Friday 17 May 2013

Week 8: Climate Change

Read the presentation Climate change at and comment on it/ discuss it here. 



  1. It's hard to tell how it really is. I'm no scientist, but when I read some articles on this topic I have no doubt that people who write them have the necessary expertise.

    The information provided by the author shows that something actually our climate is going on. I also found information that in the 70s there was no global warming.

    The researchers observed a planet of over 20 years of global temperature drop, the diagnosis was one - the beginning of the Ice Age. Scientists immediately began to sound the alarm, in all media presented an apocalyptic vision of glaciation. This planet Earth in the 70 th century.


  2. In my opinion global warming is a huge scam. Pople live (and probably will live) on this planet way to short to make any difference which could not be defeated by the earth and nature. We could only make our planet not-to-live by people by poisoning the environment. In my opinion government and press should pay more attention to that topic. Going back to the point of global warming, did you ever think why we call greenland in so "sarcastic" way? Now this place is covered by ice and snow, but there was a time when you could raise animals and grow barley. So I think this temperature fluctuations are natural and will occur no matter what we would do.


  3. I do not feel competent enough to be able to properly answer the question if global warming is a scam or not.

    It seems to me that this phenomenon is not fully assessed and defined - one time people say about the warming, next time about increase of the amplitude of temperature, next time of increase the intensity of phenomena such as hurricanes or earthquakes. The slogan "global warming" is more intuitive than limited to specific research. Certainly, human activity has a significant impact on the environment, but it's all very complicated and complex process, and it's really hard to say what is a result of human activities and what is a natural change.

  4. I remember a popular lecture of All Gore, which led to the current concentration of carbon dioxide in air, it has much greater and no equal value in the known and possible to explore history of the Earth.
    For me, the media clamor is only a game of interests played by developed countries that must somehow keep the income of their scientists and expensive technologies while some new players dangerously fast develop their economies. Environment is only a playmaking center of geopolitics. By the way, does anyone of you know that voltaic solar cells are toxic waste? Not to mention the fuel from nuclear power plants. Disposal of waste from “green energy” sources in the future will be another profitable industry.
    Global warming is possible threat, but for me nuclear pollution is greater risk. Do you remember Fukushima. Does anybody publish results of the environmental impact of this disaster? Perhaps this is not the environment that matters. So I think we should stop making money by any cost.

  5. This is one of the most controversial issues that exist. The problem of "global warming" is in fact a very complex and attempts a clear answer to the question whether any, the process actually takes place, and if so, whether it is caused by humans, usually end in disagreement, even among scientists.
    In nature, there are no clear rules of the game and it is said that we have now a big drop in temperature. For peace must therefore await developments.
    There is no clear evidence that the person not particularly strong influence on the climate. Perhaps human activity impacts, along with the nature of that air becomes (or rather became) getting warmer, all the ecological argument that only we, as a species, we do this great evil is, however, a huge Freemason, lacking conclusive evidence. However, they are evidence of the influence of solar activity (which is cyclical), the temperature of the Earth. And the sun, people have not learned to modify.

  6. Global warming, global freezing, something is always going on. Our Scientists cannot even reliable tell me what weather will be in 2 weeks. So how do they know what are the processes that make climate to change?

    Science is very week tool. It is very dependent on money source, does not a matter if it is government or business. So I have limited trust in term "scientific".
    Climate is probably changing - I do not know I do not see it myself, but let us assume it is. But what kind of research was and could be done on the cause of those changes? I have not enough knowledge to deny hypothesis human civilization is cause of the trouble. But on the other hand I would like to know all those politicians who establish restrictive and economy freezing laws have such proofs available.

    This subject is pretty fragile. We have only one Earth to live, and we have to preserve it to our children. And it is better to be safe than sorry. But Europe will not save the world alone and will definitely destroy own economy trying to be green leader of the world. And may became solitude green fool of the world. In my opinion at this stage it would be much better to spend all those money on deep, comprehensive and convincing research rather than Co2 emission limiting. First things first. And then start to make even small steps together rather than large steps alone.

  7. Global warming is not scientifically prooved, it is only a theory. i dont want to put any statement if it is a scum or real deal because I'm not expert and I havent made much research on it.
    Global warming is very unclear issue, there are always dozen of theories on it, but all of them are caused by pollutions. I'm not sure what to think about this.

    But one thing I know for sure - even if it is scum, polluting our planet wont make us any good.

  8. As it appears to me global warming is hard to identify. Let's assuime it's not a scam because i am not an expert. We can all observe the growth of temperature, even though some information was hidden, and we should all be conscious of the fact how much it threats our society. Especially from the economic point of view- unless the temperatures stops rising, live will be much more costly than ever before in every country on the earth. The question is whether or not we have impact on this. A lot of people might say that the global warming started after the industrial revolution and it is us who are responsible for that but actually I there is no certainty about it. Nevertheless, if we are able to do something in order to help our planet keep its condition or even improve it by limiting the amount of fossil fuels used by us or decreasing the amount of CO2 in the air, we should do it. Even though there is no proof that it will help to stop the global warming, such actions won’t hurt our planet for sure.

  9. I have a little knowledge of the global warming, thus I cannot really say whether it is a scam or not. However, I think that we as humans have a huge impact on what happens to the Earth. Therefore, it must be something ‘strange’ happening to the Earth, because if everything was ok so many people would not constantly talk about the global warming.
