Friday 17 May 2013

Week 8: The most trusted professions

Read the presentation The most trusted professions at and comment on it/ discuss it here.


  1. Occupations of public trust is something that is characterized by a variety of communities and groups of people that are involved in the research. The results are also affected region of the world, personal experiences and knowledge about the world and the problems we face on a daily basis.

    In one study in which I found the most trusted professions were: Doctors, judges, lawyers, notaries, legal advisors. In another study, they were: Priests, firefighters, police and military.

    In each of these studies suggest that the competition of public trust exist in the minds of everyone, but everyone sees them differently.

  2. It is sad, but I agree with data presented in the table. I say it is sad, because in my opinion we shouldn't put everyone to one box. In this specific case, if particular person change his profession from the politician to the firefighter will he be automaticly good person? We should see every person in particular, because not every doctor is trustworth, and not every journalist is to blame.

    In my opinion children choose they profession by influence of their parents, teathers, TV, games and society. If your mother or brother is a baker she/he is realy likes it, probably you would choose similar path. The same is with TV - many childrens choose their hobbies by influence of their beloved character from the movie. That is why we have to pay attention on what children are intersted in and help them to choose proper path for them.

  3. This table for me is strange. First of all, I can not imagine that the Poles think like this. The meetings at the school do not show respect nor a special trust for teachers. The same is with postmen and Polish mail in particular, including all kinds of couriers (I'm also not crazy about them). Perhaps I could agree only with the position of the firefighters. Strangely, it is very popular and untainted by any scandal professional group (they are so positive that it would not be surprised if they were controlled by the mafia :))
    Secondly, isn't it sad that the most trusted profession are, in fact, very poorly paid? This poorly proves what we value as a society.
    As for choosing the profession, I think there are very few people who look for to be useful to society, the main measure of money and prestige.

  4. These are jobs that should wake up the confidence of others, unfortunately, not always the case. I agree that the firefighters are in the first place, but when it comes to the second place I don’t agree. In my opinion in Poland is very few people who have put their trust in teachers and believing that his kid hit the right hands, any parent who is interested in the education of their children, whether it is the right teacher, but very rarely can find the teacher of vocation. When it comes to competition with the lowest confidence it is believed that these three should be found on it.
    Choosing a profession, depends on our personality, of our passions. It should be just our decision but unfortunately it is often a decision a parent, sometimes it is also the choice of the decision suggested friends or trend.

  5. I do not feel like I am trusting anyone because of his job. Period.

    I trust people not jobs. So I am sitting and thinking third quarter what to add and I can find nothing.

    Maybe one thing - I will rather trust doctor when I am ill than a fireman, and I trust fireman will deal better with fire than journalist. I believe there are even many politicians who are trustworthy - only problem is they are usually not very popular. People like to be told lovely lies rather than nasty true.

    And some jobs like judges, prosecutors, attorneys I would expect to be exercised by people with highest moral qualifications but it is just wishful thinking.

  6. I think, that this table doesnt apply to Poland. Actually, I think that this survey would be differ in every country. I think only thing in common, is that politicians and journalisty will always land at the bottom of the list. For example, according to this table Firefighters are most trusted proffesion. I don't have any reason not to trust firefighters, but neighter I dont see it as most trusted. Doctors in Poland are rather untrustworthy for me, as in Poland all medical care is in ruin.

    Children choose their future profession, based on what profession is popular, or seems to be cool for them. My choice of study was influenced by my natural predispositions

  7. I agree that trustworthy professions are important in the society but I would point out that in some case the trust is actually blind which is not good. It leads to authority worship and people believe the others because of their position not because they know more or have better ideas. For example, teachers who were mentioned in the table are trustworthy and people rely on their opinion but they do not know that they usually cross the boundaries. Teachers should not be asked about anything more than education. They should not be treated as experts in any other part of live. I mean that people should remember that someone who is trustworthy does not need to be trustworthy in every area of live. When it comes to children, I do think that they nor choose professions that are popular neither professions that are trustworthy. I just think that they choose those which interest them and in which they might feel comfortable and fulfilled. I hope so. This is how I made my decision to study what I study- I could not choose any subject that would not interest me and would be tiring for me because that would be just pointless.

  8. There are many professions that are really needed in the society, and I wonder why other professions, such as bakers, tailors, scientists, artists, are not listed in this table. Certainly, firefighters or doctors save people lives, but we also need someone to bake breads for us, make our clothes, or discover new drugs that can treat different illnesses.

    I think that nowadays television and the Internet have the biggest impact on children. For instance, one girl when she answered the question: ‘What do you want to be in the future?’, said that she wants to be a fashion designer or interior designer, because she likes watching Project Runway and Design Star.

    Also, my little brother dreams of becoming a researcher of plane crashes or a pilot, and definitely his fascination with those professions come from TV programs that he likes to watch, such as Air Crash Investigations.
