Wednesday 12 November 2014

Week 6: [10.11 - 16.11.14] Internet of things

Internet of things

More and more people in the world have access to the Internet. In the previous year 72% of Polish people had the Internet in their homes. When we talk about spread of the Internet we should mention the term the Internet of things. Since these days everyone uses the Internet to contact with other people, do some research or just for some entertainment.

Nowadays, the Network is also used as a contact between a human and a machine. The connection between machines and the Internet without any help of a human being can occur a crucial solution. And that's the Internet of things. Do you thing that the Internet of things sounds like science fiction? Nowadays maybe yes, but maybe in a couple of years it will be nothing special to see a  fridge connected with Internet and it will contact the nearest shop to order missing products  to our home.  A shop which would work in the similar way could contact the nearest warehouse to order missing things.

It is estimated that by 2020 facilities connected to the Internet will have reached about 50 billion and it is because they make our life much easier. The Internet of things is so flexible technology that we can count many examples of its usage. Cars will send info to a petrol station informing it how much petrol our car needs.

An interesting example is also a road that has been covered with a coating sensitive to temperature. When the temperature falls below 0, on the road appear images in the form of large flakes of snow, which warn drivers against a slippery surface. In contrast to road signs which, after a period of time, are ignored by the driver.

What do you think about the Internet on things? Maybe you know some interesting examples of that technology?



  1. Adam Kaliński S936713 November 2014 at 10:54

    Internet of things lives and growing up. 15 years ago, nobody thought that TV can have wifi ( or even Internet by cable ), toaster makes toasts with information about weather on bread and the fact that the cellphone has to be charged every day. On the one hand devices which could comunicate between each other can be helpful i.e mentioned in article warning on road. But on the other hand out private can be ommited. Moreover when one device in chain broke down the rest of that must deal without this one. If not, can be problem or even danger.

    Toaster with WiFi

    Intelligent roads

  2. I think the internet of things is great! Just yesterday I got a new phone and was positively surprised that after I connected to my social media accounts, it automatically altered the look of all the applications and added existing data to my phone. I know it's nothing new, but it's so comfortable - not having to import and adjust everything by hand...

    Referring to Adam's comment, I don't think connection between any of the devices resembles chain - it's rather a web, so when one thing breaks, it's not a problem for the other devices to work properly (unless, of course, the problem is internet connection itself). And don't forget automatic data backups!

    Bigger problem is privacy - I guess everyone had a problem with unwanted facebook applications, publishing posts when you didn't want to? Not to mention (luckily, not occuring very often) data leaks on various services and sites... Fortunately, producers are aware how important data safety is, and try their best to avoid hacker attacks (sometimes, paradoxically, by hiring them so that they work for the 'good side' :))

    The example that comes to my mind are security systems, maintained my your phone or other portable devices - you can monitor everything while you're on holiday, and in case something happens, security company or police gets automatically notified. I think it's very convenient :)

  3. In my opinion we are at the age where the internet is around us and we are slowly gettig used to it. Wherever I go there are people around me with mobile phones in their hand and are texting all the time and conecting through wifi. For me it's ok to be surrended by smart gadget but I don't think it is necessary. Sometimes it is annoying when you want to meet with soemone and that person spends more time connected to the internet just to check mails.
    I think that it is worth to mention about building management systems. This is a really smart flat system and it is getting more popular in Poland.
    Maybe in the future all the people will be living in such flats.

  4. That is amazing how technology is used more and more in all machines around us. The internet of things is definitely huge leap for mankind. Of course as all of my predecessors I think that this is amazing and makes our life way easier. But despite of privacy problem in my opinion there is other problem. It is amazing opportunity to cheat. For instance the real value of content of the tank can be different then the showed one in the system. And here the seller can swindle bigger amount of money. This is only example of small problem, but when we will be deceived with all of such little things, it becomes a huge issue.

    Moreover it sounds perfect to manage all machines via phone, like setting laundry or the oven. It is very possible that fast enough our daily life will look like that. On the whole, still Poland is technologically underdeveloped in comparison to other countries. I hope that especially on this substrate things will change.

  5. Nowadays it seems to be almost impossible to live without any technologies. We’re constantly surrounded by them from all sides. Not only became it common, but also kind of essential.

    People got used to their smart-phones, laptops and some other devices that make our lives easier and, what’s more important, more comfortable. We’ve always been, maybe not lazy, but willing to simplify our lives by reducing time of executing duties in place of spare time. All technological progress has been made in order to lower the involvement of individuals, to allow them to use their time more efficiently in issues that can’t be done by sort of computers yet (I’ve set ‘yet’ here because with the speed that technologies develop, everything is just a matter of time). Could we negate all these developments, while it could just simply release us from unpleasant duties (such as filling in the fridge)? Wouldn’t it be marvelous to spend whole life focusing on enjoyment and delectation of life?

    The access to the Internet is currently granted for approximately 1/3 of the population and this number is still growing. With the development of ‘the Internet of things’ life without Net would become truly impossible. Personally, I don’t consider this issue as a negative one, because I believe that people have always been afraid of new unfamiliar things coming. Some time ago they were frightened at the very thought of computers at all so now they react the same when it comes to the new era of computerized world.

    In not really far future we’ll be using computerized fridges, fry pans, baby’s nappies and many other things that we use on a daily basis, in the same way that we’re now used to omnipresent cell-phones and tablets. Even if it’s still hard to believe, scientists list over 75 billions of goods that will be linked to the Web in less than 6 years. But certainly we’ll get used to it. Cause as it’s commonly said ‘when you’re through changing, you’re through’.

  6. Connecting many thing to Internet is interesting concept and might be very useful, but you will have to pay a price in form of your privacy even now when you are downloading application from google play, appstor widnows store you have in same application agree to reading your gps position, reading your sms and acess to many data from you mobile device. This data are usually gathered and can be sold for other company. You may think that is some kind of conspiracy theory but its true. At this summer I have created hotspot("free" internet access point) login system by using OpenId(login using facebook, twitter, google+, instagram and other social services) and If you want to use hotspot you have to give access to your social account by this I mean that this company can read all your data, post and also can write message to all your friends. But for all of this you have to agree and my advice is to read popup info when you want to install something or login to same pages by using facebook or other social media account.

  7. Sometimes it is scary when you realise, that you are surrounded by technology and you are getting more and more depending on it :) And technology is one important aspect, but there is also another one - electricity, that might be lacking. When for some reason, The electricity is cut off, it is simply hard to do the most simple things! And it's not only computer related activities, but also basis, like cooking, or even going out if you don't have keys and you always open your wicket using electricity ;)
    Going further, when I am thinking to take another step forward I am simply terrified! Because we will not only be dependent on electricity but also about internet connection (that is anyway connected with electricity and so on). And in this case, when it suddenly goes off, you will be unable for example to turn off lights in your home (in case you don't have 'real' switch and all you have is iPhone app).

    And yeah, I think that we should use the technology that is developing so fast, and make our lives easier because of it, but I don't think it is a cool idea to get so dependent on devices we use :)

  8. Internet of things makes our life easier. It's amazing that I need only one device like smartphone to control all things with internet connection. I am a big fun of new SMART things. These items can save our time and money. An example of such devce is Hive Active Heating, which manages our home heating.

    However, we must realize that it is all dependent on electricity. All devices require power to work properly and they need an internet connection to have some extra functionality.

  9. It's so incredible how fast the internet pollulates. Not that long time ago nobody even dreamt about things that the internet offers now, all the more, nobody has ever dreamt about smartphones. We can take it with us whenever and wherever we want to. We can do practically everything using this, including finding any important information by means of the internet and it takes us only few seconds. Personally I think it is something really amazing. I also wonder what people could think up for the next several years - it's very interesting ;)

  10. Internet on things makes our life easier. But I should agree with the previous speakers that it really interferes in our privacy. However, it mainly depends on us, which data we will provide to the given hardware. Internet on things performs many tasks for us, so we can have more time for ourselves. We should not waste the time we gain thanks to these technologies by watching TV and doing other inessential things. Therefore, we should consider whether it is worth to spend a part of our privacy on things, which we basically can do ourselves.

  11. In my life, I saw how internet growing up. I remember the beginnings of websites.In those days, not even imagined such technological progress. For me it is hard to get used to these technological innovations.
    I do not like when my data flow into the network. Same with the things connected to the network.
    Too much information about one person.

  12. Yeah it isn't nothing new, but nowadays humanity is addicted of Internet imo. Everyday we used to use a lot of technology which needs connection to provide us informations, make our live easier. I still remember times when we haven't got that kind of convenience and we didn't even imagine how fast Internet technology would grow and change our way of living. Community with other people (Facebook, Skype), news from whole the World,
    informations about weather, about traffics or even if what is in cinema today.
    I admit that I can't imagine live without Internet connection. And I have never said that I miss times, when I haven't it everyday;)

    But.. on the other hand our privacy is in extinction. And it is a little dangerous. Our localisation is known, our conversations, messages or even browser history and online shopping.
    And web camera in TV or laptop, everything could be send to unauthorized targets. To be honest I don't care about it a lot. I am just caoution what informations I 'introduce' to the Internet.

    I remember fact, about six months ago when I lost Internet connection in my TV. Reason was that some Samsung department in South Korea was burning. A little something to think about what is common between my TV and building in Korea.

  13. First, I'd like to say that I love the mentioned idea of intelligent road that warns the driver about the condition. It's really innovative but I wonder what display technology would enable this idea to be implemented. I'd rather anticipate some kind of internet feed that would be displayed on car's HUD display.
    A agree witch Adam – 15 years ago, in 1999 we didn't even have color displays in mobile phones not to mention the fact that almost no one had the TV other than CRT. Now we have 100% mobile internet coverage, IPv6 that has practically endless pool of addresses – the technology is here. Except the battery life, of course – which is crucial for the discussed idea :)

  14. @Cezary Góralski
    BIg companies always will be collected information about us and our live. You can not avoid that. For example Facebook track your movement on the Internet. But if you want to use new technology you should get used to it. :)

  15. @Marcin Konarski
    Yes, all of that things depend on electricity. But technology is going further and further. It is possible that in the future you dont have to charge your device because of very economical CPUs

  16. What do you think about the Internet on things?
    I've recentry made a speach on the internet of things. Rather than sharing detail, I'd much prefer to share some examples:
    1) smart homes - You walk up the door, and the house senses that it is You and opens the door for You, the light lit up, the music starts etc. I would love a have like that.
    2) Driverless cars - Google started doing it, but imagine if You could connect Your car to the petrol stations to see which one was the cheapest, or with some workshops to have Your car repaired etc.
    We're living in awsome times!
