Monday, 19 January 2015

Week 13 [ 19-25 January] Death penalty

Death penalty or in other words capital punishment used to be a subject of discussion or even a bone of contention in Poland and many other European countries. In that article I would like to shortly describe the current state of death penalty in the world and also show you advantages and disadvantages of that way of punishment for serious crimes.

Firstly let's see in which countries capital punishment is in use. If we focus on democratic countries, we will see that there are only a few countries, which use that penalty. It's for example Japan, South Korea, India and the most states of US. The greatest part of capital punishment's users are undemocratic countries - almost the whole Middle East, the most of Asian countries with China at the front and the only one European country - Belarus.

Secondly, let's see what  it looks like in reality. According to Amnesty International, only 21 countries were known to have had executions carried out in 2012.  Almost 90% from ~5000 executions in the world took part in the People's Republic of China. I have to admit that this number isn't completed for sure, because many countries are trying to keep real numbers in secret. Another important thing is that in US, or Japan people who had been executed were convicted of  serious crimes like mass murders. The situation is much different in China, Iran or Saudi Arabia.

Now I would like to focus on advantages of using capital punishment for its users. Death penalty is believed to be the best way to deter people from  committing serious crimes. We have to notice in Poland every prisoner costs the society more than 2000zł every month. If a prisoner stays in prison for example for 40years, the amount of money spent on him is enormous. The other reason why many people want to put the capital punishment to the law is the fact that due to CBOS’s surveys - 2/3 of the responders are followers of that.

On the other hand, at the moment it's impossible for Poland to put death penalty back to the law, because after such a move the country would be excluded from the Council of Europe and probably also from the European Union. The most common argument for people who are against capital punishment is the possibility of mistake during the investigation and as a result - execution of innocent person.

I don't want to convince any of you to death penalty. I know that I didn't mention many aspects of that problem - like religion,  historical background and many others, but I hope, I described shortly the general purpose and current situation of the capital punishment. I would be glad to answer all your question and I'm also waiting for your opinions about that problem.

What is your opinion about the death penalty?
Do you know any other for and against the death penalty?



  1. I am absolutely for introduction death penalty not only in Poland but as punishment in all countries around the world. The good point in above article is cost of money that government has to spend on prisoners. For prisoners it is kind of vacations without worries about the next day. I heard many times about situations like spoofed crimes. Mainly homeless people commits crimes to being closed in jail, because it is way better then living in the street. They have place to live and food.

    The whole judging process should be different. People who killed others with full consciousness and premeditation should being killed. The same with terrorists and serial killers. What is the point of keeping them alive in very good conditions?

    I understand that country known as catholic and religious will always fight against death penalty. It is never good to deprive of life anyone, but there are situations when people deserve nothing but that.

  2. I'm absolutely for death penalty.That penalty have pluses only ( maybe not for convicts ). It's cheap, fast and very good for society because we don't have to pay for that human trash. Moreover the others who thinking about commit crime will think if that action is worth that.

  3. Death penalty is a controversial topic. I'm against this kind of method.
    My religion doesn't alloved to kill anybody and I even don't want to think about and at someone's death.
    Nowdays there is no place for death penalty because it is unethical and uncivilized.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I can relate to what Katarzyna wrote. I am a Catholic and I treat killing as a sin (the life-defense is an obvious exception).
    On the other hand - when I hear about a notorious child-killer leaving the prison, I am thinking, that this kind of "animal" doesn't deserve to live and we can't allow it to hurt anyone else.
    It is a truly controversial topic.

    I guess that life sentences in maximum security prisons would be the best idea of coping with that sort of criminals.

  6. I totally agree with Karolina and Adam and I'm for introduction death penalty in our country, because like it was mentioned in article it's cheap form of punishment for serious crime in opposite to detain those people until the end of their life. I think also that death penalty could be really big bugbear for those who want to commit a serious crime and thanks to crime rate would decrease. This form of punishment should be used only where there is 100% certainty that this specific person is guilty, otherwise innocent people could be sentenced to death.

  7. I have similar view to s9397. This topic presented me with something of a dillema. Human shouldn't interfere in the others' life.
    But what about die-hard murderers, pedophiles etc.? Death penalty can be the answer, only in case of unchangeable hangman. Similar with pedophiles and castration, I think. These things aren't humanitarian for sure. But when someone is still dangerous, even if he served a sentence in prison, it's not okay for society.

  8. It is very difficult topic. I don`t like this method. For me it is not a punishment. Often court is wrong about the person subjected to the penalty. In this penalty we haven`t got place to error.

    In my opinion it isn`t dependent on religion this is our civilization. Respecting all of ours citizens.

  9. Oh boy, death penalty. That's a very controversial subject. I don't want to sound like someone who doesn't respect human life, but there are people who deserve nothing else than death. I mean, in my opinion, for what they did, some criminals shouldn't be even treated like human beings.

    But it's a double-edged sword. The problem with this kind of penalty is a risk of error and an ever-present chance of abuse by influential people/ organizations. It's like with any other penalty, but much, much worse in consequences. Like Agata mentioned, we can't afford to make a mistake here, otherwise we will kill an innocent person.

  10. I believe that in dillemas like this, we should not only listen to our own conscience, but open our minds a bit more and think about other aspects. For example - I believe no one here is a criminal; therefore we can't state for sure if death penalty is the worst form of punishment for mass murderers, terrorists, etc. Not all people fear death. I know this may sound silly because I'm definately not a criminal, but I'd prefer to be killed than spend my entire life in prison.

    The other thing that comes to my mind is the psychical state of serious criminals. Oft as not, people who commit serious crimes don't think clearly; sometimes they were molested in childhood, sometimes they survived a huge trauma, or they're mentally ill. Of course, I'm not trying to justify their crimes, I'm far from it; all I wanted to say is that there is a hope of resocialisation for these people.

    Of course, it costs money, which is another thing to consider. Personally, I like the solution executed in some countries - the prisoners there have to work for their food. They're given very simple, physical jobs to do, and they're not such a burden for normakl citizens.

    To sum up my long comment, I think that we should listen to some experts first; criminologists, sociologists, psychologists, psychiatrists... - and only after we'd be able to see the whole picture, we should make up our minds on such a hard topic.

  11. Capital punishment is very controversial topic but im totally for this kind of punishment. The first question is why we have to pay for someone who shouldn't be called human anymore? Death penalty is used just for the most serious crimes like a serial killers ,mass murderers or terrorists. People who commit such a horrible crimes don't deserve to live in peace and in good conditions. It's weird that people who are imprisoned have better conditions than people in hospitals.

  12. Like said Janusz Korwin Mikke "If we do not have a weapon against brutality we will not win with it..." Everyone who is planning to kill someone other should know that the punishment is severe. Usually only going to jail is enough, but not every time.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. In my opinion, the death penalty should be applied in countries with very liberal politics. If people can have a gun and can kill someone own weapons should also feel the responsibility of this act in the form of the death penalty. This is a difficult subject from the point of view of the moral, and the point of the church.

  15. I think, that death penalty is the only solution to punish criminals, who commited serious crimes. It's
    much chiper than holding such people in prisons and also shows victim's family that the justice isn't just
    empty slogan. The capital punishment also solves crimes, which are commited by such criminals
    in prisons - if they are convicted for annuity, they don't have anything to loose, so they are killing other prisoners.
    That are the reasons, why I think death penalty should be included in polish law.

  16. In my opinion, death penalty should be renewed in Poland and other countries. Because, the same as other people, I also think that death penalty is an effective terror for criminals. We can’t be sure that such a criminal will not kill again, even being in prison. At present, the biggest punishment a criminal can get is a life sentence, so it might not prevent him from killing, for instance, another prisoner or even a jailer.

  17. I think that the death penalty is a risky thing. Paradoxically through the death penalty can someone easily kill by framing the murder of another person. I believe that the safer option is a lifetime job.

  18. What is your opinion about the death penalty?
    Death penalty all the way. If someone is socially broken, I'm sorry, but it's not my fault. At the same time I would like to feel safe in the world that I am a part of.
    Poland is very religious. Surprisingly. We somehow think that killing is against our beliefs, on the contrary, killing was normal - crusades in the name of God. Everyone should start by reading your bible... You guys remember that there are more than one religion currently in power right?
    To the point though. Death penalty would be a safe barrier we need. Even in such a big city like Warsaw, there are parts that I will not go. And this is not a good.
    Do you know any other for and against the death penalty?
    I think you might accidentally a word. Against? Cruel? Not really. Painless and fast. We treat our livestock worse everyday.

    Question, since when life-defense situation allows you to kill anyone...? Someone is confusing religion with laws.
