW2.
    But when I hear incredible conspiracy theories, made up by some politicians, about their political opponents, and who's delusions starts affecting other people, I'm pretty horrified.

  14. Wow, the Project Philadelphia took my attention most! I like such conspiracy theories as they give me a feeling that there’s something extraordinary that rules this world ;). However, sometimes I get a feeling that conspiracy theories are springing up like mushrooms because people like to be in the limelight. By the way, the theory about reptilian-human hybrids who supposedly rule the world is at the same time amusing and intriguing to me ;)

  15. "The ones who weren’t mentally ill said, that they were teleported to year 1983."

    Yeah, sure, of course they were. I'm afraid to ask what did the ones who WERE mentally ill say.

    1. ehhh... It's only a CONSPIRACY THEORIE.

      Read the first paragraph of this article ;)

  16. As a kid I watched movie "Project Philadelphia" and I loved it! Such theories opens your mind, and helps get better perspektive on many things, still I don't think those stories are real. Still it is nice to read them ;)

  17. I never liked any mystery stories and I'm not a fan of any kind of criminal stories, thrillers and so on. Some people like to delve in to conspiracy and even try to find some evidences to prove it. I totally understand that everybody has some hobby. Even if I don't like those stories it's always good to read something about any topic and expand horizons ;) Actually I really enjoyed reading this article.

    1. Thank you :) As you said sometimes it's good to read something new.

  18. When I was younger I really liked to read every conspiracy theory. The fact is, that I still like to read them from time to time. Despite the fact that most of them are made up. Or maybe they aren't. It's interesting how many of theories are really fictitious. Maybe some stories are wrote down with a bit more imaginary taste with purpose, just for people to think that it can't be true. The darkest place is under the candlestick.

  19. I belong to those who like facts, so far it all sounds like a fairy tale, we might as well talk about dragons, vampires, or a car traveling to the past or to the future in Michael J. Fox in the middle.

    1. Yes we can, but nobody wrote an article about dragons :P

  20. I guess that some conspiracy theories are true, but most of them are
    exaggerated by some maniacs that have to have something stupid to believe in.

  21. Conspiracy theories are very interesting topic, because you never know what is truth and what is fantasy historians, but we are happy to hear that. To be honest - I'm not a big fan of historical stories and the project philadelphia I knew so far in name only. The whole story is interesting (maybe even a little unbelievable), and I regret that I can not boast of a similar curiosity
