Wednesday 26 November 2014

Week 8 (24-30.11) Mobile banking

Read/watch  the presentation Mobile banking published at and comment on/discuss  it here.


  1. I really appreciate the solutions that save time and amount of things we need to carry with us (like I mentioned in a comment on the article about modern payment options, I really like debit cards with NFC module - they save a lot of time, normally spent on turning your wallet inside out in search for the coins). I think m-banking is the next step - in the future we will be able to go outside taking only phone with us.

    My current phone doesn't have the NFC module, but I'd like to try it someday :)

    My only concern is that soon stealing your phone won't just mean losing your communication device, but will also give the thief the access to your money.

  2. I really don't feel the need to use banking application in my phone. Having a wireless debit card + some cash is enough. If we moved all our financial activities to our smartphones, we would be completely dependent on the devices. If it runs out of battery or it brakes or worse- gest stolen we would be in trouble Patrycja is completely right.
    I see another aspect of the topic discussed. Since everything nowadays is getting more and more mobile and wireless the ultimate point we are going to is the RFID technology – this could be revolutionary but also dangerous for our privacy.

  3. The trend of development of mobile banking is definitely good, but I have many doubts about safety. As a friend of people who work in this business I know how not secure it is, especially when they are working on some bug, and I just receive information from them that for instance today I should not use this application.

    Now when we have ‘paypass' debit card’s it is easy enough to pay quickly and with ease. For me the milestone was introducing PayU option in such portals like Allegro. The option of automatically forwarding to your bank account and autocomplete all fields like receiver bank account number, title of transaction and so on, for me is crucial.

    The same with authorization of transactions. I remember my first bank account when I have to use special card with disposable codes, but when codes on card were finished I could not make any money transfer, I had to wait for new card with codes. And it was replaced with text messages send to our phones.

  4. I don't have a need to use banking application. I try to reduce using my smartphone to the simpliest options.

    The privacy is the most important thing in financial transaction, and if mobile banking doesn't guarantee that, I wouldn't use it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Not long time ago I bought smartfon which have this function that you can pay using a phone.
    Unfortunately I don't trust this technology yet. Of course I know this mobile application has security system but I always leave somewhere my phone and I'm afraid to lose it.
    It is comfortale to me to pay all of my transaction using credit card because for me it is really save.

  7. Actually I`m use mobile applications for banking and I really like this. I discovered this when I have to make fast transfer my money and I haven`t got possibility to make it on computer. Mobile banking it is a very fast way to do transfer money. I`m able to check my bank account everywhere and it is very comfortable.
    If I loose my phone it isn`t problem for my safety because banking is locket by password.

    For me Mobile Banking is comfortable, safety and i very like it.

  8. Mobile banking is very common today. I have account in this kind of bank. I do not feel the threat, for example. steal money from my account.

  9. Personally I have never used any mobile banking method but I think that it may be useful, because all what you need is mobile phone and with this you can do all banking operations. I can see two problems in mobile banking first of them is that you can lose your phone, probably you can just block all banking operation from this mobile device, but still depends on application you might lose some money if money are bounded to this particular mobile device. Second problem is with battery like you may know current mobile phones consumes so much energy in short period of time that you may encounter a problem with payment if your battery went down to 0.

  10. Personally I don't use any mobile banking application because I just don't have a need for something like this (yet maybe? We'll see). But I understand that it's comfortable for those who require fast and easy access to their bank accounts. I do agree with some of previous speakers that using computer seems a bit safer, though I don't if that's true. It definitely feels more familiar (for me at least).

  11. Personally I don't use any mobile banking application. Recently I don't need these applications because credit card with paypass and internet bank account are sufficient for my needs. However, I do not exclude that in the future I will use these applications. Mobile banking looks comfortable in using, It allows us to control your spending and effectively manage your budget. These applications also have their drawbacks, such as safety and dependence on smartphone.

  12. I use mobile banking on a daily basis to purchase bus tickets, because it is a very fast way to do it. I also made bank transfers using a smartphone. I realize that it can be dangerous in case if I lose my phone that is why I have my bank account insured. I also had a problem with the payment for tickets once, because the battery in my phone discharged.

  13. As a specialist I know, that mobile banking is not really safe. All those touch pay and nfc etc are nice and all, easy to use, simple for everyone to understand (by understand I mean know what it is , sort of...) but on the other hand we have people on this world that are masters in what they do, and believe me, there are no boundries.

  14. I also use mobile banking app almost every day. I'm not affraid of any theft cause in my opinion is easer to take money from your wallet than form your phone, especially that you can have loads of secure systems not only on your phone but also there are many in the banking application.

    Mobile banking is easy and efficient and I think that banks will do everything to make mobile transactions safe to keep the clients and beacause they don't suffer from lack of money to make goos systems.
